
2015 summer

2023 May

Date & place of birth: November 1989, Osaka, Japan.

Hometown: Nara, Japan. (An ancient capital city before Kyoto [LINK])

Nationality: Japanese

Current position: Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo. 

Profiles at Google Scholar, arXiv, ORCiD, researchmap

e-mail: nishiguchi[[at]]

Twitter: @daikinish  feel free to contact me! (but I tweet mainly in Japanese)

YouTube channel: You can find some experimental movies here.





Teaching experiences

Sep. 2019 - present

Oct. 2015 - Feb. 2016

Oct. 2012 - Feb. 2013

Undergraduate laboratory class

"Physics experiment II: Phase transitions" (Liquid crystal experiments*),

Dept. of Physics, Faculty of Science, The Univ. of Tokyo.

Teaching assistant of undergraduate laboratory class

"Physics experiment II: Phase transitions" (Liquid crystal experiments*),

Dept. of Physics, Faculty of Science, The Univ. of Tokyo.

Teaching assistant of undergraduate laboratory class

"Physics experiment II: Phase transitions" (Liquid crystal experiments*),

Dept. of Physics, Faculty of Science, The Univ. of Tokyo.

*Experiments on nematic/isotropic transitions, defect dynamics, light scattering, electroconvections, and so on.

Other experiences/activities