Collective cell dynamics

Tissue dynamics

Developing embryos, regenerating tissues and cancer tumors grown in vitro offer fascinating laboratory systems. Experimentally, it is now possible to observe and decipher how cell growth and division on the one-hand and mechanical constraints related to cell attachment, incompressibility and outer tissue compression on the other hand result in the macroscopic evolution of the tissue

Microscopic, individual models are being developed and validated in collaboration with several teams of biologists. They offer ways to test hypotheses on the decision-making mechanisms that cells develop in their life cycle

Sperm cell motility

The turbulence of the semen liquid or massal motility, induced by spermatozoa motion can be observed through a microscope. It has been established that massal motility is an excellent fertility criterion for the semen sample in ovine species, while the individual spermatozoon motility is not. We develop models of collective sperm behavior and sperm-mucus interaction (right: picture of diluted semen).