Day 48
Water Baptism
0:20 - Water baptisms for the class. Baptism with understanding. I don't preach re-baptism - once we get more understanding we get re-baptized. Christening - more of a dedication by the parents. You don't need to be baptized every time you get fresh revelation. You are going to grow your whole Christian life. Double dipping.
5:20 - Meaning of baptism - Sincere faith and a commitment to God - I embrace this gospel - your grace - your love for my life. My life is yours. All that is mine I give to you. I die in the likeness of your death so I know that I can rise in newness of life.
5:40 - When and why to be baptized -
8:20 - Baptism - an outward expression of an inward grace.
10:00 - Infant baptism - I encourage everyone who was baptized as an infant to be baptized when you have understanding. Even if you are walking in the supernatural - even if you are a pastor.
10:35 - Baptism in the Bible - preached right with the message of salvation.
10:50 - Pastor of 19 years wanted water baptism. He was anointed, born again. His life was transformed.
12:00 - Dan baptized in communion - I didn't know if it was legal. Jesus met me when I came up. I was marked. Most intimate experience. My heart was before God. Nobody else was there. Baptized as a little boy - Brethren Church - because I was at the age. That's why I slipped under the water when I did because I didn't know what I was supposed to do since I was already baptized back then.
➡ 14:15 - Tomorrow - Baptisms after the break.
15:00 - Baptisms in Alaska - in the cold. Die.
16:40 - No bubbles.
Spiritual Gifts
➡ 18:20 - TODAY - Talk about gifts for a little bit today and also give an opportunity for questions.
18:40 - Opening prayer - Thanks for the joy in our hearts... Thanks for the grace to live this truth...(more)
20:35 - Gifts - We have so much teaching on gifts and prophecy, words of knowledge, etc. I believe that the gifts flow out of - are encompassed by the person of Holy Spirit. He has every one of the gifts. They are in Him - they are who He is.
Holy Spirit & Communion with Holy Spirit
21:30 - Communing with Holy Spirit - Talk a little about fellowshipping with Me - communing with Me - the person of Holy Spirit.
21:45 - Fellowship with the Holy Spirit - I talk to the Father and with Jesus and I talk to Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit is predominantly the voice you hear. He speaks on behalf of both. Jesus said that Holy Spirit doesn't speak on His own but what He hears - Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. - John 16:13. He is directly communicating the Father's heart and wisdom to us.
22:25 - The person of Holy Spirit is with us and in us. He represents the person of the Father. Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. - 2 Cor. 3:17. They are three in one. The voice you hear is flowing through the Holy Spirit. He's your best friend. He has spoken on behalf of Jesus, on behalf of the Father. Holy Spirit has talked to me first person and referenced the Son and the Father.
23:45 - Wife burned - Dan, He (Jesus) really likes it when his kids go for the finished work.
24:20 - Fellowship of Holy Spirit - mentioned by Paul twice. 2 Cor. 13:14 - Phil. 2:1. Sense of oneness among believers through that true communion with Holy Spirit.
25:20 - Unity in the Holy Spirit - Waking up for the same reason.
25:35 - Commune with Holy Spirit - Get to know the Holy Spirit. Don't be afraid to talk to Him as a person. Holy Spirit, I appreciate you in my life. Thank you for revealing Christ... (more) (Good Morning Holy Spirit - Benny Hinn - good book. Appreciating Him. Communing with Him.) (more)...
27:00 - Praying to the Father in Jesus' name - You have access to the Father through the Son, that's why Jesus says that. He wants you to see the relationship. He's the mediator to the Father. But Paul wrote by inspiration that we all have fellowship with the Holy Spirit.
27:45 - Praying in the Spirit - is edifying because of the awareness of His presence - the awareness of His inhabiting you - there's one living on the inside of you and He speaks.
28:10 - In your fellowship with the Spirit, the gifts are released when they are needed. You don't even have to totally understand them. We live by grace. And as we get to know Him, who He is just starts to manifest through our lives. And it's a learning experience.
28:40 - Communing with Holy Spirit after saved - Worked 2nd shift. I would barely come out of my bedroom. I didn't let other things go. I turned the clocks to the wall. Jesus, Friend Forever... for hours. I had a Friend forever. It's not just knowledge to me. It's my reality. I feel the Lord hold me the whole time when I talk about this intimacy stuff. I just want to know you - is the motive of my heart. And somebody is going to see that I have been with you. If I seek you in the secret, You will see me there and reward me in the open. No more fear or anxiety.
32:30 - Wife's identity struggle - Didn't keep me from Him - You're just saying that because you are supposed to. 6 year period. In all of that, nothing kept me from Him. I grew so much in that season despite what was going on. Nobody knew what was going on under my roof. It was satan coming in to try to crush her identity. I didn't get condemned. It was not what I was doing wrong. It was just affliction.
35:00 - Sounding like Job's friends in time of affliction.
35:30 - People called me - People used to call me and be broken over things that weren't even a fraction of what we were going through. They were calling me for help. Why? Because I was so OK. Sleeping well every night. At peace. Not in fear for my spouse. Knowing that somehow, someway it was going to work out. Jesus is Lord. Not begging constantly...
