

Visigoth Fault Tolerance [PDF] [ref]

In Proc. ofThe European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys 2015)

Daniel Porto, Joao Leitao, Cheng Li, Aniket Kate, Allen Clement, Flavio Junqueira and Rodrigo Rodrigues.

Making Geo­Replicated Systems Fast If Possible, Consistent When Necessary [PDF] [ref]

In Proc. of the 10th Usenix Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation ­ OSDI 2012.

Cheng Li, Daniel Porto, Allen Clement, Rodrigo Rodrigues, Nuno Preguiça, Johannes Gehrke.

Making data center computations fast, but not so furious [PDF][ref]

MARS @ Eurosys'17

Daniel Porto, João Loff, Luis Ceze, Rui Duarte, Rodrigo Rodrigues

Transparent cross-system consistency [PDF][ref]

PaPoc @ Eurosys'17

João Loff, Daniel Porto, Carlos Baquero, João Garcia, Nuno Preguiça, Rodrigo Rodrigues

Adaptação Dinâmica de Protocolos de Consenso Bizantino


Carlos Carvalho, Daniel Porto, Luis Rodrigues and Alysson Bessani

Monitorização de Sistemas Tolerantes a Faltas Bizantinas para Suportar Adaptação Dinâmica


Bernardo Palma, Daniel Porto and Luis Rodrigues

Adaptação Guiada por Políticas de Sistemas Tolerantes a Faltas Bizatinas


Miguel Pasadinhas, Daniel Porto, Antónia Lopes and Luis Rodrigues

ByTAM - ByTAM: um Gestor de Adaptação Tolerante a Faltas Bizantinas


Francisco Sabino, Daniel Porto, Luis Rodrigues

Avaliação das Garantias de Consistência em Serviços Geo-Replicados


João Costa, João Leitão, Daniel Porto, Nuno Preguica and Rodrigo Rodrigues

Simulation-Based Performance Evaluation of the MLSD Protocol for Infrastructure WMNs [PDF] [ref]

In Proc. of 28th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications ­AINA 2014.

Gledson Elias, Daniel Porto.

MLSD: A Network Topology Discovery Protocol for Infrastructure Wireless Mesh Networks [PDF] [ref]

In Proc. of The 13th International Conference on Networks ­ ICN 2014.

Daniel Porto, Gledson Elias.

Simulation-­Based Performance Evaluation of the SNDP Protocol for Infrastructure WMNs [PDF] [ref]

In Proc. of the 24th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications ­AINA 2010.

Gledson Elias, Mateus Novaes, Gustavo Cavalcanti, Daniel Porto.

A Scalable Neighborhood Discovery Protocol for Infrastructure Wireless Mesh Networks [PDF] [ref]

In Proc. of the 2nd International Conference on Advances in Mesh Networks ­ MESH 2009.

Elias, G. Novaes, M. Cavalcanti, G. Porto, D.

A Layered Routing Architecture for Infrastructure Wireless Mesh Networks [PDF] [ref]

In Proc of the 5th International Conference on Networking and Services ­ ICNS 2009.

Porto, Daniel, Cavalcanti, G., Elias, G.

Um Protocolo de Descoberta de Vizinhança Escalável para Redes em Malha Sem Fio Infra­estruturadas [PDF] [ref]

In Proc of the 27th Brazilian symposium on computer networks and distributed systems ­ SBRC 2009 (In portuguese).

Daniel Porto, Gustavo Cavalcanti, Gledson Elias, Mateus N. Santos.

Conferences (under preparation/submission)

Kaio-Ken - High-performance computations without compromise ( under preparation)

Daniel Porto, João Loff, Luis Ceze, Rui Duarte, Rodrigo Rodrigues

The Tortoise and the Hare: Characterizing Latency in Distributed Environments. (under submission)

Daniel Porto, Flavio Junqueira, Joao Leitão and Rodrigo Rodrigues.

Transparent consistency for highly scalable services (under preparation)

João Loff, Daniel Porto, Carlos Baquero, João Garcia, Nuno Preguiça, Rodrigo Rodrigues

Technical Report

Lower bound and correctness proofs for consensus in the Visigoth Model (NOVALINCS 2015) [PDF] [ref]

Daniel Porto, Joao Leitao, Cheng Li, Aniket Kate, Allen Clement, Flavio Junqueira and Rodrigo Rodrigues.


Geo-Replication: Fast If Possible, Consistent If Necessary (Data Engineering 81 - 2016) [PDF] [ref]

Valter Balegas, Cheng Li, Mahsa Najafzadeh, Daniel Porto, Allen Clement, Sérgio Duarte, Carla Ferreira, Johannes Gehrke, Joao Leitao, Nuno Preguiça, Rodrigo Rodrigues, Marc Shapiro, Viktor Vafeiadis

Book Chapter

A Layered Routing Architecture for Wireless Mesh Networks. Chapter in the book "Wireless Mesh Networks", ISBN 978­953­307­519­8.

Gledson Elias, Daniel Charles F. Porto, Gustavo Cavalcanti. Intech Editorial Collegium 2010.


Visigoth Fault Tolerance.

Microsoft Summer School 2014.

Visigoth Fault Tolerance.

Eurosys 2014.

On Data Center fault models.

WPSDS held in conjunction with SRDS 2013.

Masters Thesis

MLSD: Um Protocolo de Divulgação de Estados dos Enlaces para Redes em Malha Sem Fio Infraestruturadas. 2010 [PDF]