Plant Proteolysis and Signalling 

Welcome to the lab website of Professor Daniel Gibbs 

We investigate how plants use protein degradation as a mechanism for regulating cellular processes and sensing diverse signals.  We are particularly interested in hypoxia and flooding stress, protein acetylation, and co-translational protein quality control.

The general aim of our work is to increase our understanding of how plants develop and survive in dynamic environments, and to identify promising targets that can be manipulated in agriculturally important crops to improve growth, productivity and stress tolerance.

Current and previous grant funding:

ERC starter grant (2017-2023): 

This project has now ended, though there are exciting papers on the way!

BBSRC Responsive mode grant (September 2015-August 2018):

N-terminal Acetylation as a Signal for Protein Degradation Controlling Plant Development and Stress Responses

This project has now ended.

For Professor Gibbs' official University of Birmingham webpage please click here

We are also on twitter! @DJ_Gibbs

Panorama of the plant lab in the west corridor of Biosciences

School of Biosciences

Aston Webb building at the University of Birmingham

Research in the lab is funded by: