Authority Retaken - Man Recommissioned

Read: Mt. 28:16-20 from a couple of different translations.

Lead Question for each section:

What stood out to you from the video segment? Any favorite quotes? Anything confuse you?

Supplemental Questions:

Section 1 - HCSKL 2011 Day 35 - (12:02 to 16:17) - Starting at Mt. 28:18...

12:10 - How is Jesus connecting His "all authority" - His reclaimed authority to us? What is He asking us to do? What connection is there between His statement on His authority and the very next thing He talks about? Why can we do what He is asking us to do?

14:05 - Where did that authority come from in the first place? And when was it surrendered to the enemy?

15:20 - What kind of mess were we born into? And what are we born again into?

Section 2 - HCSKL 2011 Day 36 - (2:24:28 to 2:29:35) - To Luke 4:5...

2:26:15 - Who does the earth belong to? And what did God give to man in the garden with regard to the earth?

2:27:00 - What was the devil's proposition to Jesus? Why would it be tempting?

2:27:55 - How did Jesus respond - in the moment and through His life?

2:28:25 - How is that authority reclaimed?

Section 3 - HCSKL 2011 Day 35 - (18:18 to 23:42) - Back to Mt. 28:19...

18:35 - How could Jesus not be offended and indignant after His disciples abandoned Him? What do you think made that possible?

19:20 - What authority are we going in?

19:50 - How is the great commission like the creation and original commissioning of man back in Genesis?

21:30 - So is this authority and commission limited to the apostles? Is He talking about disciples like you and me? How do we know that?