
Famous Coca-cola 2000 address

Life is...

Imagine life as a game in which you are juggling five balls in the air.

You name them: work, family, health, friends, and spirit,

and you're keeping all of them in the air.

You will soon understand that work is a rubber ball.

If you drop it, it will bounce back.

But the other four balls - family, health, friends, and spirit are made of


If you drop one of these, they will be irrevocably scuffed, marked,

nicked, damaged, or even shattered. They will never be the same.

You must understand that and strive for balance in your life.


Don't undermine your worth by comparing yourself with others.

It is because we are different that each of us is special.

Don't set your goals by what other people deem important.

Only you know what is best for you.

Don't take for granted the things closest to your heart.

Cling to them as your life, for without them, life is meaningless.

Don't let life slip through your fingers by living in the past or for the


By living your life one day at a time, you live ALL the days of your life.

Don't give up when you still have something to give.

Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying.

Don't be afraid to admit that you are less than perfect.

It is this fragile thread that binds us together.

Don't be afraid to encounter risks.

It is by taking chances that we learn to be brave.

Don't shut love out of your life by saying it's impossible to find.

The quickest way to receive love is to give;

the fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tightly;

and the best way to keep love is to give it wings.

Don't run through life so fast that you forget not only where you've been,

but also where you are going.

Don't forget that a person's greatest emotional need is to feel appreciated.

Don't use time or words carelessly. Neither can be retrieved.

Life is not a race, but a journey to be savored each step of the way.

Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, and Today is a gift;

that's why we call it - the Present...


어제 어떤 분이 80년대 말에서 90년대 초에 한참 잘 나가던 이랜드 얘길 하셨읍니다. 그 회사의 최대 장점은 종업원층이 젊다는 것이고, 최대 단점은 '문화가 죽어있다'는 것이었다고 합니다. 종업원층이 젊었기(20대 후반, 평균연령이 28세였다던가요?)때문에 그들이 생각하고, 원하는 바를 만들어내면 바로 팔렸다는 겁니다. 새삼 테스트 마케팅을 해볼 필요도 없었지요. 사원들이 좋아하는 거면 다 되었으니까. 그런데 왜 실패했는가. 바로 '획일적인 문화' 때문이었다는 거죠. 젊은 사람들이 모여 팔팔 뛰어야할 조직에 최고경영자가 일방적인 문화를 도입하고 강요했기 때문에 조직성장이 엄청 저해되었다는군요.

자, 이런 사례를 보면 '진정한 젊은 문화'의 조건이 무엇인지 조금 감이 잡히실 겁니다. 바로 '다양성을 존중하면서, 젊은 사람들의 기를 죽이지 않는다'는 것이 전제조건이 되는 문화랄까요. 그러나 사실 이런 문화는 기존 조직에서는 활발하게 꽃피기가 어렵다고 봅니다. 그러니 젊은 사람들의 창업이 활발해질 밖에요.

창업을 하거나 벤처에 다니시는 젊은 분들, '앞으로의 바람직한 조직문화를 우리가 선도해 나간다'고 생각하시고 열심히 하시기 바랍니다.

- anonymous

창사 자금조달 과정

사라토가 벤처 파이낸스 자료

Selling the Candidate: How To Get Your Ideal Candidate to Join Your Team

Plenty of articles are devoted to tips for finding a job. Even a cursory web search turns up a wealth of information on resume writing, effective interviewing, and how to suck up without slobbering. On the other hand, there is a dearth of information for companies doing the hiring. The game industry is a competitive one, and quality talent is vital to success. How do you get your ideal candidate to work for your company? You have found the perfect person you want to hire. Now, how do you sell that candidate on joining your team? In this article, we will address closing tips for hiring candidates, devising and extending offers, and addressing counter offer risks.

Closing Tips for Hiring Candidates

Starting Off On the Right Foot: No management function is more critical than hiring. Yet, surprisingly, many companies pay little regard to the importance of an organized and professional hiring process. Selling the candidate on your company begins with the very first interaction. From the first phone screen to the final offer, the persons conducting the hiring process represent the entire company. The way in which these company representatives conduct themselves can make or break a candidate's decision as to whether he (for purposes of this article "he" will represent candidates of all genders) will accept the position. The entire process from beginning to end should be handled in a well-organized and professional manner. Companies should approach each candidate contact with a sense of purpose.

Effective Interviewing

Overview: Beginning with the phone screen, approach the interviewing process with the same respect you would expect from the candidate. If you think this candidate has got what it takes, don't run him off before you get a chance for a face-to-face. If you scheduled the phone screen for a particular time, be ready. Give yourself enough time for an uninterrupted interview. Don't do anything else during the interview. Nothing is more irritating than the clickety-clack of computer keys while someone is trying to engage in an important conversation. Don't take other calls during the interview. The phone screen should last a mere 20 - 30 minutes. Whatever the other calls are about, they can wait half an hour.

Assuming all goes well with the phone screen, the next step is the office interview. Again, approach the interview with the same respect you would expect from the candidate. A disjointed and chaotic interviewing climate translates in the candidate's mind to a disjointed and chaotic working environment. Do not approach the interview as if it were a casual "getting to know each other conversation." This is someone you want to work for your company. Keep in mind that the candidate is also interviewing you and your staff. Be enthusiastic. Be professional. Be organized.