36:25 - We already have all the knowledge we need - We need to know Him - The best thing you can do is get to know Him like that and not be in a hurry. You don't need any more knowledge. You don't need another sermon. You have enough inside you to transform the world if it becomes our reality. I think what this school was all about is just to get such a conviction in us that unless we are from the place of knowing Him and being known by Him, our knowledge is (just) going to be knowledge. Knowledge was never intended to take the place of knowing Him. Is knowledge helpful, useful? Yes. We are to grow in these things. But it's through knowing Him - through relationship.
37:20 - All the gifts are in Him - I don't feel like I am supposed to talk much about the gifts in a way where you are pursuing the gifts separately from knowing Him. If all the gifts are encompassed in the Holy Spirit and He lives in you, then you have them all.
37:40 - 1 Cor. 14 - We're just going to look at the first line or two.
37:50 - Is it right to desire spiritual gifts? Absolutely. Are we chasing after gifts? No. I want you to see the order of it...
38:20 - 1 Cor. 13:13 - And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity. - Faith is where you live from. The whole goal of our instruction is love - through a pure heart - sincere desire for change in your heart, not wanting to live for yourself, wanting Jesus to be the dominating factor in your life. - 1 Tim. 1:5. Sincerity. I can sincerely want to know Him.
39:45 - Heart cry for God - Not getting into striving to know God. It's by grace. Expressing a heart cry to know Him... (example). It's amazing how grace will meet that heart cry and make it yours.
40:30 - Things that interfere and distract - worries, tomorrow. Live today. You have everything you need encompassed in Holy Spirit. Get to know Him and you'll get to know you.
41:25 - See yourself one with Him - We see ourselves apart from Him in our pursuit of Him. The desperation to know Him is because we are seeing ourselves apart from Him.
41:50 - His voice is edifying - Don't ever let teaching expose where you are not. Let it inspire where you are heading. "I've got a long way to go." No, you've got a wide open door to where you are going. It's always edifying. If you are not hearing in an edifying way, you are not hearing by the Spirit of the Lord. God's not smacking you down. He is lifting you up. In the process He might expose a lot of lies and weaknesses but He always points to the way.
42:40 - God doesn't enable bad habits of relating - This is why we often struggle so. It's unlikely that you will meet Him in that place (struggle, striving, self-condemned) because God doesn't want to teach you to be in that place (that good things happen when approaching Him in that way). We put Him in a place sometimes, where He wants to do things but if He does them in the way that we are pursuing Him, He will enable us to stay the same and not change. And we will think that that is the way that God works.
43:25 - He's a good Father. He's not raising spoiled kids. The strength of His love allows Him to not enable - the truth of His love.
43:40 - Pressure to know vs. privilege to pursue - First of all, He wants the pressure off of you. If you feel pressured to grow and know God more, that's a trap already. You are privileged and encouraged to know God more. The door is open wide. "Yeah, but I'm not getting it fast enough brother." Shhh. He is already in you and you are coming to the knowledge of truth. You need to start there.
44:30 - Encouraged because of how I see - I'm always encouraged and excited about Jesus. It's because of what He has done to my eye (perspective). Even during the period of wife's identity struggle - 6 years - you would have never know what I was going through. I didn't wear that on my face. I wore him. I didn't see that for how it seemed.
45:25 - Wife's identity struggle - voice (cont.) - "She's really holding you back. I'm just going to take her with me." Talking as if God. "You won't have to hold back. You won't be concerned with the affairs of a wife. It would be easier if I just take her." That voice for 2 months. Hearing that when I was going in to pray. So crafty, subtle, deceptive. If you don't have a healthy identity and are not filled with the word, that voice starts making sense to you.
46:55 - Prophecy of filling heart with the word - "Because you have filled your heart with my word, son... I've got you on the lathe. I'm breathing away the sawdust. Several years from now I am going to put you in my bow and shoot you like an arrow..." - everything that is happening in my life - "city to city, sowing seed, stirring up fire." You prepared yourself by filling heart with word.
48:25 - Voice that spoke as the Lord - That truth is what brought me through (wife's identity struggle). My mind was listening to this stuff. It seemed like God. Speaking as if it was the Lord.
49:00 - Many examples of people who listened to that voice and received it. It's happened to a lot of people. Books - How God took my spouse.
50:00 - That voice gets you to put away your sword. Above all taking the sword of the Spirit... - probably a reference to Eph. 6:16 combined with Eph 6:17. So if it is above all then the enemy wants to get it out of our hands. If you are the enemy, you want the sword out of the Christian's hand so you don't get decapitated.
51:20 - Wife's identity struggle - voice (cont.) - Satan was trying to get the sword out of my hand. I didn't realize until she was seizing. Peace never left my heart. Lord this voice just doesn't sound like you. Seizing for an hour. Liability suit?
53:40 - Liability suits - People standing for their rights at the cost of other - holding others liable. The measure you judge others with is the measure you will be judged by. When you hold others accountable for their mistakes, your mistakes are before you.
