"Eu vivo sempre no mundo da lua. Porque sou um cientista. O meu papo é futurista. É lunático."

E-mail: danielcajueiro at unb.br

I am a Professor of the Department of Economics of the University of Brasília (UNB). If you're interested, you can access my resume here.

I am a father, a husband, a musician (guitar, violin and bow viola), a blood donor, a chess lover, a scoutmaster and I am very interested in science.

My research presents a good balance between theory and practice.

I am particularly interested in

I have published more than 100 papers in periodicals of the fields of Economics, Engineering, Finance and complex systems.

I am the co-author (with Alexandre Ywata Carvalho and Reinaldo Soares Camargo) of the book "Introduction to statistical methods for economics and finance" (in portuguese).

I am an Editor of the Humanities and Social Sciences Communications (Nature), Economic Analysis of Law Review and  Journal of Risk and Financial Management.

I belong to the list of the 2% most influential scientists of the world according to the Stanford University following the methodology of the paper for the year of 2019.  [Mídia: Globo News, Correio Braziliense]

I am the top 10 in Brazil and the top 30 in Latin America according to the AD Scientific Index 2022 in the field of Economics [See this page here]

I  have received more than 2000 citations according to the ISI Web of Science and more than 5000 citations according to the Google Scholar.

My Web of Science H factor is 24 and my Google Scholar H Factor is 35.

I am among the 2.5% top economists in Brazil, according to the  Repec - Ideas rank.


I have taught Finance, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Deep Learning, Statistics, Econometrics and Quantitative Economics for public and private companies. 

This is my blog. If you speak portuguese you may find interesting teaching material there: MyBlog

I have provided consultancy services in the fields of Finance, Banking, Machine Learning, Statistics, Econometrics and Operations Research for Public and Private companies.

If you are interested in working with one of these topics above, please take a look at the menu above "New Upcomming Students".