Job opportunities

Open positions

There are no specific openings at this time but if you are interested by a PhD or a postdoc with me, please, contact me.

Filled positions

Funding: EPSRC standard grant

12 post-doc months renewable for another 12 months available at Imperial College, Department of Mathematics. Starting date: September 2016 or by negociation.

Position filled.

Funding: EPSRC standard grant

12 post-doc months renewable for another 12 months available at Imperial College, Department of Mathematics. Starting date: May 2015 or by negociation, Link to the advert page with details on the application process. Closing date: 11 February 2015 (midnight GMT). Position filled.

Mathematical approaches to study growth and growth termination in developing epithelia

Funding: The Francis Crick Institute and Department of Mathematics, Imperial College London

PhD fellowship jointly supervised by Jean-Paul Vincent (NIMR) and Pierre Degond (Imperial College). More information can be found by following this link. Closing date for applications: November 12th 2014, 12:00 GMT. Position filled.

Funding: Regional government of the 'Region Midi-Pyrénées'

12 post-doc months available at IMFT (PI: F. Plouraboué) in 2015, followed by 12 months in 2016 on a partner project on motion of cancer cells in epithelial tissues. Position filled.

12 post-doc months available at IMT for the period 2014-2015. Position filled.

Funding from the ANR

12 post-doc months available at IMT for the period 2014-2015. Position filled.

Funding from the ANR

24 post-doc months available at IMT for the period 2012-2014. Position filled

6 post-doc months available at HIEPACS INRIA-CERFACS position filled

Funding: Fondation de Coopération Scientifique 'Sciences et Technologies pour l'Aéronautique et l'Espace'

30 post-doc months available for the period 2012-2014. Position filled

Funding: ANR contract

1-Year Post-Doc position for 2010-2011 or 2011-2012: position filled

Funding: Fondation de Coopération Scientifique 'Sciences et Technologies pour l'Aéronautique et l'Espace'

1-Year Post-Doc position for 2010-2011: position filled

PICCADI: Particle-In-Cell methods for CAlculations of Disturbances in the Ionospheric plasma

1-Year Post-Doc position for 2010-2011: position filled

Funding: INRIA

1-Year Post-Doc position for 2009-2010: position filled

Funding: Université Paul Sabatier

1-Year Post-Doc position for 2009-2010: position filled

3-Year PhD-Grant (Allocation de thèse) for 2009-2012: position filles

Funding: ANR contract

1-Year Post-Doc position for 2009-2010: position filled

DEASE: Differential Equations with Applications in Science and Engineering

funding: European Research Council: program mEST (Marie Curie multidisciplinary Early Stage Training site)

8-month Post-Doc position for 2009-2010: position filled

Funding: ANR contract

Positions filled