Journal Articles
33. Efficient Irrigation and Water Conservation: Evidence from South India with Ram Fishman and Hanan G. Jacoby, Journal of Development Economics 162: 103051, 2023.
32. Experience in Financial Decision-Making: Evidence from Malawi with Jessica Goldberg, Journal of Development Economics 161: 103036, 2023. World Bank Working Paper
31. Banking with Agents: Experimental Evidence from Senegal with Sinja Buri, Robert Cull, Sven Harten and Soren Heitmann, Economic Development and Cultural Change 72(3), 2024. Appendix
30. Efficiency and Equity of Input Subsidies: Experimental Evidence from Tanzania with Shreena Patel, Bernardo Ribeiro and Ildrim Valley, American Journal of Agricultural Economics 104(5): 1625–1655, 2022. Online Appendix, Replication Files
29. Financial (Dis-)Information: Evidence from a Multi-Country Audit Study with Rafael Mazer, Journal of Public Economics 208, 104618, 2022. Appendix
28. Mission and the Bottom Line: Performance Incentives in a Multigoal Organization with Ghazala Mansuri and Slesh Shrestha, Review of Economics and Statistics 104 (4): 748–763, 2022. Appendix
27. Consumer Protection for Financial Inclusion in Low and Middle Income Countries: Bridging Regulator and Academic Perspectives with Seth Garz, Dean Karlan, Rafael Mazer, Caitlin Sanford and Jonathan Zinmann, Annual Review of Financial Economics 13: 219-246, 2021.
26. Money or Management? A Field Experiment on Constraints to Entrepreneurship in Rural Pakistan with Ghazala Mansuri, Economic Development and Cultural Change 70:1, 41-86, 2021. Appendix
25. Contracting Under Uncertainty: Groundwater in South India, with Hanan Jacoby, Quantitative Economics 11: 399–435, 2020. Online Appendix.
24. The Economic Effects of a Borrower Bailout: Evidence from an Emerging Market with Martin Kanz, Review of Financial Studies 31(5): 1752-1783, 2018.
23. Together We Will: Experimental Evidence on Female Voting Behavior in Pakistan, with G. Mansuri, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 10(1): 207-235, 2018. Online Appendix, Data and Documentation.
22. Revising Commitments: Field Evidence on the Adjustment of Prior Choices with J. Goldberg, D. Silverman and D. Yang, January 2016. Economic Journal 128: 159-188, 2018. Data and Documentation.
21. Are labor supply decisions consistent with neoclassical preferences? Evidence from Indian boat owners, with Monica Martinez-Bravo and Marian Vidal-Fernandez, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 142: 331-347, 2017. Online Appendix
20. How Does Risk Management Influence Production Decisions? Evidence from a Field Experiment with Shawn Cole and James Vickery, Review of Financial Studies 30(6): 1935-1970, 2017. Online Appendix, Replication Files
19. Savings Defaults and Payment Delays for Cash Transfers: Field Experimental Evidence from Malawi, with Lasse Brune, Jessica Goldberg and Dean Yang, Journal of Development Economics 129: 1-13, 2017. Data and Documentation.
18. Facilitating Savings for Agriculture: Field Experimental Evidence from Malawi with L. Brune, J. Goldberg and D. Yang. Economic Development and Cultural Change 64(2): 187-220, 2016. Data and Documentation.
17. Group versus Individual Liability: Short and Long Term Evidence from Philippine Microcredit Lending Groups with Dean Karlan. Journal of Development Economics 107:65-83, 2014.
16. How accurate are recall data? Evidence from coastal India with Francesca de Nicola. Journal of Development Economics 106: 52–65, 2014.
15. Barriers to Household Risk Management: Evidence from India with Cole, Shawn, Xavier Gine, Jeremy Tobacman, Petia Topalova, Robert Townsend and James Vickery. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 5(1): 104-135, 2013. Replication Files
14. Credit Market Consequences of Improved Personal Identification: Field Experimental Evidence from Malawi with J. Goldberg and D. Yang, American Economic Review, 102(6): 2923-2954, 2012. Appendix
13. Does a Picture Paint a Thousand Words? Evidence from a Microcredit Marketing Experiment with G. Mansuri and M. Picon, World Bank Economic Review, 25(3): 508-542, 2011.
12. Being surveyed can change later behavior and related parameter estimates with A. Zwane, J. Zinman, E. Van Dusen, W. Pariente, C. Null, E. Miguel, M. Kremer, D. Karlan, R. Hornbeck, E. Duflo, F. Devoto, B. Crepon and A. Banerjee, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 108(5): 1821-1826, 2011.
11. Access to Capital in Rural Thailand: An Estimated Model of Formal vs. Informal Credit Journal of Development Economics, 96: 16-29, 2011.
10. Eliciting Probabilistic Expectations with Visual Aids in Developing Countries: How sensitive are answers to variations in elicitation design? with A. Delavande and D. McKenzie, Journal of Applied Economics, 26(3): 479-497, 2011.
9. Measuring Subjective Expectations in Developing Countries: A Critical Review and New Evidence with A. Delavande and D. McKenzie, Journal of Development Economics, 94: 151-13, 2011.
8. Do Reorganization Costs Matter for Efficiency? Evidence from a Bankruptcy Reform in Colombia with I. Love, Journal of Law and Economics 53: 833-864, 2010.
7. Put Your Money Where Your Butt Is: A Commitment Savings Account for Smoking Cessation with D. Karlan and J. Zinman, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2(4): 1-26, 2010.
