Golden Rules

Don't be scared to be a parent- you may not have the technical knowledge but you do have the life skills. Follow your gut instinct.

Talk to your kids. Take an interest in what they are doing. Spend time on line together so they learn from and with you.

Have boundaries, discuss expectations and set sensible rules - just as you do for everything else in life.

Discuss what to do if things go wrong - e.g. escape routes, reporting abuse and telling an adult.

Anyone important to you and your family will have your personal information. Protect this information from strangers.

Try to have internet access in a common area rather than in bedrooms. Leave the phone or laptop on the kitchen table at bedtime.

Help your kids understand the need to check out “friends” online as there are no clues by appearance or body language.

Always respond strongly to cyberbullying!

There are over six billion people watching - don't post anything you wouldn't want your grandmother to see.

The internet should be a positive experience for kids. If not and conversations, comments and questions make them uncomfortable then we adults should be ready to step in to support and to expose!

Make sure your internet browser, firewall & filtering is always up-to-date. There are monitoring and software filters available too.


Sometimes it’s easy to forget that the other person you are chatting to, playing a game with, or posting to their profile is a real person. It’s easier to say and do things online that you might not do in ‘real life’. This may hurt that person’s feelings or make them feel unsafe or embarrassed so stop and think about how your behaviour will affect them.


  • Treat other people the way you would like to be treated. Avoid using bad language and don’t say things to someone to make them feel bad.
  • Learn about the ‘netiquette’ of being online. What’s considered okay to do and say and what isn’t? For example, if you type a message to someone in UPPER CASE they may think you are shouting at them.
  • If someone says something rude or something that makes you feel uncomfortable, don’t respond. Leave the forum straight away.
  • Tell your parents or another adult you trust if you read upsetting language, or see nasty pictures or something scary.