Denton County Rehab

Denton County CERT provides rehab services to firefighters in several communities, primarily on the western side of Denton County. Our Rehab group is a subset of CERT members that have received additional training and volunteer their time to provide water, cooling, snacks, and other rehab services to firefighters on structure fires and larger grass fires.

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA 1584) describes rehab as the process of providing rest, re-hydration, nourishment, and medical evaluation to members who are involved in extended or extreme incident scene operations,

Firefighter Rehab Provides:

  • Improves performance

  • Decreases likelihood of on scene injury or death

  • Ensures that physical and mental condition of members does not deteriorate to point that affects safety of each member or that jeopardizes safety and integrity of operation

CERT Role in Firefighter Rehab

  • CERT members will provide critical service that directly affects health and safety of firefighters

  • Rest and recovery

  • Relief from incident,environmental conditions

  • Re hydration

  • Nourishment

  • Documentation

  • May assist with medical monitoring

Denton County CERT members interested in joining the rehab team can contact the Rehab captain or CERT Coordinator to find out when the next Rehab Orientation is scheduled. The orientation will introduce you to the roles and responsibilities of rehab and how Denton County CERT Rehab is organized and functions. New rehab members go along withe experienced members on rehab calls to see and participate in actual rehab calls.