The Interviewing Process: Before the interviews begin, the candidate should start the day with a representative from HR. Your HR rep should sit the candidate down and provide him with a brief synopsis of company benefits, stock options, and perks such as health club memberships. The candidate should also be provided an attractive, well-organized packet of information on the company that includes, for example, information on the company's history, recent company news, and company product list. And, ideally, before the candidate ever arrives at your office, you have also provided an interview schedule that looks something like this:

Friday, November 12, 1999

Interview Schedule for Joe Interviewee - Producer Position

10:00am John Smith

11:00am Mike Jones

12:00pm Leave for Lunch

12:30pm Lunch

2:00pm Kris Johnson

3:00pm Terry Lee

Seeing the schedule before the day of the interview alleviates some of the candidate's anxiety as to what will transpire that day. Before the candidate ever sets foot in your building, your company already looks organized and professional. A schedule also helps keep the interviewing process on time and on track, as each of the interviewers should have their own copy of the schedule. They will know when to wrap up the interview and where the candidate should be taken next.

After the HR rep has briefed the candidate, HR should take him on an enthusiastic tour of your facility. At the end of the tour, HR should drop the candidate off at the first interview. At this point, you've already made great strides in making the candidate feel welcome and presenting your company in a positive light.

Before we take the candidate inside the office for the first interview, we need to discuss one of the most common reasons a candidate turns down a job --- no one took the spouse into consideration.

The Candidate's Personal Life: While it can feel like all of your days and nights are spent at the office, and that may be what you expect from your new employee, the fact is that everyone has a personal life. From a hiring perspective, all of the pieces may fit: the hire is in the budget, the candidate has the skill set, the phone interview is a dream, the candidate flies out and meets everyone. You like him and he likes you. You put together a salary and bonus offer he can't refuse and (muffled gasp) he turns you down. What went wrong? Job offers that require relocation to a new town frequently blow up in a company's face at the very last minute and no one seems to know why. Usually, these sorts of fall-outs are directly attributable to a failure to factor in a candidate's spouse or partner. That partner has probably never seen the new town, has no clue about housing, no friends, and no job. No one asked. And she (for purposes of this article "she" will refer to a candidate's spouse or partner of all genders) isn't moving. Period.

Recruiter Melanie Cambron recommends that "from the very start, all other factors in the candidate's life should be taken into account and included in the interviewing process. From the initial conversation with HR, that HR rep should be finding out about the candidate's family, why the candidate really wants to leave his current job (if that's the case), and whether the candidate and his partner have talked specifically about moving to a new town."

If you want this candidate and the job entails a move to a new town, you need to pony up the money and fly the partner out as well. While the candidate is interviewing, she should be set up with a friendly (but not pushy) real estate agent that is well-informed about the city, its job opportunities, schools, crime rate, etc. The spouse should also have lunch, dinner, or coffee with people at the company at some point. The candidate's better half needs to be acknowledged so they feel a part of the process. And, quite frankly, they ARE a part of the process.

The Office Interview

Now, back to the office interview. Before HR drops the candidate off for the first interview, the interviewer needs to be prepared. Even if you don't have the luxury of an organized HR department that has provided you with a schedule, you need to take the initiative and set aside a reasonable amount of time for the interview. Do not allow any distractions during this time. Do not take any phone calls and do not allow any interruptions. Your attention needs to be focused on the candidate. I know this sounds obvious, but as a recruiter I hear the interviewing horror stories from candidates. For example, there is a Creative Director at a very large development and publishing company who is notorious for taking phone calls and, believe it or not, reading and responding to emails during interviews. Not phone interviews. Face-to-face interviews where candidates have been flown in just to talk to him and there he sits in front of his computer reading and writing emails. And he wonders why ideal candidates turn down his job offers. Don't do that.

Be sure you have the information you need in front of you including a scratch pad for notes, your business card, an outline of questions you want to ask the candidate, and a copy of the candidate's resume that you have highlighted to show those specific areas you want to ask about. Interviews can be stressful; a little preparation can go a long way toward reducing that stress for both parties. However, be sure to stay loose and flexible, too. A welcoming approach and brief small talk will help establish rapport and ease tension. Outline for the candidate what the interview is meant to accomplish and describe the job in detail. State why the candidate is interviewing and what kind of information you need from the candidate. And, above all else, listen to the candidate.

The Questions: Candidates want to feel that they are walking into an organized environment. Having a prepared outline of questions help in that regard. However, simply copying down a list of questions that you gathered from some hiring book years ago and now read off the page will not help. The kinds of questions you ask and the way you ask those questions can go a long way to selling a candidate on your company. For example, an exceptional animator recently interviewed with a new game company. Before the interview, he was unsure as to whether he wanted to make the switch. After the interview he called his recruiter and told her that he had been particularly impressed with the questions that had been asked. Rather than asking those same, tired, overly general questions like "where do you see yourself in ten years," his interviewers had asked him the following questions: ·

    • What kinds of animation do you like?

    • What kinds of games do you see yourself playing in ten years?

    • What kinds of animation do you like to do?

This series of questions gave the animator the chance to really talk about the games he liked to make versus the games he liked to play and where he thought games would be in the next decade. He felt like the company had actually given some thought to interviewing him and, therefore, was really giving some thought to him.

On the other side of the proverbial coin another animator was phone interviewing with another company. In this case, the interviewer, in an uninspired and monotonous tone, read a list of stereotypical questions. At the end of the interview, he asked the animator to send in some samples. Later, when this animator spoke with his recruiter, he said he felt it was pretty clear the guy interviewing him was not interested. The candidate felt like it would just be a waste of his time to send in any samples. The recruiter had received this same feedback about this particular interviewer from other candidates. The fact was, despite the uninspired questioning, the company was very interested in this animator.

The questions posed to a candidate during the interview can be a turning point. Every company should spend some time working on the kinds of questions they ask candidates. The right questions, and the way, in which those questions are delivered, can bring out the best in both the candidate and the company.

