
Please also see Dan's Google scholar page

Eckardt  et al.  (2024) The lowdown on breakdown: Open questions in plant proteolyisThe Plant Cell.

Etherington RD, Bailey M, Baptiste JB, Armbruster L, Cao X, Coates JC, Meinnel T, Wirtz M, Giglione C and Gibbs DJ (2023) Nt-acetylation-independent turnover of SQUALENE EPOXIDASE 1 by Arabidopsis DOA10-like E3 ligases. Plant Physiology.

Gibbs DJ and Osborne R (2022) High on oxygen. Nature Plants

Chustecki J, Etherington R, Gibbs DJ, Johnston I (2022) Altered collective mitochondrial dynamics in the Arabidopsis msh1 mutant compromising organelle DNA maintenance. Journal of Experimental Botany. 

Gibbs DJ, Bailey M and Etherington RD (2022) A stable start: Cotranslational Nt-acetylation promotes proteome stability across kingdoms. Trends in Cell Biology. DOI:

Barreto P, Dambire C, Sharma G, Vicente J, Osborne R, Yassitepe J, Gibbs DJ, Maia IG, Holdsworth MJ and Arruda P (2022) Mitochondial retrograde signalling through UCP1-mediated inhibition of the plant oxygen-sensing pathway. Current Biology. 32, 1-9.


Huber M, Armbruster L, Etherington RD, Torre CDL, Hawkesford MJ, Sticht C, Gibbs DJ, Hell R, Wirtz M (2022Disruption of the Nα-Acetyltransferase NatB Causes Sensitivity to Reductive Stress in Arabidopsis thaliana. Frontiers in Plant Science.

Chustecki JM, Gibbs DJ, Bassel GW, Johnston IG (2021) Network analysis of Arabidopsis mitochondrial dynamics reveals a resolved tradeoff between physical distribution and social connectivity. Cell Systems.

Labandera AM, Tedds H, Bailey M, Sprigg C, Etherington R, Akintewe O, Kalleechurn G, Holdsworth MJ and Gibbs DJ (2021) The PRT6 N-degron pathway restricts VERNALIZATION 2 to endogenous hypoxic niches to modulate plant development. New Phytologist.  

Holdsworth MJ and Gibbs DJ (2020) Comparative Biology of Oxygen Sensing in Plants and Animals. Current Biology.

Parry G, Benitez-Alfonso Y, Gibbs DJ, Grant M, Harper A, Harrison CJ, Kaiserli E, Leonelli S, May S, McKim S, Spoel S, Turnbull T, van der Hoorn RAL, Murrray J (2020) How to build and effective research network: Lessons from two decades of the GARNet plant science community. Journal of Experimental Botany.

Orosa B, Ustun S, Calderon Villalobos LIA, Genschik P, Gibbs DJ, Holdsworth MJ, Isono E, Lois M, Trujillo M, Sadanandom A (2020) Plant Proteostasis - shaping the proteome: a research community aiming to understand molecular mechanisms that control protein abundance. New Phytologist. 227: 1028-1033

Gibbs DJ and Holdsworth MJ (2019) Every Breath You Take: New Insights into Plant and Animal Oxygen Sensing. Cell.

Hartman S, Liu Z. van Veen H, Vicente J, Reinen E, Martopawiro S, Zhang H, van DongenN, Bosman F, Bassel GW, Visser EJW, Bailey-Serres J, Theodoulou F, Hebelstrup K, Gibbs DJ, Holdsworth MJ, Sasidharan R, Voesenek LACJ (2019) Ethylene-mediated Nitric Oxide depletion pre-adapts plants to hypoxia stress. Nature Communications. 10, Article number: 4020 (2019) 

Lin CC, Chao YT, Chen WC, Ho HY, Chou MY, Li YR, Wu YL, Yang HA, Hsieh H, Lin CS, Wu FH, Chou SJ, Jen HC, Huang YH, Irene D, Wu WJ, Wu JL, Gibbs DJ, Ho MC, Shih MC (2019) Regulatory cascade involving transcriptional and N-end rule pathways in rice under submergence. PNAS (USA). doi: 10.1073/pnas.1818507116 

