

  • Co-Department Head (together with Sjak Smulders; since Jan 2021);

  • Director, Tilburg Sustainability Center (TSC; September 2013 – March 2020);

  • Member, executive board of the Amsterdam Global Change Institute, VU University Amsterdam (since January 2011 – August 2013);

  • Member, scientific board of Knowledge for Climate – Theme 7 (since September 2010);

  • Chairman, Committee “SKO/Quality Assurance” (special committee installed by the Rector Magnificus, Tilburg University, March–October 2008);

  • Chairman of the Educational Board of Economics and International Economics and Finance (Tilburg University; BSc’s and MSc’s; July 2006–January 2010);

  • Member of the Educational Board of the Department of Economics, Tilburg University (September 2003–June 2006);

  • Member of the Exam Committee of the Faculty of Economics, Tilburg University (2003–2006);

  • Member of the Educational Committee of the Faculty of Economics, Tilburg University (2002–2004);

  • Member of the Department Management Team, Tilburg University (1999–2002).