Welcome to the UC Davis Medical Center Partner, Spouse and Family website! PSF Network is an organization affiliated with UCDMC that supports resident and fellow families.

Is PSF for you?

Yes! PSF is a membership organization made up of a mixture of men and women working inside and outside of the home, families with or without children and parents-to-be. PSF Network's focus is to provide support and a social outlet for spouses, significant others, and children of residents by offering a variety of social, intellectual, and recreational activities.

Why join PSF?

1. We need you.

2. We think you might need us.

3. It's fulfilling and fun!

Residency life involves unique challenges and adjustments for the whole family. PSF Network is here to help ease the adjustment into residency life by providing a supportive social network of people who understand these challenges through their own experiences. Our organization affords members a chance to meet and connect with other people who are dealing with similar challenges (crazy call schedule?!!).

A few more specific benefits to joining PSF Network:

  • Access to event details listed in our secure BAND app providing dates, times, and locations of all our events. See our About Us section for descriptions of past events.

  • Become familiar with the Sacramento area and what it has to offer including reliable referrals for doctors, dentists, childcare, and other necessities.

  • A chance to help the community by participating in philanthropic projects.

  • The chance to meet other people experiencing the same life situation (it isn’t always easy and we know it!) and to create new lifelong friendships for you, your spouse, and your children!

We strive to meet the needs of all spouses, significant others, children, and residents. Our membership fee is only $25 per family for the year, and the membership form can be found on the Resources page of the website. Please contact us if you have any questions!

Again, welcome to UCDMC! We look forward to getting to know you!

Shannon Clouse


PSF Network President

Testimonials:"When we found out we matched to UCD and Travis Airforce base, we were elated. Then it hit that we didn't know a single soul. I was moving with a toddler and a new baby, and my husband was overwhelmed by all of the demands. I was so happy to hear that there was a support system in place. I was nervous to meet people and to start relationships from the ground up. But I am so glad I took the leap! This group has been such a huge role in support, feeling normal in a world that is so different, and love that I needed so badly during this journey. I couldn't have done residency without it!"-Shawna, Vascular Surgery Spouse, 2020
"Coming from a military assignment where we experienced deployments and TDYs, I knew how important it was to surround myself and my family with support. This has been a fantastic group to help transition into residency and has turned into my family away from family. With playgroups, events and outings, I can always look forward to do something fun for myself and kids." - Stef, Surgery Spouse, 2019