6. Microfinance Games with P. Jakiela, D. Karlan, and J. Morduch, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2(3): 60-95, 2010.
5. Finding Missing Markets (and a disturbing epilogue): Evidence from an Export Crop Adoption and Marketing Intervention in Kenya with N. Ashraf and D. Karlan. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 91(4): 973-990, 2009.
4. Insurance, Credit, and Technology Adoption: Field Experimental Evidence from Malawi with D. Yang. Journal of Development Economics, 89(1): 1-11, 2009. Also published as a World Bank Policy Research Working Paper December, 2007. Data and Documentation.
3. Patterns of Rainfall Insurance Participation in Rural India with R.Townsend, and J.Vickery.World Bank Economic Review, 22(3): 539-566, 2008.
2. Statistical Analysis of Rainfall Insurance Payouts in Southern India with R.Townsend and J. Vickery, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 89(5): 1248-1254, 2007.
Evaluation of Financial Liberalization: A General Equilibrium Model with Constrained Occupation Choice with R. Townsend, Journal of Development Economics 74: 269-307, 2004. Also published as a World Bank Policy Research Working Paper
Chapters in Books
The impact of social mobilization on health service delivery and health outcomes with Salma Khalid and Ghazala Mansuri, in "Towards Gender Equity in Development," Siwan Anderson, Lori Beaman and Jean-Philippe Platteau (eds.), Oxford University Press, 2018.
Use of Biometric Technology in Developing Countries with J. Goldberg, S. Sankaranarayanan, P. Sheerin, and D. Yang, in Robert Cull, Asli Demirgüç-Kunt and Jonathan Morduch “Banking the World: Empirical Foundations of Financial Inclusion”, MIT Press, Fall 2012.
Microinsurance: A Case Study of the Indian Rainfall Index Insurance Market with L. Menand, R. Townsend and J. Vickery, in Handbook of the Indian Economy, Ghate and Chetan (eds.), 2012: Oxford University Press.
Rainfall Insurance in Semi-Arid India: Contract Design, Household Participation and Future Prospects with R. Townsend and J. Vickery, in Weather Risk Management, Tang, K. (ed.) 2010.
Wealth Constrained Occupation Choice and the Impact of Financial Reforms on the Distribution of Income and Macro Growth with R. Townsend, in Toolkit for Evaluating the Poverty and Distributional Impact of Economic Policies II, F. Bourguignon and L. Pereira da Silva (eds.). The World Bank, June 2008.
Credit Constraints as a Barrier to Technology Adoption by the Poor: Lessons from South-Indian Small-Scale Fishery with S. Klonner, in Globalization and the Poor in Asia: Can Shared Growth be Sustained?. M. Nissanke and E. Thorbecke (eds). Palgrave Macmillan. April 2008.
Why Does Access Matter? Impact on Growth and Poverty Building Inclusive Financial Systems: A Framework for Financial Access, M. S. Barr, R. Litan, and A. Kumar (eds.), Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, October 2007.
Evaluation of Financial Liberalization with R. M. Townsend, in Macroeconomic Policies and Poverty Reduction, A. Mody and C. Pattillo (eds.), London:Routledge, January 2006.
Other Publications
Mystery Shopping for Financial Services with Rafe Mazer and Cristina Martinez, CGAP, 2015
After the MFI Crisis: Assessing the role of government-led microcredit alternatives with J. de la Torre and T. Vishwanath, Economic and Political Weekly, 47(18): pp.73-77, 2012.
Peer Monitoring and Enforcement: Long Term Evidence from Microcredit Lending Groups with and without Group Liability with D. Karlan, mimeo, January 2008.
Evaluating Microfinance Program Innovation with Randomized Control Trails: An Example from Group Versus Individual Lending with T. Harigaya, D. Karlan, B. T. Nguyen, ERD Technical Note #16, Asian Development Bank, 2006.
Weather Insurance in Semi-Arid India with H. Bie Lilleor, R. Townsend and J. Vickery, 2005.
DrumNet Case Study, February, 2005.
Outreach Material
" Use of Biometric Technology in Rural Credit Markets: The Case of Malawi ". in Innovations in Rural and Agricultural Finance, Kloeppinger-Todd, R. and M. Sharma (eds.), IFPRI 2020 Focus 18, 2010: IFPRI Washington, DC.
" Experience with Weather Index-based Insurance in India and Malawi ", in Innovations in Insuring the Poor, Hill, R. and M. Torero (eds.), IFPRI 2020 Focus 17, 2010: IFPRI, Washington, DC.
Finance and PSD Impact Notes
"Empowering Farmers to Adopt Agricultural Recommendations", September 2020
"The Pros and Cons of Agent Banking: Evidence from Senegal", May 2018
"Designing Wage Contracts in Multi-goal Organizations", January 2018
"You Get What You Ask For: Testing Information Disclosure in a Multi-Country Study", November 2017
"The power of standardization : testing information disclosure in a multi-country study", October 2017
"Barriers to Entrepreneurship in Rural Pakistan", August 2014
"Financial Disclosure in Mexico: Evidence from an Audit Study", July 2014
" The Impact of Commitment Savings Accounts: The Case of Malawi ," August 2011
"Using Biometric Technology in Rural Credit Markets,” May 2010
" Evaluating the Efficiency of a Bankruptcy Reform ," May 2009
" The Promise of Index Insurance ," March 2009