At the End of the Day

Once the candidate has made it through the interviewing process, the company should have the candidate close with HR. During the course of the day and the interviews, questions will have percolated in the candidate's mind and he will appreciate the chance to ask questions and get answers before being on his merry way. After answering the candidate's wrap-up questions, HR should let the candidate know that the company will talk and get back to the candidate by a specific day. And, here's the clincher, if you tell the candidate you'll be back to him with a decision by Tuesday, then be back to him with a decision by Tuesday! Again, give the candidate the same respect you would expect of him. If this is someone you know you want, chances are others want him, too, and the longer you wait, the more time he has to take other interviews and consider other offers.

Devising and Extending Offers

Once the candidate has been through the interview process and you still know that this is the candidate for you, the time has come to devise and extend the job offer. You said you would get back to him by Tuesday and so you shall. And when you do get back to the candidate, you will present him with an offer that makes him feel like your company is taking care of him. You want that initial offer feeling to be a good one. Every aspect of the offer needs to be right-on. Even if you nailed it on initial base salary and signing bonus, if you miss the mark on relocation, for example, it will lessen the candidate's enthusiasm for your company. When you have to go back and start renegotiating in bits and pieces, things can quickly go downhill. As in the interviewing process, organization is key.

Furthermore, if the job offer entails relocation and a significant other, if you took the right steps early in the process and included the candidate's personal life in the equation, you've significantly reduced the odds of your deal falling apart.

Staying up to date on salary and bonus information: HR should be in an ongoing process of staying up to date on comparable salaries and bonuses in your area. There are a variety of readily available resources. Working with a recruiter can be particularly valuable in this area as recruiting firms have ready access to information on salaries being paid by comparable companies. For example, recruiting firms like Virtual Search, in conjunction with companies like the Miller Freeman Game Group, conduct annual game developer salary surveys. Also, if the job entails a move be sure to take into account the salary impact of cost of living considerations - you can be sure that the candidate will be taking it into consideration. For example, offers a free salary calculator. According to the calculator, a homeowner making $50,000 in Los Angeles would need to make $36,743 in Austin.

Relocation expenses: If the job requires relocation, you need to carefully consider the relocation portion of your offer. Relocating is more than throwing some furniture in a truck and hauling it across the state or country. It is a wise idea to work with a good relocation company to be able to devise an accurate relocation offer. In many situations it's a good idea to have the relocation company speak directly with the candidate to get an even better idea of what will be entailed in the move. The relocation company can then provide you with a more accurate amount for your offer.

Outlining all of the benefits: When making your offer, make sure you clearly outline all of the benefits your company offers. This reinforces to the candidate what your company is willing to do for him. And definitely do not assume that the candidate knows the benefits - list all of them. It is far better to overwhelm the candidate with good news than create a situation where the candidate has to come back and ask for more information. ·

Going the extra mile: I cannot overstate the importance of including the candidate's personal life in the hiring process. Job offers that were, by all accounts, merely a formality, have fallen completely apart because a spouse didn't want to move. If your job offer entails relocation, you are not just asking the candidate to move; you are asking him to move his entire life and that life frequently includes a spouse and/or family. At this point, you should have already included the candidate's family in the process. With the offer, you need to go the extra mile by providing additional information for the spouse such as housing and job information, a list of recruiters in the area, as well as a list of websites that can direct the candidate and his family to even more information about the area.

And, again, if you told the candidate you would get back to him by Tuesday. You better get back to him by Tuesday.

Addressing Counter Offer Risks

If you are trying to snag a candidate from another company, you run the risk of the counter offer. Once you've extended your job offer, there is a good chance the candidate will go back to his current employer and let them know that another company has offered him a better deal. The best way to deal with the counter offer is to address it before it happens. It is during this phase that working with a recruiter holds an advantage. You don't want to look like your bashing the candidate's current employer - the recruiter does the dirty work. But whether you do it or your recruiter does it, the following points should be addressed with the candidate to diffuse the counter offer situation.

If they had really wanted the candidate: Let the candidate know that you are aware that if he goes to his current employer to discuss your job offer, chances are good that they will counter offer with an equal amount or, possibly, something greater. However, if that happens, the candidate should take into consideration the fact that it took the threat of leaving to prompt his current employer to cough up the money. The current employer should have been paying the candidate his real market value all along. If they have the money now, they've probably had it all along.

The candidate would still be gone: In my years of experience working as a recruiter, I have noticed one particular constant: if someone is looking for a job, there is a reason. Once a candidate accepts a job interview with a new employer, at least in his mind, he has already left his current employer. Even if the candidate takes the current employer's counter offer, odds are he will be back on the market within six months. Be sure to talk to the candidate about why he is leaving his current job. Give the candidate the chance to talk through the reasons he interviewed with your company in the first place.

Selling the Person

In short, how do you convince the candidate you want to join your company? You've got to show him the same respect you would expect from him. Be organized, professional, and attentive. Candidates notice when you read your emails during an interview. They also notice when you read a set of stereotypical questions off a sheet of paper. And, they listen to their spouses. Your ideal candidate may be the most meticulous programmer you've ever seen. But that candidate is also a person. You're not selling a machine on your company, you're selling a person. With just a little thought, effort, and organization, you can get your ideal candidate to join your team.

Marc Mencher is a software engineer by training and worked for game companies like Spectrum Holobyte and 3DO, before founding Virtual Search, a game industry-recruiting firm. Marc's articles have been featured in GameWEEK, GIG, and other industry publications. You can contact Marc directly at or 800.779.3334. Visit the Virtual Search website for more game industry jobs information at

GMO 카놀라유와 포도씨유..

