SanghaFest News

SanghaFest is currently on hiatus.

"[With] admirable people as friends, companions, & comrades,

one can be expected to develop & pursue the noble eightfold path.” ~ SN 45.2

Photos below from SanghaFest 3, a local daylong practice & social opportunity in April 2015, at the Davis UU Church

The Davis Insight Group,

along with local Buddhist groups

Bird Path Zen Community, Fresh Breeze Sangha, & Shambhala,

are pleased to host this

annual day

of practice & socialization

for local Buddhist practitioners.

Davis SanghaFest 3
meditating at SanghaFest 3

This day of shared practice

included chanting,

sitting and walking meditation

in styles of the different traditions during both the morning & the afternoon,

and a mindful meal at noon

with time for socializing and conversation.

mindful meal at SanghaFest 3
Kinhin: walking meditation at SanghaFest 3