53:55 - Wife's identity struggle - voice (cont.) - Doctor upset at treatment. Potential lawsuit. I'm OK. Lord I need to hear your voice. "Mercy." I knew that it was the devil trying to sound like God - setting this thing up. Mercy triumphs over judgement. Went home. Kids - it's going to be OK because of God's mercy. She woke up and was fine.
56:40 - Mercy seat - When you hear a language that's not mercy, it's not God. The one thing that satan can't defeat is the mercy of God. Because His blood is on the mercy seat and Jesus sat down on the mercy seat in confidence. He's there forever on behalf of flesh. Know that lest you be afraid. Don't be afraid. I'm not leaving you. I'm going to release mercy. Mercy is what you don't deserve.
59:15 - He's a Man - flesh and bone body on the mercy seat.
59:50 - Intercession - not necessarily prayer but the position of the heart. How you see. All a form of intercession. Keeping your heart in a position of truth. My tears can be intercession.
1:00:30 - Motive in intercession - Not what you say but why you say it - The "why behind your life" determines the release of the power of God. It's not what you say, it's why you say what you say. That's why we say all of the right things many times and get very little results in many cases. Because we are saying what we're saying for all of the wrong reasons - self-serving - fear - anxiety - despair - selfishness. You can quote the right things and not see the right results or you can live from the wellspring of love.
1:01:05 - Love is the greatest form of intercession - It always believes the best. It doesn't rejoice in iniquity. It always forgive. Love never fails.
1:01:20 - Become His heart - Love - Forgiving and retaining sins. We carry His heart through the earth - not just power, anointing, miracles. Everything flows from that place.
1:02:20 - Faith works through love. True faith is found in love. So don't be a Christian. Become His heart.
1:02:50 - How you become love - Through communing - How do you do that? Commune, alone. It's all about you being sincere and wanting Him. I can never try hard enough to live like God is. But I can get alone with Him and long to be as He is. Longing to live by the Spirit and flow like He flows. I so thank you that I am more than your choice. I'm your child... (more) It's all life giving. It's all "Yay!"
1:04:10 - Wife's identity struggle - Pastoring through that time (cont.) - Not pressured. It's all yay.
1:04:40 - Human reasoning - Pressure through human reasoning. The closer you get to Him the more that voice of reasoning is unraveled - rendered voiceless. Your mind gets renewed.
Pursue Love - Desire the Expression of His Love (Gifts)
1:05:00 - The gifts flow out of this place (of His love). Let's read it...
1:05:20 - 1 Cor. 14 - Pursue... God is love. Am I pursuing the gifts? I am pursuing love with the desire for the gifts. If you are just pursuing the gifts, something will get weird. You will be weighing how you are not flowing. And when you do flow, it will be affirmation and identity for you instead of all flowing out of your identity.
1:06:05 - Pursue love and in that love, desire all that love is. And one of the greatest expressions of love are the gifts of God's Spirit towards humanity - the supernatural gifts. The more that your heart becomes one with God, the more that He can tell you anything. Because it's like telling Himself. And He can trust Himself.
1:06:40 - God would show me where wife was - After saved. Where she was and what she was doing. Drinking. Doing herself bad. Getting into trouble. If you think that someone else can do you bad, you are already in trouble. God did you right. When I was at work: "Right now your wife is... specific details." And I would intercede for her. God, I thank you for my wife. I thank you for forgiveness... (more) I would take her face before the Father and intercede. "Dan, do you know why I am showing you these things?" "Yes, so I can pray." "No, I am showing you because I can." You'll respond like me. I made you to respond like me. I made you in my image to subdue the earth. Until you respond like me I can't show you everything. You hear and see like me..
1:08:40 - It wasn't about responding in fear. "She's where? Oh, no. Shaba-shaba. Pray for my wife." Why would He show you things if you won't hear it like Him? Why would He entrust you with things that you don't see through His heart?
1:09:30 - God would show me (cont.) - "Yes, so I can pray." No, because of who you have become. So out of that being you can do the right thing. He purified me. Love.
1:10:25 - Walk in love - You can't find love without finding Him because He is love. There is no love without God. You want to walk by the Spirit? Walk in love. We get spooky about walking by the Spirit. It's a position of the heart. Walking in love covers it all. It's right here - 1 Cor. 14
1:11:05 - v.1 - Pursue love... and then Paul goes into a whole chapter on tongues and prophecy. What's first? Pursue love but desire spiritual gifts. In my pursuing of love, I have a desire for it to have full expression.
1:11:30 - v.1 - Follow after charity, and desire spiritual gifts, but rather that ye may prophesy. - Best gifts - but especially that you may prophesy.
1:11:40 - 1 Cor. 12:31 - But covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way. - Sincerely, earnestly desire the expression of who He is through the expression of your life. Don't see it as a gift package. It's the person of Him. It's the expression of Him. The gifts are the attributes of who He is. What's the greatest gift? Him and knowing Him. And all that He is begins to flow out in expression and hits the mark at the right place and at the right time. Don't see the gifts as little separate presents.
