
When updating the Dev Aveza, starting a clean new game will always provide the most stable experience. To start a clean new game, remove your prior saves from your "Documents\My Games\Skyrim\Saves" folder before starting the new game. (These files may be saved elsewhere as backups.)

To install a major update to a game which had a previous version of the Dev Aveza, you may try the following steps instead:

We cannot confirm if a save where an external save game script cleaning utility is run without the 32 day in-game wait will function as well as a save with both the wait and the cleaning tool run, as Deapri always does both.

Please remember each time you update or unload and reload this mod in a single save game, there is a chance your flight experience will degrade. If you find your ship is unable to function as intended, we recommend starting a new game.

Hotfixes, patches, and other very small updates may potentially be applied without removing the mod from the save entirely first, but for most updates we recommend following the steps above.

As this mod is a work in progress, it is seeing fairly frequent updates. Save games in a modded game environment corrupt more easily than in an unmodded game. For optimum performance of this mod in your game, run it in a new game when updating.