GMO 카놀라유와 포도씨유 이태리산 스페인산 브라질산 올리타리아 움브로 만토바 보르게스 미강유 호두씨유 등에 대하여

(국내의 수입사들의 상호는 제외하였습니다.)

움브로 - 이태리 움브리아(지중해 일등지)지방의 작은 업체로부터 수입. 즉 올리브전문브랜드

국내 최초로 이태리산 오일은 움브로라는 브랜드. 국내 올리브유를 공식 첫선을 보인

감사한 업체이다.

올리타리아 - 이태리 12개순위중 하나. 보틀링,가공업체. 제조비중은 작다.

이태리내에서도 고속도로 식당까지 깔려있는 저가형 오일로 독일과 한국이

주 수출국이고 올리타리아의 브랜드는 올리타리아, 크레모니니, 크레오 등 많다.

즉 잡국의 오일을 모아서 보틀링하기에 브랜드도 많고 장사꾼으로도 유명하다.

한국의 7-8년된 파트너도 배신하고 크레오라고 브랜드를 만들어 파트너 뒤통수를

치고 다른업자에게 수출하다가 근래에는 코스닥상장 회사에게 한국총판을

맺었다.일본에서는 그냥 인기없음...일본은 미강유가 대세 .

하여간 올리타리아와 홈쇼핑 덕택에 국내에 올리브유가 아닌 포도씨유가 자리잡히게 됨.

베르톨리 - 이태리12위 업체중 최상위순위,,,,올리브로 국내에서 티브광고도 했지만 ....

만토바 - 이태리12개 순위업체 중 하나로써 올리브전문업체이다. 이태리 내수시장에만 치중하여

품질좋은 올리브유를 자랑한다. 다만 포도씨유는 100%이태리산이 아닐것이다.

그러나 수입사의 철학과 수출사의 고집으로 동일조건의 여러 포도씨유 유통구조보다

저렴하게 그리고 품질에 자부심을 갖는다. 즉 장사의 이익보다 명성을 소중히 한다.

전문수입사 및 제조사제품중 소비자 가격이 가장 훌륭하고 양심적이다.

올리브는 주로 움브리아 지중해에서 수급한다.

보르게스 - 이태리가 아닌 스페인산으로 전통과 역사를 자랑한다. 물론 와인이나 올리브유는 이태리

산보다는 기술이 떨어진다고 이태리사람들이 말하지만 포도씨유 측면에서는 같은 유통수

급구조이다. 다만 스페인본사에서의 관리통제를 받기에 소비자가격메리트는 없다.

키코로 - 이태리 피에트로라는 소규모 소분,수출업체의 제품이긴하나 07년도에 총판권을 상실하기전

까지 7-8년간의 올리타리아 제품을 수입해온 수입사가 선택한 2008년 브랜드이다. 식품에는

오랜기간 동안 투자,판매를 해온 전문회사이다. 다만 단가부분이 아직 해결되지 않아 그리

많이들 찾지는 않을것이다.

국산 포도씨유 - 이태리,브라질 등 여러나라로부터 원재료(오일)-탱크로 수입하여 시기에 맞춰 소분

하여 동네슈퍼까지 깔고 있다. 그래도 홈쇼핑가락이 있는 올리타리아보다 싸야 사먹

지...비싼편이다. 년말에 유통기한 임박되야지만 1+1 행사로 땡친다. ㅡ,.ㅡ;;;...농담


국내혹은 미국일본등의 콩,옥수수 식용유는 90%이상이 유전자조작식품이라고 한다.

물론 인체에는 유해함이 검증되지 않았다고는 하나 쥐가먹어 이상해지는 모습을 보니 시기의 차이만

있을뿐 언젠가는...이라는 무서움이 생긴다.

카놀라유도 유전자조작 식물 즉 유채씨에서 나온 기름이다. 바이오디젤로 연구 개발하려다가 성분에

좋은(위 올리브,포도,해바 등)성분이 조금 발견되어 알약이나 식용유까지 만들어서 팔고 있다.

호주나 캐나다 양것들의 기원은 잘 아실것이다. 난 저 기름은 쳐다도 안본다.

올리비탈 - 가르시아도로에서 제조한것인지 소분만 이태리인지 구분이 안간다. 이번에도 크레오제품

때처럼 뒷면에 표기가 잘못되어 들어와 상당히 애매하다. 그러나 누가 만들었던 어디 제조

던 간에 GMO식용유를 먹을바엔 저렴한 포도씨유를 선택하겠다. 국내에서 가장 저렴하

다. 수입사나 하부조직이 전문 식품업체가 아닌 박리다매 유통업체이기에 100원띠기의

정신이 투철하다. 뭐 소비자 입장에서는 만족이다. 아마 이번에도 라벨에 매직을 칠하고

통관되어 기업납품은 못할테니 땡으로 많이 풀릴것이다. 포도씨유는 어느회사 제품이건

간에 벤조피렌(리파인,추출시 발생)검출만 안되면 추천이다. 그리고 전문성을 보고 소비

자가 판단하면 된다.

미강유(현미유) - 쌀겨에서 추출한 기름. 미국 심작학회 등 혈관의 콜레스레롤을 직방으로 녹인다고

한다. 국내에는 논문이 거의 없다.

발열점이 해바,포도씨유가 200이상인데 반해 일반 콩유보다 낮아 일반적인 음식

조리시 타는문제가 있으나 170도 이하인 올리브유(버진),참기름보다는 높다.

즉 아주 바삭하게 먹어야 하는 얇은 음식의 순간조리에 최고다.

단, 모든 오일이 그러하듯이 오일을 추출하는 기술이 중요하다.

