Images from some of the research, conservation, and film projects I've worked on.

Cinereous vulture colony population dynamics research in southern Spain.

Filming Wild Cuba.

Graphic design.

Monitoring white-throated dippers in Ireland to study responses to changes in land use and climate.

Field and filmwork on Anolis lizard behaviour and evolution in the Bahamas.

Filmwork for Wild Ireland.

Harpy eagle reintroduction in Panama.

Research and fieldwork on hen harrier ecology in novel environments and interactions with wind energy in Ireland.

Monitoring and reintroducing Ridgway's hawks in the Dominican Republic.

Filming otters in Ireland.

Long-eared owl monitoring in Ireland.

Studying solitary crowned eagle breeding ecology in Argentina.

Filmwork for Ireland's Wild Cities.

Fieldwork on little bustard ecology in Spain.

Monitoring kestrel populations in Ireland.

Fieldwork on cooperative breeding in ant-eating chats in South Africa.

Merlin surveys and monitoring in Ireland.

Seabird IBA fieldwork in the Balearic islands.

Breeding wader research and conservation in the Shannon callows and west-coast machair habitats in Ireland.

Fieldwork on red-necked nightjar ecology in Spain.

Barn owl monitoring in Ireland.