1 May 14:

Come in, gather into groups based on your character, have books close at hand. Go ahead and spend a few minutes getting together your thoughts for the character, especially as they interact with the rest of the characters in the text.

You will need a visual line to a laptop. If possible you can take a laptop from the cart and hook up to the screen in front of the room.

I am live on Titan Pad now and will be calling in here at about 8:15 A.M.

Titan Pad Link

Be prepared to each contribute.

11 APR 14

Block 1:

They should each contribute at least seven questions they plan to ask in the to a single Google Doc and share it with me, they can simply update the doc they already have. One student should create the doc and invite all students, including me to the doc.

They should spend the rest of the period generating at least ten topics they might like to consider for a criticism of Billy Budd.

They again should create one document as a class and pass along to me.

Title the doc Spring Budd Topics 14.doc

For the weekend they should read chapters 13-15 in Billy Budd.


Friday 28 Feb 14

Block I - AP LIT: Students will have the entire period to work by themselves on their papers. They should expect to hand in today’s work to me by the end of the period.

In class they should accomplish the following?

1-Find at least five pieces of quoted material for each of their proofs and explain why they feel this best conveys their message.

2- Craft an introductory paragraph of at least 8 sentences.

3- Determine which documenting format they will use for the paper and explain why they will use that format

All work should be shared with me in a document titled:

28 Feb 14AP-Lastname

Monday 3 Mar 14

Block 1- Students should read “The Things they Carried” in class and prepare seven questions they will bring to class tomorrow and discuss. You will track tomorrow’s discussion with a verbal interaction chart. Their effort will be graded.

STORY HERE - Read only Pages 1-10

***Questions strips for class discussion are online and attached in the folder.

They should also prepare to record the conversation and generate an MP3 of the conversation, which they will share with me. Choose any one student to record using garage band on their laptop.

Tuesday 4 Mar 14

Block 1- Discussion as noted on Monday’s plans. Chart for verbal interactions is attached. A simple check mark next to each interaction from a student is sufficient. Be sure to record which students are absent.

Wednesday 5 Mar 14

Block 1- Students should use this period as a work period on their papers. No work will be turned in today, BUT they should have a functional copy of parts of their paper for a peer edit session on Friday 7 Mar 14.

Thursday 6 Mar 14

Block 1- Students should use this period to read the following poems:

“Do The evolution” and "Song of Myself “#52” are found HERE

“Spring and Fall” is in the poetry packet we have been using, titled Poetry AP Lit on the same page of the site.

After reading students should work in groups of two or three to generate an explication of the poems as well as a list of questions they have about the poems.

They should share this document with me and title it:

6 Mar 14 AP Poems

Please remind students they should print two copies of their papers to submit for peer editing on Friday 7 Mar

Friday 7 Mar 14

Block 1- Collect copies of papers for Peer edit and place in two piles, call the students to the front of class and have them pick up a copy of a paper from each pile.

They should spend the class period editing the papers by marking them and adding comments.

Students should hand the papers back to the owners with 20 minutes left in class, each student should review the comments silently, they will have time to conference tomorrow


Students should complete work as it is explained below.

8 Nov 13

Students should read the linked article complete the survey provided here: SURVEY!!!!

Once they are finished the survey they should then read JC Prichard's Concept of Moral Insanity with the goal of highlighting sections and annotation portion that would lead them to argue for the psychological deterioration of Victor Frankenstein, AND the monster.

They should record these pieces of evidence and compile them in a 1 paragraph summary that uses effective proofs from each piece of literature (research and novel) arguing for the point above, the

psychological deterioration of Victor Frankenstein, AND the monster.

Once they are finished that work they should begin to prepare for Monday by reading the following Paired Poems:

"L'âne et le petit chien"

With these poems in hand, they need to consider the question:

Did Mary Shelley prefer Lord Byron to her own husband?