Mental Health:

DISCLAIMER/NOTEATION: I AM NOT A MEDICAL CLINICIAN NOR A LICENCED MEDICAL CLINICIAN OF ANY SORT IN ANY STATE, NEITHER NC NOR OTHERWISE: (so therefore, the following information is for informational & educational purposes only)

(Nonetheless though, I will be compiling a list of things here that I've found to be very helpful to myself & hopefully others too as well subsequently).  Suicide Crisis Line (SMS, Webchat, & TEL). - Many a night I have used their help (via chat primarily) during an SI crisis. (AA for our local area around here, they came to the hospital to pray & do testimony with us & it was very moving). (explanation: Dwayne has really helped me out of a bind transportation wise before & I've also seen him & his brother take great care of others too, it certainly took a large load off my mind mentally when the events where we interacted occurred; so certainly a big KUDOS is in order for both him and along with Huffman's Garage too as well.