1:13:00 - Chapter 12 is all about the gifts and the importance of the body and the gifts flowing and working together to express the fullness of who He is. Different gifts. This chapter is chocked full of the expression of God - what we would call the gifts of the Spirit.
1:13:40 - The greater gift - Holy Spirit encompasses all gifts and He's in you - So at the end of the chapter he says to earnestly desire the best gifts, greater gifts. The greater gift is the one that is needed at the time. If you don't believe that all of the gifts are encompassed in the person of the Holy Spirit, you are going to think that a specific person needs to be here now because she has that gift and that you don't. [Scenario - not having gift] The truth is, I am not limited. It's in me because it's in Holy Spirit and Holy Spirit is in me.
1:15:00 - Want gifts? - First become love - And I have desired the best gifts through pursuing love - through that desire for the full expression of the revelation of love in my life - gifts will automatically will flow. And it's not a striving or works thing.
1:15:35 - Most pursue gifts with no pursuit of love - Many people get a lot of teaching on gifts and feel like they are lacking or are unspiritual if God doesn't move through them. How are you in drawing close to Him and receiving His love if you think there is something lacking in you? And you are only OK when He finally uses you in a supernatural way.
1:15:50 - Pursuing gifts to feel good about yourself - And then when He does move through you in that way, you are telling every one because it makes you feel better about yourself. And then you are wondering when it is ever going to happen again. Don't live that way. Live in Him.
1:16:10 - Earnestly desire... Be sincere - to express Him through your life - not so that you affirm yourself and know that your life has value but because He is in you. And He loves the world around you. And He can love through you because you are in touch with love.
1:16:30 - Desire the best gifts - the ones needed at the time.
1:16:35 - And yet I show you a more excellent way - He's not limiting you to the expression of the gifts separate from who He is. He's not just getting you to identify yourself with the greater gifts. He's saying look, it's good to desire the gifts but I am going to show you a more excellent way. And then he talks all about love and becoming love. Which means that all of the gifts flow freely through the position of love.
1:17:00 - Faith & Gifts - Where does faith come from? Knowing God. Knowing His love. Faith is the spontaneous result of my love with Him. Because I know Him, I trust Him. I know His nature. I know His heart. I know His heart in the situation. I know His "yes and amen" in the situation. I am not TRYING to have faith because I know what the Bible said and now I am trying to believe it. Faith works through love. I'm in love.
1:17:45 - Faith vs. Striving - I see Him - His nature - His heart - His desire for humanity. And when you see a situation, faith is the spontaneous result of love. It works through love. I'm not TRYING to have faith. I'm growing more in His love. Or need will just drive us and whip us like a cattle rancher into a corner and get us striving to pray harder and try harder because there is so much need and everybody is dying. We get driven by need and heartbreak and peril. We feel under the gun - we better get this quick. And all of the sudden it's a method - a release of power - a doctrine fulfilled - instead of a life changed because of love. But it's free (in the sense of not being driven) in every circumstance - free in the face of life.
1:19:00 - Working through us to subdue the earth - Gospel is not preached this way. No, you and I are becoming like Him. He look into our hearts and sees Himself. And two become one. And He works with who He is in us to subdue the earth because it's why you are created.
1:19:30 - So we are going to desire spiritual gifts and yet I am going to show you a more excellent way. So he writes a whole chapter on love - Chapter 13. At the end of the chapter he says - And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity. - 1 Cor. 13:13. The greatest of these is love. Without love there is no faith - there's no platform for faith.
Gifts & Intimate Communion
1:20:00 - Gifts flow through communion - In the next chapter - Chapter 14 - to further nail this topic down Paul talks about prophecy and tongues and putting it all in order - the way it flows in a service and how it works in your personal life. So he ends chapter 12 saying that he is going to show us a more excellent way and he speaks that way all through chapter 13. And then he starts 14 by saying, "Now that you understand this, you see where you are at. You are not pursuing gifts, you are pursuing love and desiring gifts." In my pursuing of love, I desire that all that He is in that love, manifest through my life. That is how simple it is to be in position to flow by the Spirit of God. It's all in your communion with Him.
1:20:50 - Prophecy - If you become one with Him - if you become one with His heart, you will be amazed how much you actually prophesy - you say what God says - It's divine utterance. Prophecy is divinely uttered word. So it's speaking by the Spirit.
1:21:15 - Getting caught up in the phenomenon of prophecy. [Scenario] We compare to others. We get under pressure when we see how it flows in others lives. No, that just shows what's available. The key is we can ALL flow in that because it's encompassed in the person of Holy Spirit and it all flows out of love and that's what we're becoming. So all of the sudden all I have to say is good things. All I have to do is speak out of faith and encourage and edify. And every time I speak it's the prophetic power of God upon your speech. You are blessing and not cursing. You prophesy more than you realize when you are in that place because you are saying what He says.
1:22:20 - Jesus only said what the Father said - John 12:49-50. That means that everything that He said was divinely uttered. It was all prophetic.
