開催目的 / Aims and Scope

本共同研究は、数式処理(計算代数 (Computer Algebra) や、より広い意味で、計算機で数式・数学情報を扱う技術や方法論)の算法・システム開発・応用の各分野で活躍する研究者が、未解決問題の提起、萌芽的アイデアの紹介、最新の実装状況の報告、他分野との連携等に関する討論を行い、数式処理研究の今後の展望と方向性を検討することを目的として開催するものです。





We organize this workshop for examining prospects and future direction of computer algebra research through discussions on various topics, such as raising a new open problem, introduction of exploratory ideas, reporting latest implementation, application to other areas, by researchers in computer algebra and/or those who are working on algorithms, system developments and applications in handling mathematics or 'mathematical' informations on a computer in broader sense.

Researches on computer algebra have contributed new results in fields related to mathematics and computer science so far. Furthermore, recent development of researches have enlarged their focus to broader range of applications including engineering, biology, education. Such interaction brings new themes and broaden the scope of computer algebra research. Thus, it is desired to increase communication between researchers in computer algebra and application fields.

Therefore, this workshop aims to communicate between especially young researchers in computer algebra and researchers from different fields to share their ideas more closely to examine the prospects and future research directions.

Research topics discussed in the workshop include, but are not limited to, the followings.

Embryonic ideas and/or research results are welcome.