The Strongman - His House, His Goods and His Armor

Read: Luke 11:14-22 from a couple of different translations.

Lead Question for each section:

What stood out to you from the video segment? Any favorite quotes? Anything confuse you?

Supplemental Questions:

Section 1 - HCSKL 2011 - Day 38 - (1:54:30 to 1:58:43)

1:54:30 - What kind of ministry is the church neglecting when it comes to helping people handle rejection and other hurts? What kind of ministry do we emphasize instead?

1:55:25 - How can the devil give us a false sense of accomplishment when we emphasize ministry to feelings?

1:57:10 - What is the strongman? Have we gone after the wrong strongman?

1:57:50 - Who is the strongER man? What does Jesus say about this stronger man? (John 8:31-32)

Section 2 - HCSKL 2011 - Day 38 - (1:06:16 to 1:09:54) - Here is the testimony that Dan just mentioned...

What is being resisted in the hearers? What is inciting this resistance? Why does truth stir up the enemy so?

Section 3 - HCSKL 2011 - Day 38 - (1:58:26 to 2:11:03) - The teaching continues...

1:59:45 - What is the palace that the strongman guards?

2:00:30 - What disrupts the peace of the strongman's goods?

2:03:45 - How does the lie reproduce itself into the next generation?

2:04:40 - What are the strongman's goods?

2:09:30 - What usually causes us to look for "another way"? Why is looking for "another way" so futile?

Bonus Section - HCSKL 2011 - Day 38 - (2:13:20 to 2:17:50)