1:22:30 - Become love through communion - Grace meets faith - So it's time for all of us to become love - getting in a quiet place and not being in a hurry. [Picture of communing] I'm not in a hurry. I desire to know you... (more)... I might not even be praying a lot of words. But I am expressing a lot of heart and a lot of heart motive. And God is meeting it all with a lot of grace. And he is fashioning and molding and making all of those things that are real in my heart - true in my heart - reality to my soul. That's how faith works. That's how you are transformed.
1:23:50 - Not living for self - And your heart is - I don't want to ever live for myself. I don't want to live for me. The only reason I am here is that I don't want to live for me. I so want you. Possess me. Consume me...
1:24:20 - Possess me - I open myself to you - Everything is trying to possess you. If anything is going to possess me, drive me, compel me it's going to be the Spirit of the living God. I'll be possessed by no other - not even my own will or understanding... I open myself to you...(more) Spiritual union, communion - it's not a weird, sexual kind of thing. Come into me and leave the seed of who you are...(more) I am not communing to feel good. I'm going in to communion to become like Him - to know Him - because to know Him is to love Him. And to love Him is to become love.
1:25:40 - BREAK
1:25:45 - Participant's prayer update
Words of Knowledge
➡ 1:26:45 - One last thought on gifts... words of knowledge and then we are going to answer questions.
1:28:00 - Not backing down - Forward in faith - Not backing off in healing - even if you don't see results - continuing to move forward in faith. It seems like you walk into a greater grace and revelation because you don't back off.
1:28:30 - Words of knowledge - Same type of thing happens with words of knowledge. Sometimes we hold back because we do this war thing in the mind - "Is that really God?" The worst you can be is wrong. And the way you approach people... "I'm looking at you and I am getting the impression... does this make sense? Do you have any of this going on?"
1:28:45 - Step out in faith - If they answer no, don't think that you blew it or that you don't hear the voice of God. Rather... Father, I so want to hear you. And I obeyed that as if that were an impression from you... There is a selflessness in that. You're not ashamed. You're willing to have God flow through you. You're willing to put yourself in that position. There is something about that statement alone that is really important. You can sit all day waiting on complete assurance that a word of knowledge is from God - No, you step out in sincerity and faith. The worst you can be is wrong.
1:29:25 - Todd's words of knowledge. He's not afraid to be wrong.
1:29:50 - Love people - Speak out impressions - It's all about loving people. It's impressions. And you would rather talk to them and be wrong than walk by and be right. What good does it do to walk by and be right? No, even if you are wrong it still opens up the door to a conversation and you will be amazed how people will ask why you were even asking that. "I'm growing in the Lord and looking to hear His voice... I won't know until I test it out. I didn't want to walk by you and be right. I thought I would ask you even if I am wrong." It speaks to people. God can speak through little impressions.
1:31:20 - It's not about you being wrong. It's about loving people and growing in the truth.
1:31:40 - The integrity in stepping out.
1:32:00 - Just speak it out - Dan recounts participant's word of knowledge - If your heart is sincere and you're in love you might be amazed at how what you say is prophetic. You need to just speak it. You can wrestle all day over whether it's from God and accomplish nothing. Just speak it out. You've got nothing to lose. You are not going to defame the gospel. You can't - the gospel rocks.
1:33:00 - The worst that you can do is to show someone that you are trying to care the best way that you know how - learning to hear. If you are sincere, you'll come across sincere.
1:33:00 - Scooter lady - At the mall - friendly lady in scooter. When I asked to pray, she totally transformed - no go away. Tears fill my eyes. You can't mess up. Broke down crying. Prayed. Stood up different. Held me and wouldn't let go.
1:35:10 - If you are conscious of you and what you are doing wrong and why did she reject me... that's why you need to get alone with Him and die. That's the part that is stumbling the expression of who God is. Because it can't flow through you. It flows through Him in you. And you see yourself in Him. It's just that relationship - relationship is huge.
1:35:45 - In summary - Don't hold back - Don't hold back with little impressions. You might be amazed at how, when you are in fellowship with God, pursuing love, and sincere... you might be amazed at how much it is just not you.
1:36:10 - [Example scenario]
1:36:40 - It will increase as you step out.
➡ 1:37:10 - Questions?
1:37:10 - Participant's testimony - Word of knowledge - I experience what you just shared - I knew what she had been going through. Cried for her. Mother's cancer.
1:39:10 - Small encouragements - Smallest seed can grow into the largest tree. Small encouragements.
1:39:50 - Participant's testimony - wanting to pray for man in cast - pay for his meal - spiritual constipation - didn't do it. Someone already paid for it. "I don't need you to do my will on the earth. You get to be a part of what I am doing. But if you won't be obedient..." (someone else had done it.)
1:42:20 - The privilege to co-labor with God. It's a blessing to be able to flow the heart of God into humanity. God is going to do that because He is God. He is going to flow through someone because someone will let Him. But we have the honor of being that person.
1:42:45 - Privilege - Not burden - It's not like - "I've got to do this." No, I get to do this. No pressure. I get to love someone in the name of the Lord. The Spirit of God wants to flow through me and touch someone and make their day better because of Him living in me.
