The Addison Times

The Addison Times 2020

You will see that this year’s Addison Times is a lot shorter this year. As you know, pages three and four give an account of our travels. There are no pages three and four this year because we haven’t been anywhere except to the supermarket. One unexpected benefit of Covid is that Fiona cuts my hair now and not only do I save money, but she makes a better job of it too! There may not be any travels in this edition but there is an account of a very special birthday.

The Addison Times 2020

The Addison Times 2019

In this year’s edition you can read about our travels to Austria and Cyprus and nearer at home, to Chester. We also travelled to some locations in Scotland in the course of researching my current book. Find out what that is inside! (Exploring the SWC300 came out in May.) The home improvements are finally completed and I hope that’s the end of that sort of nonsense. In addition, you can find out about the other sort of things we and the family got up to during the year.

The Addison Times 2019

The Addison Times 2018

What a year 2018 has been! In this edition of the Addison Times, you will discover news about a certain choir concert at London's famous Albert Hall, our travels around Austria, Germany, Croatia and the Algarve, tales of some major home renovations, literary developments from Sorrento to the South-West of Scotland, and much more besides! You can read about all of these developments by accessing the PDF using the icon below.

The Addison Times 2018

The Addison Times 2017

Here are the events of 2017 crystallised into six lavishly-illustrated pages and in a new location, my website. Perhaps it will be here next year too if I am spared. Who knows?

The reason it is here this year is because it has been a special year in at least three ways I can think of off the top of my head. That’s why it’s a bumper edition and too big to send as an attachment. But don’t despair – it may be longer than usual but it’s not even half as long as one of the chapters of my books and it’s brighter than ever with even more photos than last year's. Shouldn’t take you longer than eleven minutes! That’s a minute each for Fiona and me, Elaine and John, Richard and Charlotte and the five grandchildren. You can surely spare that out of your busy lives can’t you!

It’s caused me no end of grief and it’s only thanks to my friend, ancien eleve and publisher, Dr Tom Christie, that you are able to read it at all. Well done, Dr Tom! Merci mille fois!