Working Papers

Over-drilling: Local Externalities and the Social Cost of Electricity Subsidies for Groundwater Pumping, with Jesús Bueren, Hanan Jacoby and Pedro Mira, March 2024. Appendix, World Bank Working Paper.

Policy Evaluation with Implementation Delays: Evidence from a Home Upgrading Project with Meritxell Martinez and Virginia Melo, March 2024

Give Me a Pass: Flexible Credit for Entrepreneurs in Colombia with Lasse Brune and Dean Karlan, January 2024. World Bank Working Paper

Designing Index Insurance: Evidence from a Field Experiment with Shawn Cole and James Vickery, November 2023.

Information Disclosure and Demand Elasticity of Financial Products: Evidence from a Multi-country Study with Cristina Martinez and Rafael Mazer, September 2023. Appendix

Appropriate Technology Use and Autonomy: Evidence from Mexico with Carolina Corral, Aprajit Mahajan and Enrique Seira, December 2022. Appendix

Forecasting when it matters: Evidence from Semi-Arid India (appeared previously under the title "Rational Expectations? Evidence from Planting Decisions in Semi-Arid India"), with R.Townsend, and J.Vickery, December 2017.

Strategic Default in Joint Liability Groups: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in India" with Karuna Krishnaswamy, and Alejandro Ponce, November 2011.

Learning about Oneself: Technology Financing in a Tamil Fishing Village with Stefan Klonner. August 2009. 

Land Security in Rural Thailand: Evidence from a Property Rights Reform (an earlier version entitled "Cultivate or Rent Out? Land Security in Rural Thailand" published as World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 3734, July 2005), revised March 2007.

Work in Progress

"Competition in Mobile Money Markets: Evidence from the rollout of e-KYC" with Jessica Goldberg and Lore Vandewalle

“Standardization and Simplification of Credit Card Statements: Evidence from a Lab Experiment” with Edgar G. Cortés, Paúl A. de la Cruz, Pedro Giovanni León-Nájera, José Luis Negrin and Bernardo Ribeiro. 

"Long Term Impact of an Agricultural Extension cum Marketing Intervention: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Kenya" with Dean Karlan.

"Financial Literacy, Social Networks and Insurance Demand: Experimental Evidence from Kenya" with Arun Chandrasekhar, Dean Karlan and Muthoni Ngatia.

"The Price is Right? Measuring demand for rainfall insurance" with Shawn Cole and James Vickery.