1:43:20 - You will have impact - Participant's birthday phone message to Dan. We are sure glad you are alive. The world is a better place because of you. If you see the reason you are alive, and if you see the privilege of that and walk in that, that kind of phone message is the response of the world around you.
1:44:00 - So live to love - It has nothing to do with responsibility, need to, ought to, should. It's who we are. It's the funnest place in the world - to live to love.
1:44:25 - Living for self = rat race. Even if you win you are still a rat.
Forgiveness & Healing
1:44:50 - Mark 2:5 - Can you help me understand where Jesus forgives sin and heals? -
1:45:15 - The reason they accused Him of blaspheming is because they only saw Him as a man and only God can forgive sins. But honestly, can God only forgive sins or can we? We can. Jesus commissioned us to. He is the way, the truth and the life. And He came to the fall of man, to the hour of darkness, to a time where men were blind and deceived - He came to His own and they knew Him not. Why? Because their way had been so twisted through sin. They looked nothing like they were created to look.
1:45:40 - Jesus our model - Jesus modeled a life we were created to live. But when He modeled that life they were so twisted that they were like, "What planet did you come from?" Jesus came representing the Father. We reveal Christ - we're the body of Christ. So if He forgives sin, we do too.
1:46:20 - Commissioned to forgive - John 20:23. Everything flows from forgiveness. Why are people healed? Because there is a mercy on the earth to forgive.
1:46:35 - [Retelling the story of the paralytic] The same grace that forgives is the same grace that heals called the body. The blood for the act of sin forgives you. The flesh paid the price of the effects of sin (in our bodies) and we go free. Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed. - 1 Peter 2:24.
1:47:15 - Forgiveness and healing go hand in hand - Not the same person - Why? Because is there is a repentence and a change of heart you are no longer the person that did that and there is a remission of sin. And said unto them, Thus it is written, and thus it behoved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day: And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. - Luke 24:46-47.
1:47:30 - Repentance & remission of sin - We haven't done a good job with that. We've turned it into a prayer to go to heaven. We got side tracked into a prayer to go to heaven and have not preached - repentance - change the way you think - and remission of sin - washed away completely.
1:48:05 - [Story continues]
1:48:25 - What was the fuel behind the healing? The willingness of God to forgive.
1:48:35 - James 5:14-15 - Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, The prayer of faith, not need saves the sick. It's knowing Him. and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him. - To be forgiven is to be healed. To be healed is to be forgiven. It's the same grace. Don't take the cup without the bread. Don't take the bread without the cup. It's the new covenant - the body and blood. Forgiveness releases healing.
1:49:45 - Forgiveness and healing for the whole world. 1 John 2:2. This is why an unbeliever can be healed. Because God is in a position to forgive.
Bronze Serpent - Sin is Removed
1:50:20 - Bronze serpent on a pole - Even as Moses lifted the serpent in the wilderness, so shall the Son of Man be lifted up - John 3:14. Why did God tell Moses to lift up a serpent in the first place. Because the people repented - "We have sinned." Put a bronze serpent on a pole. Any one who looks at it will be healed. Why? Because anything hanging on a pole... God took what was killing them and put it on that pole. They knew the curse was over. Faith rose in their heart and they were healed.
1:52:00 - What was killing them was cursed by God and it can no longer have any power.
1:52:10 - So shall the Son of man be lifted up... - John 3:14. For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. - 2 Cor. 5:21. So what did God put on the cross - His Son or sin? He put His Son on a cross but made Him to be sin. Did He curse His Son or did He curse sin? God cursed sin in the flesh - Rom. 8:3? and sin shall have no dominion over you - Rom. 6:14. What was killing us has now been cursed by God.
1:52:40 - We have been freed from sin. We are not getting what we deserved. We are getting the mercy of God. And healing can flow through that revelation. If you are judged as if you have never been in the fall, then how can how can the fall bite you?
1:53:10 - Division in the church over the will of God to heal - Why? And the LORD said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live. - Num. 21:8. Even as... so shall - John 3:14. Jesus is on a pole and sin is cursed and the will of God is that we look and see and understand. We are destroyed for a lack of knowledge - Hos. 4:6. We're more ready to argue than to humble our hearts and believe. Fallen nature of man. Needs to die. We are needs driven and frustrated. Our circumstances don't agree with that but He still said it.
1:54:25 - If all that were bitten and looked at the serpent were healed, then why wouldn't all that were bitten by sin be healed. Why wouldn't it be the same for us? You can't let your circumstances change what He said. You've got to let what He said become our reality and change our circumstances.
1:55:00 - In summary - answer - It's the same grace - to be healed is to be forgiven.
1:55:10 - He didn't ask to be forgiven. Jesus was making him free from the fall of man. God sees him as if he'd never sinned. So be healed.
1:55:40 - We are to be that to a broken world - And Jesus said to us "Follow me." As the Father sent me, so I send you - John 20:21. That's why we become one with Him in love and then we won't disdain men through first impressions and bias. We'll see people for who they are.
