
A. Estimation from Complex Surveys

The following are Stata codes for implementing inference (i.e., construct point-estimates, standard errors and 95% symmetric confidence intervals) on standard inequality and poverty measures as well as linear regressions when the data come from stratified. clustered samples with large numbers of clusters per stratum.

The method is based on a bootstrap refinement where statistics are made pivotal by standardizing with analytical standard errors, derived in Bhattacharya (2005, 2007).

The following programs can be downloaded and then run from the user's own directory. For example, if that directory is called C:\Debo, then simply open your dataset in stata, type "adopath++ "C:\Debo"" and then use the command.

For troubleshooting, please contact Ms La-Bhus (Fah) Jirasavetakul (

  • Linear Regression Command: regref
  • Poverty Measurement (FGT): fgtref
  • Inequality Measurement (Gini): giniref

B. Lorenz Dominance Tests (implementing procedures described in Barrett, Donald and Bhattacharya, 2013), courtesy Garry Barrett, University of Sydney

Download the following files (by clicking on the down-pointing arrow on the right) to the directory C:\ado\personal; type "help ldtestmp" in Stata and follow the instructions