
    • News:ICCSA 2009, the 3rd International Conference on Complex Systems and Applications, University of Le Havre, June 29-July 2, 2009
    • Next ESM'2008 in october 2008, in Normandy, France (in progress)
    • Organization of SIAAS-08 Symposium - Swarm Intelligence Algorithms and Applications Symposium - within AISB 2008 Convention, Aberdeen, Scotland, April 3-4, 2008.
    • Book volume project: "From System Complexity to Emergent properties"
    • Special Issue Project: "Modelling and Analysing Complex Interacting Systems" for DCDIS Journal
    • Book volume project for Springer Complexity collection: "Complex Systems and Self-Organization Modelling"
    • Organization of CoSSoM'07 Workshop - Complex Systems and Self-organization Modelling - within ESM'2007, St. Julian's, Malta, October 22-24th, 2007.
    • Conference speaker "Auto-organisation, de la nature aux modèles" Fête de la Science, Hôtel de ville du Havre, October 10th, 2007.
    • Organization of EPNACS 2007 Workshop - Emergent Properties for Natural and Artificial Complex Systems - within ECCS 2007, Dresden, Germany, October 1-5th, 2007.
    • Initiation of IT-CoSyME Research Network - Information Technologies for Complex System Modelling and Engineering - University of Jordan, Jordan, August 21-23, 2007.
    • Conference speaker "Emergent Computing for Natural and Social Complex Systems" for the UG8-ISAT, University of Le Havre, June 26-27, 2007
    • Conference speaker "Auto-organisation: de la nature aux modèles" for the conference cycle "l'essentiel en 29 minutes", University of Le Havre, June 7, 2007
    • Publication of M.A. Aziz Alaoui and Cyrille Bertelle (eds). "Emergent Properties in Natural and Artificial Dynamical Systems", Springer, Understanding Complex Systems series, 2006. Presentation.