* * *
1:56:00 - Rich young ruler - See people through Jesus' eyes - The Bible says that Jesus looked at the rich young ruler and loved him. [Meaning of the story] He wanted the best of both worlds. Jesus knew what the stronghold was. Jesus wasn't fault finding. Your life is more than what you are holding onto. If you will let it go and lose that, you will find you. If you lose your life, you'll find it. He loved him and told him that.
1:58:20 - Participant's query.
Sin & Innocence
1:58:20 - Born into Adam - We were born into Adam. Sin - missing the mark - missing the heart and nature of God. Definition of sin. To him who knows to do right and doesn't, to him it is sin - James 4:17.
1:58:40 - Adam's sin. Eve deceived. Adam's more like treason. We've all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God - Rom. 3:23. Not all of us have been willful to that degree, we've just been born into sin. So the nature of sin has become our normal. Pride, Anger
1:59:15 - Sin in children - The nature of sin in a two year old. Anger, selfishness. You didn't have to teach them that.
1:59:50 - Peaceful home and yet children still manifest selfishness, anger. They are still going to express what you do not show.
2:00:10 - Mother's that think they have failed. Someday they will need to be born again. Be an example of Jesus so they will see a difference.
2:01:40 - Innocence - Granddaughter's Christmas program - costumes. Innocence. But they are in the world. Satan wants to choke innocence out of them. Clearest picture of what we were created to be. We're created to be innocent.
2:04:10 - Sophistication - lack of innocence. Wisdom of the world.
2:04:50 - Meekness - An innocent person is looked at as a push over and a wimp. Cartoons - angel vs. devil. Angel - portrayed as weak and wimpy. Devil portrayed as in control. Meek - controlled strength. The meek shall inherit the earth - Mt. 5:5. Meekness - has nothing to do with self but truth. He's a gentle lamb but He is a lion. It's the power of love.
2:06:00 - Doormat - Wisdom of the world - to be good is to be wimpy - to not fight is pitiful - to not stand for your rights is to be a pushover and a doormat. Was Jesus a doormat? Nobody took His life. He gave it. His strongest hour was on the cross.
Discerning of Spirits
2:07:15 - When do you share and when do you not share the things that you discern? - Sometimes people see things for me that are not necessarily comforting.
2:08:20 - Discernment is something you ask for in your relationship with God. The Bible says - And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh. - Jude v.23. We should know the difference. Discerning of spirits. Not just seeing devils. Not just seeing angels.
Books & The Confusion They Can Bring
2:09:00 - Books - Concern about all of the books available. Contradictory teachings. Confusion on the topic.
2:09:40 - The need to write books. God did an amazing job writing a book. It's our culture. The book is written. I've read just a few books. Be careful you are not just grabbing information and crossing yourself up in the process. The mind thinks that contradictory teachings have to be sorted out in the mind. Get alone with Him and have the will to know Him, and you'll know the truth concerning doctrine - John 7:17.
2:11:00 - Reading books & confusion - Reading books from an already established place in Jesus. Not unteachable. Not a proud place. It just means that I am convinced of the things that I am preaching. Jesus is the one who can realign the way that I think. It's like a built in filter - hound dog of the Holy Ghost - sniffing out things inconsistent with truth. Eat the meat, spit out the bones teaching. I have trouble reading a lot of books. The books that He has inspired me to read have fed the things that are already in me and really have blessed me. I don't have a need to grab 5 different author and get their take on a subject. That leads to confusion.
2:12:40 - Tremendous number of books on demonology, spiritual warfare. When you read those books, you have to get a grip on what has been whispered into your mind.
2:13:00 - Discernment is something that can only come from knowing the person of Holy Spirit and being in unity and oneness with Him. Our temptation is to move out of our feelings and sentiments and human nature. It's a playground for the enemy.
2:13:25 - Dreams - Not every dream is from the Lord. Going to bed frustrated can motivate your dream.
2:13:50 - Pastor's dream - Pastor this weekend shared dream. The dream is the church you are pastoring. In the dream the pastor was marrying a woman who was pregnant but it was not his baby. People gave him a hard time for being married to her. Then he realized that he was taking care of person that wasn't even his. And he put an end to it. - It's the church you are pastoring. So God is telling us that we need to get out of this situation? The prior pastor caught in infidelity and current pastor was thrown into that turmoil. I didn't birth it in the first place so I am not responsible. I should just move on? NO - the devil gave you that dream. God would never inspire that kind of heart. That makes you a hireling. You've lost the value of the child.
2:16:20 - Discernment & Knowing the truth - A lot of discernment comes from you knowing the truth. Truth is your greatest sniffer. You will know the truth and the truth will make you free - John 8:32. So discernment is not just a spooky mystical thing that comes just from the inspiration of Holy Spirit in a certain way. Discernment is you being sensitized by truth - knowing the difference between good and evil - wisdom and foolishness - separating the wisdom of the world from the wisdom of God.
2:16:55 - Discernment flows from relationship - The closer you grow in intimacy, the more you become one with Love, the clearer your discernment is going to be.