미강유는 쌀겨를 0도씨 이하로 유지하여 리파인(추출)해야 하는데 그 시설까지

쌀알을 다 털고 남은 쌀겨를 운송하는 중에 산화가 되버린다. 이런 원재료로 만든

미강유는 위 카놀라유처럼 건강성분과 위험성이 같이 공존하게된다.

국산도 아직 시험검사서가 없는 것으로 안다. 일본산이 현재 가장 안심되는

제품이다. 물론 후진국 태국산이나 우리네쌀과 거래가 먼나라의 미강유는 상세한

시험검사를 받고 홍보해야 할 것이다.

미강유....비싸다.500미리 한병에 4000-5000원선. 국산은 라온.

대량으로 깔고있는 오일사는 이런 리파인기술이 최신식이라고 자부한다. 그러나 그 많은 양을 다 리파인할수는 없다. 리파인된 후진국으로부터 탱크로 받아서 소분하여 한국에 수출할수있다.

소비자입장으로보면 이제는 홈쇼핑제품에 속지 않고 합리적인 가격과 전문적인 식품유통판매자들의

제품을 선호할 시기라 본다. 이영돈PD의 소비자고발을 보면 홈쇼핑편이 나온다. 맞다. 판매가격에

32%가 홈쇼핑마진으로 들어간다.홈쇼핑이 신뢰가 가서? 하루에도 여러탕을 뛰는 담당MD와 호스트들

이 이 제품에 대해 뭘알겠나? 마치 전문가처럼 말하는데 가소롭다. 그리고 오일이 뭔지도 모르는 수입사들이 수입만하여 파는데 이것도 촌극이다.

소비자는 그 오일을 사기전에 그 오일수입사의 전문성과 수입기간, 현지 명성 등을 고려하고 사야한다. 돈이 좀 된다 싶으니 견우마잡분들이 너도나도 수입하는데 마치 홈쇼핑에서 잠깐 인기를 끌고

부도가 나서 A/S도 안되는 그러한 제품들 투성이다.

이제 한국시장도 비싸게 건강식품을 먹고 살 필요는 결코없다. 그렇다고 양것들이 대접해주나?

포도씨유 평균 소비자 판매가는 500미리 한병에 3900원이면 족하다. 해바라기씨유는 2700원

올리브유는 아직 한국시장에서 멀었다. 풀냄새 자체...역겹다. 버진, 혼합유(버진+포머스), 포머스

포머스는 올리유를 짜고(버진) 남은 찌꺼기를 알콜로 열과 압력으로 추출해낸다. 그래서 벤조피랜이

발생하는것이다. 주로 식당에서 튀김용으로만 써야 하는데 버무려먹으란다....ㅡㅡ;;

버무려먹는것은 것은 버진 즉 리파인추출이 아닌 짜낸 최초의 기름 버진을 버무려먹거나 바게트빵에

발라먹는 것이다. 한국사람 식문화와는 거리가 멀다... .

이태리것들은 돈이되는 오일이기에 탱크에 보관하였다가 소분하여 국내에 수출한다. 즉 메이드인이태리는 많으나 100% 생산제조오일은 결코 아닐것이다. 여담이지만 올리브유 세계협회도 있고 주류와같이 마피아가 관여관리도 한다고 한다.... . 한국은 회원국이 아니죠...

포도씨유 500미리 평균 수입단가(수입원평균,물대,관세 등 포함) - 2300원

해바라기씨유 - 1290원 정도한다. 계속 상승중..바이오디젤로 경유로 쓰인다...ㅋㅋ;;

그 가격에 달라 한다면 어불성설이다. 한병의 가격이 나오기 위해서는 최하 5억원이상의 자금으로

수입이 되어야 한다. 또한 보관을 위해 매월 들어가는 물류센터비용 등 이모든것을 고려한 단가로

소비자가는 위 3900원, 2700원 선이 적정한것이다.

국내 유명 오픈마켓(지마켓,인터파크,옥션)에서 이미 그 가격이 형성되어 있다.

그 이상주고 사는 것은 소비자 몫이다. 같은 제품을 고가로 백화점에서 사고 홈쇼핑에서 사고

전문몰에서 사든 어디서 사든 제품은 동일한 것이다.

홈쇼핑에서 잘하는 짓이 있질 않나? 백화점에서 끊어온 영수증입니다~~ 백화점가가 이렇게 고가입니다. 저희 홈쇼핑에서는 ~ 저렴한~ ㅋㅋ;;

똑같은 제품 알아서 현명하게 사십시오! 그리고 건강오일은 매년 개발되고 발견되고 있답니다.

다음엔 오일중 최고인 호두기름 즉 호두씨유에 대해 조사하겠습니다.(호두씨유 버진,리파인)

그리고 언급한 위 모든 업체에게는 감사의 마음을 표합니다. 이렇게 국내에 많은 종류와 다양한 가격의 오일을 수입해주시어 벤조피렌이 뭔지도 모르고 살았고 그리고 유전자조작 식용유로부터 벗어나게 해준 그 공로는 사후 내세에서라도 보상받게 될 것입니다. (__)

우리 소비자들에게는 모두 고마운 수입사들입니다.

[출처] GMO 카놀라유와 포도씨유 이태리산 스페인산 브라질산 올리타리아 움브로 만토바 보르게스 미강유 호두씨유 등에 대하여|작성자 피닉스


몸에 병이 없기를 바라지 마라. 몸에 병이 없으면 탐욕이 생기기 쉽나니 그래서 성인이 말씀하시되 병고로써 양약을 삼으라 하셨느니라.

