Visiting Imperial College London


Postal address

Department of Mathematics,

Imperial College London,

London SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom

Telephone and email

phone: +44 (0)20 7594 1474

fax: +44 (0)20 7594 8517


cell phone (UK): + 44 (0) 754 788 4286

cell phone (France): + 33 (0)6 22 53 90 62


My office is located on the Kensington campus (main campus) of Imperial college.

Please, visit the Kensington campus web page for directions. A map of the South Kensington campus can be found here.

To come to my office, take the entrance at 180 Queen's Gate. The elevator is on the left-hand side of the entrance lobby. Go to the 6M floor (it means 'Mezzanin' above 6th floor and is marked 'M' on the elevator buttons). When exiting the elevator, go to the right and immediately after to the left. Walk the corridor down to its end, turn to the left again. My office, 6M38, is to the left right after the fire door.


Please, check the College web page. You may find cheaper accomodation in hostels such as Bowden Court. You can also contact me if you want tips for other (cheaper) accomodation.