2:17:00 - Don't just diagnose - Bring the answer - Be careful in what you speak to people - Especially if you don't have the answer for them. Don't tell someone they are in bondage and then send them home. That's not God. We've become diagnosers instead of deliverers. We are not called to diagnose situations. We are called to deliver people. And the only reason we lean toward diagnosing is that we have had little power to deliver. So we come up with "answers" and at least it makes us feel spiritual. But you don't have a spiritual take unless you have the answer.
2:17:55 - [Generational curse scenario] - Diagnose and send home without the answer. If you are going to be discerning enough to tell them they are cursed then get them free. The first sign of a believer is casting out devils - Mark 16:17.
2:18:30 - Praying inconspicuously - You won't hear me saying things like that to people. People do stuff with that. But God let's me know when something is demonically rooted. And I know it by a manifestation in my spirit. But you won't see me expose that and very rarely will you know that I am aware of that. I pray very inconspicuously because I am not there to (make them aware of it.) Sometimes we are not strong enough to understand everything and handle the information well.
2:19:20 - Undercover prophecy - undercover words of knowledge - it just comes out in my prayer. People catch on - You see a lot more than you let on. It comes out in my prayer - "Man, when you prayed, it's like you knew me." But I didn't do it in the form of "Thus says the Lord..." or "I am seeing..." I just pray what I see. Why? It takes the attention off of the minister and it gets their attention straight on the Lord. A lot my prophetic movement is blended in with praying for the person. I do that on purpose.
2:20:15 - When you don't do that, your phone rings. "Pray for me. I'm not going to tell you what it is. God will show you." Ask and it shall be given. Speak up. I don't play that with anyone. It's almost like they are testing God. Don't feed that kind of stuff.
2:21:20 - Edification, instruction - Be careful what you speak out. Don't dismiss what you see but maybe you are not supposed to speak it out. It lines you up to pray with authority. [Example]
2:22:30 - Wisdom in sharing words - That's all part of discernment - the wisdom to use that kind of knowledge. Wisdom - the ability to use knowledge rightly.
2:23:10 - When are you going to start a church? - Discouragement with church - praying to go on mission field - shared with leadership that I felt like we are doing more harm than good as a church. Religion crept in and we were hurting more than we were helping. I believe that but I was getting HURT by that - frustrated. Woke up - praying - Bible - David and his men in the caves - little vision - not from the Lord - little vision about a church advertisement. People always used to ask me, "When are you going to start a church?" I would correct them - divisive. Little vision of church advertisement - All you who have been touched by religion - discouraged, misunderstood, unloved, etc. Come and ... And for a minute I thought, God this would be awesome: restoring the wounded. But the Lord had already told me, don't start another church. The little vision was so real... hundreds of people running to be there. But we would be there for the wrong motive - hurt, crippled, broken - trying to find our identity through each other and what we are doing in church. I realized the deception. We would have been a self-righteous group, projecting on the churches around us - they are dry and religious. It was a false vision playing on frustration.
2:29:05 - He guards you in truth - Truth is your best friend. If it doesn't look out for the heart of the whole... If it's not from a selfless place... then it's not God. Grow to know Him and you will be saved from those kinds of experiences. My relationship with Jesus kept me safe and pure.
2:29:40 - When are you going to start a church? (cont.) - People would come to me behind the scenes.
2:30:30 - Discernment increases in your relationship with God. Being a steward of your heart - keeping your heart pure. And I would be very careful when telling people what you see if it has a demonic connotation - strongholds. People don't need that.
2:31:00 - Phone calls - Do I have a demon? People are telling them that they have a demon.
2:31:30 - Don't share everything you see - Does God show you that sometimes? Yes. It happened with a family member once. It gave me understanding to be able to handle a situation. It wasn't to call it to their attention. God does things for the sake of the whole. It's not just to give you knowledge. God is not a gossip. He's a Father. Before you speak...Will it edify, help them or the situation?
2:32:25 - What do you do when someone has shared something discerned, without wisdom? - a way that doesn't edify.
2:32:40 - Answer conscious - Not trouble shooting - Pull them back into truth - Whenever you come to me, you hear the same thing. No matter what the situation is, the answer is the same. I encourage you to get that narrow. The answer is always the victory. We are answer conscious, not trouble shooting. So if somebody has been told something that doesn't help them, you've got to pull them back to who they are in Christ - who they are through truth - who they are through the finished work. You are not trying to work through the details of what people are calling discernment. You can't put your confidence in what people are seeing.
2:33:30 - Lady who intercepts after service - Pull into truth in love - had to pick up Todd and drive 7 hours. Trying to get going. What she was doing was total waste of time - a total distraction. But to her it was her identity. I love her too much not to speak directly to her. God took me into the heavens... told me her whole life trauma. Are you hearing anything. You don't believe me? I'm prophetic. You shared all of your trauma - it's your life - you wish you had that experience because you are still a hurting lady. Stop hiding. Sit down with leadership. This lady was ministering because it makes her feel important. It separates her from her pain.
2:38:00 - You get healed, healthy and whole through your relationship with Him - through knowing He died because you're worth it and you are living for His image. None of that other stuff tells you who you are.