Reunion News E-Mail, May 5, 2011
We've found over 100 classmates! Now we need your help.
Greetings DCHS Class of 1971,
First, the OLD NEWS -
In case you missed the last Class of '71 Reunion News e-mail, you need to know -
1) The dates for our 40th Reunion have been set. Save the dates -
Friday, September 30 and Saturday, October 1.
2) We have a class web site where more details can be found. It's here -
3) Old Reunion News E-Mails are being posted in case you miss them. They're here -
Second, the BIG NEWS -
We've found over 100 of our classmates! But, we want to find them all. So, we need your help!
The numbers below show how we are doing. The links are to a list of classmates in each group.
Please click on a link, look over the list and see if you can help us find the missing.
40 - Classmates missing. We would really like your help here!
And if you can get any of the following 70 folks to check in, we'd appreciate that, too!
70 - Classmates we think we've found, but are working to verify.
Look closely folks. There are 12 of you who will receive this note who are on the list of classmates that we'd like to verify. We'd really like to be sure of your address and phone number. And if we don't have it, we'd like to get your e-mail address. If you find your name on the above list, please contact us.
103 - Classmates found and verified! No action needed here.
27 - Sadly, we know of this many classmates that are deceased. Take a moment to remember.
69 - We've spotted 69 classmates on Facebook. For the fun of it, here's the list.
Here's how you can Contact Us -
Facebook: Deep Creek SeventyOne
Facebook Group: Deep Creek High School Class of 1971
Our Facebook Group is already helping many of you to get back in contact with old friends! We will try to keep class phone numbers, addresses and e-mail adresses confidential.
Phone: (757) 447-7102 (Messages Only, we will return your call!)
We're looking forward to a great Reunion! But first, we want to find everybody!
For, the Class of 1971 Reunion Committee, thanks,
Ellen Lane Dozier
Kathy Hughes Rice
Bob Ketcham