In the event we have any more snow days in the 2014 school calendar, you MUST report here for work that will be completed and shared with me at on Google Drive. Work WILL take one hour to complete.

St. Valentine's Day Snopocalypse


TitanPad/Twitter Sessions will begin at Noon on 2/14/14

You will have to choose one or the other to participate in during the day. Your questions should be asked over the period of one hour today.

New info added to assignment at bottom

Someone e-mail, call, tweet or text Hue, Keller, Billings and Abror and fill them in on the assignments.


Directions: List a begin time at the top of the document and an end time at the bottom of the document. You WILL accrue an hour of work today.

Then: Work on crafting a thesis that is due to me on Friday.

Your thesis should include:

- Steinbeck's reason for writing The Grapes of Wrath based on one of the styles of criticism or levels of allegory. (see A Below)

- Any additional proofs you will use to drive the thesis of the paper. (see B below)


John Steinbeck wrote The Grapes of Wrath to elucidate the allegory of the story of the Ecological Phalanx (A) through the symbolism of the land turtle and the structure of the Weedpatch Government Camp (B)

SAVE AS: Lastname.SNOpocalypse and share with me over on Google Drive at the address above.


If we are off on Friday,

First, Read the Concentrated Steinbeck document to see if you can use any of the quotes from the document. It's here at the bottom: CLICK ME!


You will interact on some form of social media. I have created a twitter account for days like today.


Send a tweet to that address letting me know if you have internet access and when would be best for you to carve out on hour of your St. Valentine's Day to work on a Titan Pad format. If you're not a tweeter on twitter you can send me an e-mail to my school account.

Correspondence should take place by 10 P.M. on Thursday in anticipation of no school for Friday.


Things I just DO NOT understand about The Grapes of Wrath.

You should prepare at least five questions to contribute to the conversation. Make them rich and deep. If it is something you can answer at Cliffnotes (PSST. . . PSST, that is a link to the notes) you are wasting time. Yours. Your classmates. Mine.

NEW Information - You will respond and contribute to at least five questions posed by others in the internet sessions.

Send e-mails if you have questions. Between shoveling and creating the greatest sliding track in York Co. I will be answering your questions and making the world a better place one answer at a time.