
Research Interests

Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning and Information Retrieval

Specific topics:

PhD Students:

Bachelor Theses

Reviewing and Scientific Responsibilities :

I've been invited to participate as a reviewer for some journals and as a member of program committees for different conferences and workshops.

Most significant ones:

Member of the mentor board for the student mentorship program at ECIR 2016

Member of the Steering Committee for SemEval-2020 and SemEval-2021

Member of the Scientific Committee of the Labex EFL

Member of the jury for the best PhD thesis prize (prix de la meilleure thèse) ATALA 2019

Member of the Steering Committee for Human Language Technologies of the AFIA (French Association for Artificial Intelligence)

Guest evaluator for the Frontier Science 2019 Call (Conacyt, Mexico)

Senior Area Chair for NAACL 2022 (Sentiment Analysis and Stylistic Analysis)

Area Chair for COLING 2022 (Sentiment and Opinion Mining track)

Scientific Dissemination:

Active Research Projects:

Previous Research Projects:


Invited Talks:

Awards and Grants:


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