
Teaching Assistant - IST - University of Lisbon - Fall Semester of 2017

  • Forensics Cyber Security

    • Lab classes - Hands-on activities with Forensic tools: Kali Linux

    • Lecturer: Nuno Santos.

  • IT infrastructure, management, and administration

    • Lab classes - Hands-on activities with DevOps tools: Vagrant, Ansible, Terraform, Google Cloud Platform.

    • Lecturer: Rui Cruz.

Teaching Assistant - Nova University of Lisbon - Fall Semester of 2012

  • Distributed System Algorithms

    • Assisting students with the design of fault-tolerant file system on top of Fuse using Paxos a based replicated state machine library.

    • Lecturer: Rodrigo Rodrigues.

  • Distributed Systems

    • Taught recitations and lab classes on distributed system and technologies such as Java RMI and REST. 2012.

    • Gave support to the class project which consisted of a client interface for replicating files across Dropbox, Google Drive and a RMI server.

    • Lecturer: Nuno Preguiça.

Lecturer - National Education and Research Network in Brazil ­- Network College (ESR) - 2006/2010:

  • Linux System Administration: Internet Services (40h), 2010.

  • Handling security incidents (40h), 2009.

  • Forensic Analysis (40h), 2009.

  • Linux Systems Administration: Networks and Security (40h), 2009.

  • Audit and Forensic Analysis (30h), 2007.

  • Linux Systems Administration: Internet services (40h), 2008.

  • Network and Systems Security (30h), 2007.

  • Introduction to Network Security (30h), 2006.

Teaching Assistant ­ - National Education and Research Network in Brazil ­- Network College (ESR) 2006/2010:

  • Instructor of the Lab classes in several professional courses.

  • Wireless Networks (40h), 2010.

  • Introduction to Network Security (30h), 2009.

  • TCP/IP Architecture and Network Protocols (40h), 2009.

  • Audit and Forensic Analysis (40h), 2008.

  • Network Management, (40h), 2008.

  • Network Interconnection (40h), 2008.

  • Linux System Administration (40h), 2008.

  • TCP/IP Architecture and Network Protocols (30h), 2007.

  • Network and Systems Security (30h), 2006.

  • Introduction to Network Security (30h), 2006.

Lecturer - iDez College - Fall Semester 2009:

  • Network architecture and protocols (24h), 2009.