Google Collaborations
- Google Docs- collaborative documents, presentations (Powerpoints), drawings, spreadsheets, questionaires. I am going to make a link a Google Doc here while the workshop is on so you can see what happens.
- Google Presentations are REALLY easy to work collaboratively even if you don't have Google Apps in your school.
- People will be tweeting links to Google Docs of the keynotes at #ULearn12.
- We are all going to have a go at editing a creating a Google Presentation. At the moment you can't view it- I will show you how to change the permissions so we can all edit it. Add your Twitter name and bio.
- Google Plus- is sort of like Facebook but you can decide who is going to see what you post- you put your family, friends and acquaintances into circles. When you post you can decide which of your circles will get to see what you have written or posted.
- In Google Plus you can also 'hang out'- like Skype but with multiple videos going at the same time. Click on the link above to explore it more at a later date.