Another versions
Old Opening Book
DanaSah had opennings book of Sune Fischer (Frenzee) from the version 1.3.4 until version 2.85. Download the books and place them in the same folder of the program.
Eire 1.0, 31-07-2004 (ELO ~ 1400)
DanaSah originally was called Eire, Eire is the name of a pub where I live, the program was thought to play a tournament in this pub against other players. The program is weak, it doesn't recognize the rule of draw by repetition (very bad endgame). The evaluation is material and pieces-squares tables. It works in Arena.
Danasah 1.0, 16-01-2005 (ELO ~ 1800)
- Frist public version. It works in Arena.
- PVS search (with null move) and quiesce.
- 50 moves and 3 repetetions rules.
DanaSah 1.2, 01-03-2005 (ELO 1916)
- Corrected a bug in the generator of captures.
- It improves the compatibility with Winboard gui.
- Adaptive null move, stronger tactically.
DanaSah v1.3.4, 19-04-2005 (ELO 1919)
- Use frenzee openning book.
- Bugfix in 50 moves rule and in promotions.
- It has improved the structure of pawns, rooks in open files and king's security.
DanaSah v1.6, 06-07-2005 (ELO 2167)
- Added hash tables. Hash gives 1 ply more, 4 in the endgame.
- Lazy eval gives many more nodes per second (25% faster). Material and king position in makemove function (6% faster).
- More bonus for passed pawns.
- Added a simple history pruning.
DanaSah v1.7p, 08-12-2005 (ELO 2245)
- Added mobility to the evaluation, slower but it play better posicional.
- Ponder function.
DanaSah v2.03, 06-02-2006 (ELO 2263)
- Engine can search endgames in Scorpio's bitbases (4 men).
- Changed random numbers for hash tables, since collisions could take place and to cause silly moves.
DanaSah v2.16, 21-04-2006 (ELO ~ 2325)
- Changed history prunning.
- Added king security, now are controlled squares around of king.
DanaSah v2.26, 12-06-2006 (ELO 2416)
- LMR is applied also in nodes pv and only applied when 3 legal moves have been made.
DanaSah v2.44, 11-09-2006 (ELO 2433)
- Bugfix in the count of nodes that could provoke an illegal move and another in the king's security.
- Add knowledge of bishops of different color.
- Pawn in seventh and pawn endgame extention.
DanaSah v2.73, 13-11-2006 (ELO 2458)
- Fischer time management improved.
- Evaluation cache.
- Delta pruning in quiesce.
- Little changes in evaluation (pawn passed).
- Pawn in seventh extension has been deactivated.
DanaSah v2.85, 13-02-2007 (ELO 2475) Source-Código
- It support 5 men in Daniel Shawul bitbases.
- Added pawn in seventh and recapture extensions.
- Bonus for inmaterial value.
- New analyze command.
DanaSah v.3.13, 04-06-2007 (ELO 2501)
- Now DanaSah supports Rebel-Prodeo openinigs books.
- A small change in the LMR has been introduced thinking about long times.
- In this version had been made minor changes to the evaluation, especially in the structure of pawns.
DanaSah v.3.70 FRC, 03-06-2008 (ELO 2548)
- Added Razoring in search.
- Add Tempo in the evaluation,
- Bench command.
- Ability to change in the "danasah.ini" file % time spent in the last move of control.
DanaSah v.3.97b FRC, 10-09-2008 (ELO 2577)
- Access to bitbases are made during the search instead of the evaluation, all designed to avoid lost time in bullet and blitz games.
- Now DanaSah can play correctly in depth fixed, by an error from the first version she was very weak in this mode.
- It has been optimized parts of the program, for example hash now is dynamic, order of moves is faster, also the location of pawns and bishops, perhaps we now have a 15% more nodes.
- LMR and razoring are more aggressive, we have a new function that allows us to cut the quiesce and better order.
- The evaluation between middlegame and endgame now is softer, some changes in the pair of bishops, bad bishop, the pair of Knight and rooks. We changed the value of knigth and rooks as the number of pawns. When the program goes above change pieces and when goes down change pawns.
- Small changes in the hash and extensions.
DanaSah v.4.24, 13-05-2009 (ELO 2597)
- Bugfix for time control, version 3.97b lost in bullet and blitz.
- Bugfix for chess960.
- Bugfix for ChessGUI.
- Little changes in the search and evaluation
DanaSah v.4.60, 06-09-2010 (ELO 2609)
- Little changes in the search.
DanaSah v.4.66, 07-07-2011 (ELO 2612)
- Added root function in the search.
DanaSah v.4.88, 25-01-2012 (ELO 2619)
- Bugfix v.4.66 crash (array) and lost in time.
- Changed xboard protocol.
- Changed the search.
DanaSah v.5.00, 09-10-2012 (ELO 2625)
- Little changes in the search. Add razoring and SEE.
- Little changes in the endgame (eval)
DanaSah v.5.07 para Windows 09-07-2013
- Aspiration windows.
- IID.
- Static null move pruning.
- Null move verification at endgame.
- Add LMP.
- Delta pruning.
- Executable faster.