세상살이에 곤란 없기를 바라지 마라. 세상살이에 곤란이 없으면 업신여기는 마음과 사치한 마음이 생기나니 그래서 성인이 말씀하시되 근심과 곤란으로써 세상을 살아가라 하 셨느니라.

공부하는데 마음에 장애 없기를 바라지 마라. 마음에 장애 가 없으면 배우는 것이 넘치게 되나니 그래서 성인이 말씀 하시되 장애속에서 해탈을 얻으라 하셨느니라.

수행하는데 마가 없기를 바라지 마라. 수행하는데 마가 없 으면 서원이 굳건해지지 못하나니 그래서 성인이 말씀하시 되 모든 마군으로써 수행을 도와주는 벗을 삼으라 하셨느 니라.

일을 꾀하되 쉽게 되기를 바라지 마라. 일이 쉽게 되면 뜻 을 경솔한데 두게 되나니 그래서 성인이 말씀하시되 여러 겁을 겪어서 일을 성취하라 하셨느니라.

친구를 사귀되 내가 이롭기를 바라지 마라. 내가 이롭고자 하면 의리를 상하게 되나니 그래서 성인이 말씀하시되 순 결로서 사귐을 길게 하라 하셨느니라.

남이 내 뜻대로 순종해주기를 바라지 마라. 남이 내 뜻대 로 순종해 주면 마음이 스스로 교만해지나니 그래서 성인 이 말씀하시되 내 뜻에 맞지 않는 사람들로써 원림을 삼으 라 하셨느니라.

공덕을 베풀려면 과보를 바라지 마라. 과보를 바라면 도모 하는 뜻을 가지게 되나니 그래서 성인이 말씀하시되 덕 베 푼 것을 헌신처럼 버리라 하셨느니라.

이익을 분에 넘치게 바라지 마라. 이익이 분에 넘치면 어리 석은 생각이 생겨나니라.그래서 성인이 말씀하시되 적은 이 익으로써 부자가 되라 하셨느니라.

억울함을 당해서 밝히려고 하지마라. 억울함을 밝히면 원망 하는 마음을 도웁게 되나니 그래서 성인이 말씀하시되 억울 함을 당하는 것으로 수행하는 문을 삼으라 하셨느니라.

이와같이 막히는 데서 도리여 통하는 것이요, 통함을 구하는 것에서 도리여 막히는 것이니 이래서 부처님께서는 저 장애 가운데서 보리도를 얻으셨느니라.

Some Quotes

    1. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result - Albert Einstein

    2. "accomplishing the impossible means the your boss will add it to your regular duties...."

    3. "We have reason to believe that man first walked upright to free his hands for masturbation."-- Lily Tomlin

    4. 시간이란 기다리는 사람에겐 너무 느리고, 두려워하는 자에게는 너무 빠르게 지나가고, 비탄에 빠진 자에게는 너무 길고, 기뻐하는 자에게는 너무 짧고, 그러나 사랑하는 자에게 시간은 영원하니라. Time is... too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love... Time is Eternity.

    5. 매시간 시계가 똑딱하는 것은 지금...지금..지금이라고 말하는 것이다. Every time the clock ticks, it says

    6. 뜨거운 정열은 아름답지만 냉철한 정열은 힘이 있다

    7. 모든 일은 계획으로 시작되고 노력으로 성취되며, 오만으로 망친다. - <管子 第 五篇 乘馬>

    8. 도량과 포부는 웅대하리. 그 목표에 도달하는 과정에 있어서는 치밀해야 하며 이예 따른 모든 행위는 반드시 誠을 그 근본으로 해야한다.

    9. Wait and Hope! but Don't Procrastinate - Lincoln

    10. 우리의 돌아보는 것은 보이는 것이 아니요 보이지 않는 것이니 보이는 것은 잠간이요 보이지 않는 것은 영원함이라

    11. 위대하여라. 그리고 남들이 그렇게 되도록 도와주어라 - 텐징(등산가) Be Great, Make Others Great

    12. 有志者 事竟成

    13. 인간은 추구하는 한 방황하기 마련 - 괴테, 파우스트 중 Es ?ist der Mensch, solange er stroke

    14. 春蠶到死絲方盡 臘炬灰成淚始乾 - 商隱 봄누에는 죽어서야 실뽑기를 다하고, 촛불은 재가 되어서야 눈물이 마르기 시작한다.

    15. A man can be destroyed but not defeated - 노인과 바다 중

    16. 만년이나 살 것처럼 행동하지 말라 - 아우렐리우스 명상록

    17. 한 스승 밑에서 10년간 수학하는 자는 그 스승을 능가하기가 어렵고 스승의 가르침 한마디로 10년간 수학하는 자는 반드시 대성하리라.

Some Lyrics

    1. X-mas

    2. I'm dreaming of a white christmas

    3. Just like the once I used to know

    4. Where the tree tops glisten and

    5. Children listen to

    6. hear the sleigh bells in the snow...

