Discrete Choice and Welfare Analysis
Integrability and Identification in Multinomial Choice Models, current version 11/2024, Forthcoming, Journal of Economic Theory
Incorporating Social Welfare in Program Evaluation and Treatment Choice, joint with Tatiana Komarova, The Review of Economics and Statistics, vol 1., pp. 1-45, 2024.
Demand and Welfare Analysis in Discrete Choice Models with Social Interactions, with Pascaline Dupas and Shin Kanaya, The Review of Economic Studies, 91(2), pp.748-784, 2024.
Nonparametric Approaches to Empirical Welfare Analysis, Forthcoming, Journal of Economic Literature
The Empirical Content of Binary Choice Models, Econometrica, 89(1), pp.457-474, 2021.
Estimating the welfare gains from public schools in rural India, with D., Kjelsrud, A. and R. Somanathan, R. 2021, Sankhya B, 83, pp.430-443.
Applied Welfare Analysis for Discrete Choice with Interval-data on Income, with Ying Ying Lee, January, 2019, Journal of Econometrics, 211(2), pp.361-387
Empirical Welfare Analysis for Discrete Choice: Some General Results, Quantitative Economics, 9(2), 571-615, 2018. Slides
Nonparametric Welfare Analysis for Discrete Choice, Econometrica, Vol. 83(2), 617-649, 2015. Slides
Intergenerational Mobility and University Admissions
Inferring Trade-Offs in University Admissions: Evidence from Cambridge, with Julia Shvets, Journal of Political Economy, 132(11), pp. 3737-3784. 2024.
Are University Admissions Academically Fair?, with Shin Kanaya (Aarhus) and Margaret Stevens (Oxford), Review of Economics and Statistics, 99(3), 449–464, 2017.
Click here for earlier version assuming Selection on Observables
Click here for an overview article, now published in Vox.
A Nonparametric Analysis of Black–White Differences in Intergenerational Income Mobility in the United States, with Bhash Mazumder (Chicago Fed) Quantitative Economics, 2, 2011
Treatment Assignment Problems
Evaluating Treatment Protocols by Combining Experimental and Observational Data, Journal of Econometrics, 173(2), 160-174, 2013.
Inferring Welfare Maximizing Treatment Assignment under Budget Constraints, Journal of Econometrics, 167(1), 168-196, With Pascaline Dupas (Stanford), 2012. Working Paper Version 14447, NBER, 2008.
Inferring Optimal Peer Assignment From Experimental Data, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 104(486), 2009.
Analysis of Survey Data and Income Distributions
Inference in Panel Data Models under Attrition Caused by Unobservables, Journal of Econometrics, 144(2), 430-446, 2008.
Asymptotic Inference from Multi-stage Samples, Journal of Econometrics, 126(1), 145-171, 2005.
Textbook exposition in Jeff Wooldridge, Econometrics of Cross Section and Panel Data, 2nd ed., chapter 20.4, MIT press
Winner of the 2006 Arnold Zellner Award for the best theory paper published in the Journal of Econometrics in the previous two years
Inference on Inequality from Household Survey Data, Journal of Econometrics, 137(2), 674-707, 2007.
Econometric Theory
A Permutation-Based Estimator For Monotone Index Models, Econometric Theory, 24(3), 795-807, 2008.
Bhattacharya, D., 2004. Seemingly unrelated regressions with identical regressors: a note. Economics Letters, 85(2), pp.247-255.