
ICCSA 2009, Le Havre, France - Otto Rossler in front of James Yorke, Leon Chua, ...

Conferences Organization

    • Next ESM'2008 in october 2008, in Normandy, France (in progress)
    • Organization of SIAAS-08 Symposium - Swarm Intelligence Algorithms and Applications Symposium - within AISB 2008 Convention, Aberdeen, Scotland, April 3-4, 2008.
    • Book volume project: "From System Complexity to Emergent properties"
    • Special Issue Project: "Modelization and analysis of Complex Interacting Systems", for Ecological Complexity International Journal (Elsevier)
    • Book volume project for Springer Complexity collection: "Complex Systems and Self-Organization Modelling"
    • Organization of CoSSoM'07 Workshop - Complex Systems and Self-organization Modelling - within ESM'2007, St. Julian's, Malta, October 22-24th, 2007.
    • Conference speaker "Auto-organisation, de la nature aux modèles", Fête de la Science, Hôtel de ville du Havre, October 10th, 2007.
    • Organization of EPNACS 2007 Workshop - Emergent Properties for Natural and Artificial Complex Systems - within ECCS 2007, Dresden, Germany, October 1-5th, 2007.
    • Conference speaker "Emergent Computing for Natural and Social Complex Systems", for the UG8-ISAT, University of Le Havre, June 26-27, 2007
    • Conference speaker "Auto-organisation: de la nature aux modèles", for the conference cycle "l'essentiel en 29 minutes", University of Le Havre, June 7, 2007
    • Organization of MACIS Symposium - Modelization and Analysis of Complex Interacting Systems - within Eco Summit 2007, Beijing, China, May 22-27, 2007.
    • Participation to JICCSE 2006: Jordanian International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering, Al-Balqa'Applied University, Al-Salt, Jordan, December 5-7th, 2006. "Emergent Computating for Natural and Social Complex Systems" Tutorial, Young Researchers Workshop organization
    • Organization of CoSSoM'06 Workshop - Complex Systems and Self-organization Modelling - within ESM'2006, LAAS, Toulouse, France, October 23-25th, 2006.
    • Publication of M.A. Aziz Alaoui and Cyrille Bertelle (eds), "Emergent Properties in Natural and Artificial Dynamical Systems", Springer, Understanding Complex Systems series, 2006. Presentation.
    • Participation to 3rd Meeting of the Global U8 Consortium's Education Committee, Workshop on Joint-Education Program on Hi-Tech (IT, NT, BT), Participants: Inha University (Korea), University of Rhode Island (USA), University of Washington (USA), RMIT University (Australia), XIAMEN University (China), Le Havre University (France), Meiji University (Japan), University of Haifa (Israel). Le Havre University, June 26-28, 2006
    • MCS 2005 Workshop Co-Organizator - Modeling, Computation and Systems - within IEEE-ICECS 2005 International Conference, Gammarth, Tunisie, December 11-14th, 2005.
    • EPNADS'05 Workshop Co-Organizator: Emergent Properties in Natural and Artificial Dynamical Systems, within ECCS'O5 International Conference, Paris, France, November 14-18th, 2005.
    • SEG'04 Workshop Co-Organizator: Simulation, Evaluation and Graphics, within JICCSE International Conference, Al-Balqa'Applied University, Al-Salt, Jordan, October 4-10th, 2004.

Conferences Committee Member

    • ESM'2006 , LAAS, Toulouse, France, October 23-25th, 2006.
    • JFSAM'06 , ESIA, Annecy, France, October 18-20th, 2006.
    • ECELM-2, Petru Major University, Tirgu-Mures, Romania, May 31 - June 3, 2006.
    • IEEE-ICECS 2005 International Conference, Gammarth, Tunisie, December 11-14th, 2005.
    • EPNADS'05 Workshop in ECCS'O5 International Conference , Paris, France, November 17th, 2005. Chairman for the session "Decision Support System".
    • ESM'05, Porto, Portugal, 2005.
    • ESM'04, Unesco, Paris, France, 2004. Chairman for the session "Environmental Modelling"
    • SEG'04 Workshop in JICCSE , Al-Salt, Jordan, October 4-10th, 2004. Chairman for the whole workshop.

Papers review