    7. I'm dreaming of a white christmas

    8. With every christmas card I write

    9. May your days be merry and bright

    10. And may all your christmas as be white

    11. ---

    12. City side walks, Busy Side walks

    13. Dressed holydat style,

    14. In the air there's a feeling of christmas...

    15. Children laughing, People passing,

    16. Meeting smile after smile

    17. And on every street corner you hear.

    18. Silver bells, Silver bells

    19. It's christmas time in the city

    20. Ring a Ring, Ring a Ring

    21. Soon it will be christmas day

    22. Let It Be Me

    23. I bless the day I found you If for each bit of gladness

    24. I want to stay around you Some one must taste of sadness

    25. And so I beg you I'll bear the sorrow

    26. Let it be me Let it be me

    27. Don't take this heaven from one No matter what the price is

    28. If you must cling to someone I'll make the sacrifices

    29. Now and forever Through each tomorrow

    30. Let it be me Let it be me

    31. Each time we meet love To you I'm praying

    32. I found complete love Hear what I'm saying

    33. Without your sweet love Please let your heart beat

    34. What would life be? For me just me

    35. So never leave me lonely And never leave me lonely

    36. Tell me you'll love me only Tell me you'll love me only

    37. And that you'll always And that you'll always

    38. Let it be me Let it be me

    39. Old & Wise

    40. As far as my eyes can see

    41. there are shadows approaching me

    42. and to those I left behind

    43. I wanted you to Know

    44. You've always shared my deepest thoughts

    45. You follow where I go

    46. and oh when I'm old and wise

    47. bitter words mean little to me

    48. autumn winds will blow right through me

    49. and someday in the mist of time

    50. when they asked me if i knew you

    51. i'd smile and say you were a friend of mine

    52. and the sadness would be lifted from my eyes

    53. oh when I'm old and wise

    54. as far as my eyes can see

    55. there are shadows surrounding me

    56. and to those I leave behind

    57. I want you all to know

    58. You've always shared my darkest hours

    59. I'll miss you when I go

    60. and oh, when I'm old and wise

    61. heavy words that tossed and blew me

    62. like autumn winds will blow right through me

    63. and someday in the mist of time

    64. when thety ask you if you knew me

    65. remember that you were a friend of mine

    66. as the final curtain falls before my eyes

    67. oh when I'm old and wise

    68. as far as my eyes can see.

My old HTML styles

  1. <body background=back98.gif bgcolor="#000000" text=#ffcc99 link=#ff9900 vlink=#ffcc66">

    1. <body background=rust.gif bgcolor=#663333 text=#ffcc99 link=#ff9900 vlink=#ffcc66>

Some Images

    1. Myself, year 1998

    1. Dance of youth (negative)

Favorite Poems

    1. E.Browining "How do I love thee", "My Heart Leaps Up.."

    2. 천상병 "아가야", "나의 가난은"

    3. R.Frost "The Road Not Taken"

    4. 구르몽 "낙엽"

    5. 황동규 "즐거운 편지"

    6. 한용운 "낙화"

    7. 조병화 "공존의 이유 12"

    8. 정호승 "부치지 않은 편지"

    9. 조지훈 "민들레꽃", "사모"

    10. 김초혜 "사랑법"

    11. 김지하 "타는 목마름으로"

    12. 김관식 "나의 임종은"

    13. 김남조 "서시"

    14. 김소월 "예전엔 미처 몰랐어요"

    15. 이육사 "절정"

    16. 오규원 "등기되지 않은 현실 또는 돈 키호테 약전(略傳)"

    17. 박인환 "센티멘탈 져니"

    18. 심훈 "그날이 오면"

And then there's Haskell...

Haskell is like "that girl." You know the one...

You never really went steady, but you'd run into her from time to time while knocking around in disreputable joints, usually late at night, every several months or so. She looked so hot, so sleek, so sexy, so expressive, so exotic. You'd end up back at her place and the night would just... take off. A complete blur of hot, sweaty, feverish, delirious, fumbling passion. You'd do things to each other... you'd do things to her, she'd do things to you... things that you're not even sure have names, that you're pretty sure are illegal almost anywhere. Even her kinks have kinks --- and after one of these nights, you'd realize that you yourself had a lot more kinks than you. And it wasn't just physical, it was --- cerebral. Ethereal. anscendent. But it would all whiz by in a blur, and by morning you'd find yourself lightheaded, a bit confused, and stumbling homeward to your regular gal.

Over the next few days and weeks you'd find yourself occasionally drifting away, thinking about her. Haskell. You'd be there, banging away at your regular girl, and find yourself thinking "you know, if I was with Haskell, I'd be doing this completely differently." You'd think "I could be doing so much bigger and better stuff with Haskell." Now, your regular girl, she's not as exotic as Haskell. Pretty, maybe, if you're lucky. (Perhaps your regular girlfriend's name is Python. ;-) But not nearly as --- weird. Wild. Cool. Exciting. Don't get me wrong --- your girl, she's wonderful. You've got a wonderful relationship. She's --- comfortable. You can bang away at her all day and night. She's accommodating. Easy going. You work well together. But --- confidentially --- she's, well, maybe just a little bit boring. You'd catch yourself thinking these things, and the guilty pangs would get to you... You'd quash the thoughts, buckle down, and get back to banging away. Comfortable... there's a lot to be said for that, ya know? Comfortable... just keep telling yourself that. Months would go by. Late some night you'd find yourself out, disreputable places again. Maybe that hacker bar, LtU. Somebody'd slip you an URL for some renegade paper, you know, one of *those*

papers. You'd run into Haskell again. And the whole thing starts over.

Eventually, you're going to get the ultimatum. Haskell's ultimately just like any other girl on some level; she needs commitment. Eventually, after one night of wild, feverish, kinky, abstract passion, she's going to say to you: "All these times, and you don't understand me at all! You know, you're going to have to get serious, mister! I've got needs, too. You're going to have to get serious about my monads, or that's the last time you're going to play with them! Got it?"

...and then, you've got to make The Choice.

Chances are, you're going to go back to your regular gal. Haskell's just too much for any one man, probably. She leaves a trail of broken, brainy, embittered PhDs and former programmers behind her. She ruins you for the RealWorld. You can ride a while, but you probably can't go the distance with her. Go back to your regular gal and try not to think too much about what you've seen. Done. Felt. Thought.

Maybe you can salvage a little happiness; but it'll be hard. After all... you've tasted Haskell.