Gibbs DJ*, Tedds HM, Labandera A-M, Bailey M, White MD, Hartman S, Sprigg C, Mogg SL, Osborne R, Dambire C, Boeckx T, Paling Z, Voesenek LACJ, Flashman E, Holdsworth MJ* (2018) Oxygen-dependent proteolysis regulates the stability of angiosperm Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 subunit VERNALIZATION 2. Nature Communications. 9:5438 DOI:10.1038/s41467-018-07875-7 *Corresponding authors

Zhang H, Gannon L, Jones PD, Rundle CA, Hassall KL, Gibbs DJ, Holdsworth MJ, Theodoulou FL (2018) Genetic interactions between ABA signalling and the Arg/N-end rule pathway during Arabidopsis seedlings establishmentScientific Reports. 8(1):15192

Vicente J, Mendiondo GM, Pauwels J, Pastor V, Izquierdo Y, Naumann C, Movahedi M, Rooney D, Gibbs DJ, Smart K, Bachmair A, Gray JE, Dissmeyer N, Castresana C, Ray RV, Gevaert K and Holdsworth MJ (2018) Distinct branches of the N‐end rule pathway modulate the plant immune response. New Phytologist: DOI:10.1111/nph.15387

Meitha K, Agudelo-Romero P, Signorelli S, Gibbs DJ, Considine JA, Foyer CH, Considine MJ (2018) Developmental control of hypoxia during bud burst in grapevine. Plant, Cell and Environment. doi: 10.1111/pce.13141

Dissmeyer N, Graciet E, Holdsworth MJ, Gibbs DJ (2018) N-term 2017: Proteostasis via the N-terminusTrends in Biochemical Sciences

Zhang H, Gannon L, Hassall, KL, Deery M., Gibbs DJ, Holdsworth MJ, van der Hoorn RAL, Lilley KS, Theodoulou FL. (2017) N-terminomics reveals control of Arabidopsis seed storage proteins and proteases by the Arg/N-end rule pathwayNew Phytologist DOI: 10.1111/nph.14909

Considine MJ, Diaz-Vivancoz P, Kerchev P, Signorelli S, Agudelo-Romero P, Gibbs DJ, Foyer CH (2017) Learning to breathe: Developmental Phase transitions in oxygen status. Trends in Plant Science. DOI:

Gibbs DJ, Bailey M, Tedds HM, Holdsworth MJ (2016) From start to finish: amino-terminal protein modifications as degradation signals in plants. New Phytologist.DOI: 10.1111/nph.14105 

Moody LA, Saidi Y, Gibbs DJ, Choudhary A, Holloway D, Vesty EF, Bansal KK, Bradshaw SJ, Coates JC (2016) An ancient and conserved function for Armadillo-related proteins in the control of spore and seed germination by abscisic acid. New Phytologist. DOI:10.1111/nph.13938

Gibbs DJ (2015) Emerging functions for N-terminal protein acetylation in plants. Trends in Plant Science. DOI:

Abbas M, Berckhan S, Rooney DJ, Gibbs DJ, Vicente Conde J, Sousa Correia C, Bassel GW, Marín-de la Rosa N, León J, Alabadí D, Blázquez MA and Holdsworth MJ (2015) Oxygen sensing coordinates photomorphogenesis to facilitate seedling survivalCurrent Biology. DOI:  

Gibbs DJ*, Vicente Conde J, Berckhan S, Mendiondo GM, Prasad G and Holdsworth MJ* (2015) Group VII ethlyene response factors co-ordinate oxygen and nitric oxide signal transduction and stress responses in plants. Plant Physiology. DOI:10.1104/pp.15.00338  *corresponding authors 

Mendiondo GM, Gibbs DJ, Szurman-Zubrzycka M, Korn A, Marquez J, Szarejko I, Maluszynski M, King J, Axcell B, Smart K, Corbineau F, and Holdsworth MJ (2015) Enhanced waterlogging tolerance in barley by manipulation of expression of the N-end rule pathway E3 ligase PROTEOLYSIS6. Plant Biotechnology Journal. doi: 10.1111/pbi.12334

Gibbs DJ, Isa NM, Movahedi M, Lozano-Juste J, Mendiondo GM, Berckhan S, Marín-de la Rosa N, Vicente Conde J, Sousa Correia C, Pearce, SP, Bassel GW, Hamali B, Talloji P, Tomé DFA, Coego A, Beynon J, Alabadí D, Bachmair A, León J, Gray JE, Theodoulou FL, Holdsworth MJ (2014) Nitric oxide sensing in plants is mediated by proteolytic control of Group VII ERF transcription factors. Molecular Cell. 53 (3), 369-379

Gibbs DJ*, Bacardit J, Bachmair A, Holdsworth MJ* (2014) The eukaryotic N-end rule pathway: conserved mechanisms and diverse functions. Trends in Cell Biology. *corresponding authors

Marín-de la Rosa N, Sotillo B, Miskolczi P, Gibbs DJ, Vicente Conde J, Carbonero P, Oñate-Sánchez  L, Holdsworth MJ, Bhalerao R, Alabadí D, Blázquez MA (2014) Large-scale identification of gibberellin-related transcription factors defines Group VII ERFs as functional DELLA partners. Plant Physiology. doi:10.1104/pp.114.244723

Bassel GW, Stamm P, Mosca G, Barbier de Reuille P, Gibbs DJ, Winter RM, Janka A, Holdsworth MJ, Smith RS (2014) Mechanical constraints imposed by 3D cellular geometry and arrangement modulate growth patterns in the Arabidopsis embryoPNAS (USA). doi/10.1073/pnas.1404616111

Gibbs DJ, Voss U, Harding SA, Fannon J, Moody LA, Yamada E, Swarup K, Nibau C, Bassel GW, Choudhary A, Lavenus J, Bradshaw SJ, Stekel DJ, Bennett MJ, Coates JC (2014) AtMYB93 is a novel negative regulator of lateral root development in Arabidopsis. New Phytologist. DOI: 10.1111/nph.12879  

Gibbs DJ and Coates JC (2014) AtMYB93 is an endodermis-specific transcriptional regulator of lateral root development in Arabidopsis.  Plant Signaling and Behaviour.

Bailey-Serres J, Fukao T, Gibbs DJ, Holdsworth MJ, Lee SC, Licausi F, Perata P, Voesenek LA, van Dongen JT (2012) Making sense of low oxygen sensing. Trends in Plant Science.17(3):129-38

Gibbs DJ, Lee SC, Isa NM, Gramuglia S, Fukao T, Bassel GW, Correia CS, Corbineau F, Theodoulou FL, Bailey-Serres J, Holdsworth MJ (2011) Homeostatic response to hypoxia is regulated by the N-end rule pathway in plants. Nature. 479(73):415-8.

Bassel GW, Lan H, Glaab E, Gibbs DJ, Gerjets T, Krasnogor N, Bonner AJ, Holdsworth MJ, Provart NJ (2011) Genome-wide network model capturing seed germination reveals coordinated regulation of plant cellular phase transitions. PNAS (USA). 108(23):9709-14

Nibau C, Gibbs DJ, Bunting KA, Moody LA, Smiles EJ, Tubby JA, Bradshaw SJ, Coates JC (2011) ARABIDILLO proteins have a novel and conserved domain structure important for the regulation of their stability. Plant Molecular Biology. 75(1-2):77-92.

Nibau C*, Gibbs DJ*, Coates JC (2008) Branching out in new directions: the control of root architecture by lateral root formation. New Phytologist. 179(3):595-614. *Joint first author.