She's not like anything else.


-- jeff bone from FoRK mailing list.

But seriously... then there's Haskell.

As you may have surmised from my fanciful little narrative about Haskell, it's a long-term fascination / vexation of mine. In fact, I've been a fan of the whole functional languages thing since undergrad days, indeed since before I ever wrote a substantial piece of C. Dick Pountain is probably to thank / blame for my programming language fetish generally and my love of exotic languages specifically. Through Byte magazine back in the early 80s, he turned me on to Lisps (Bet's XLisp, specifically) as well as Occam (and transputers, and parallel programming) and the whole pre-Haskell family of FP-derived languages (Hope, Miranda being the notable exceptions.) It was through that channel that I came to buy a bound copy of the first (20? 25? can't recall) years of Turing Award lectures, specifically to read Jim Backus' lecture in which he introduced FP. My first attempt at programming language design was a thought experiment amusingly called FLAP, for "Functional Language for Application Programming." (It was basically Hope with a few additional wacky, and thoroughly broken, ideas thrown in. And yes, sullied by my already tainted experience programming imperatively. Russel may remember some of this...)

Over the years I left the whole typed-functional language family behind as an interesting but impractical academic experiment. After school I never wrote any "for-real" Lisp, either --- though I proved Greenspun's 10th over and over again. At Sun we had *two* different Lispy derivatives in the system I hacked on: EVIL, which was essentially Javascript (but in 1989) and had about the same relationship to Lisp as that language; and WICKED, which was a mostly-declarative, structure-oriented subset of Scheme used for migrating computational agents between hosts via e-mail. (Think JSON as sexprs, with first-class function values.) SIOD embedded in UnterVERSE. ETI was Lisp in XMLish angle brackets (thought that decision was before I got there; that was later replaced in part through my encouragement with another Lisp-in-sheep's-clothing, Tcl.) Etc., etc., etc.

Picked the whole Haskell thing back up again a decade ago, and it's been haunting me ever since. For all the overly-academic, recursive navel-gazing and dissertation-one-upsmanship that goes on in the community, occasionally there are these real, practical, interesting little gems. There are just these tantalizing little hints about how productive and powerful and practical it can *really* be... Just these superhuman feats of programming heroism that fly out of (usually) lone wolf programmers at unexpected times --- and in domains all over the map. Hell, the darcs guy's a *physicist* --- and we all know about physicists and programming, right? A whole distributed revision control system in around 8k LoC --- and it would be a 10th of that if it were more idiomatic, done by a real Haskell guru. By which I mean, either Simon, Simon, or Phil. ;-)

To wit, some Wonderful Things:

    • Fran, and the whole School of Expression multimedia thing.

    • Frag - a Quake-style FPS in Haskell.

    • Darcs. (Already described.)

    • Zipper. Filesystems smaller than anywhere except FUSE and Plan 9.

    • Djinn. ("The compiler. It's thinking...!")

    • Near-complete R5RS Scheme(s) in under 500 LoC. (And a good tutorial, too...)

    • And oh yes, on the language front: a working, small, tight Perl6 --- PUGS.

    • PFP for probabilistic stuff. Also Dazzle for graphical Bayesian network stuff.

    • Metamath hacking of all kinds, and a good maths book. Using Haskell.

    • Symbolic math and theorem proving stuff, notably DoCon and Dumatel.

    • Rule systems.

    • Haskore, for musical composition.

    • Haskell for the UNIX shell --- the h4sh tools.

    • Intelligent Internet TV stuff, with classification / etc. (downNova)


Etc. etc. etc.

Some of this stuff is just magical. (As in: "Any sufficiently advanced technology...") All of it is mind-blowing.

So I just keep coming back for more...

Stay away. For your own sanity's sake. This is not a good addiction to have.

You were warned.



-- jeff bone from FoRK mailing list.

August 5th, 2009 by Joe Teixeira

Tags: ga pdf tracking, onClick events, pdf downloads, trackEvent, tracking a pdf, trackPageview, trackEvent, trackPageview

PDF Files are no doubt a part of your website. Sure, they’re not HTML, PHP, or ASP pages, but they are files that contain information that is just as valuable as any other page on your website. So, why not track PDF files in Google Analytics, too?

At MoreVisibility, we see a lot of websites out there using Google Analytics that are not tracking their PDF Files as either pageviews or events - both of which are possible to do. The best part about it is that it’s very easy to configure, which is good news for any person on your IT / technical team.

To track any PDF file on your website, simply follow the quick steps below and you’ll be well on your way. It gets a bit technical from here on out, so roll up your sleeves and put your hard hats on.

1. Find a page that links to one of your PDF files.

2. Find where the PDF file is on the page - look for the anchor (<a>) tag. It should look something like this:

<a href="files/quarterly-earnings.pdf" target="_blank">Quarterly Earnings Report</a>

3. Insert the following “onClick” event within this anchor tag. It should look like this:

<a href="files/quarterly-earnings.pdf" target="_blank" onClick="pageTracker._trackPageview('/files/quarterly-earnings.pdf');">Quarterly Earnings Report</a>

4. Upload the page and enjoy the results! You should see the number of times that your PDF file was accessed within the Content >> Top Content section of your Google Analytics profile.

Tracking a PDF Download as an Event (vs. as a Pageview)

To track your PDF Downloads as Events, simply use the _trackEvent function instead of the _trackPageview function, like so:

<a href="files/quarterly-earnings.pdf" target="_blank" onClick="pageTracker._trackEvent("PDF Files", "Downloads", "Quarterly Earnings Report", "500");">Quarterly Earnings Report</a>

(Learn all about Event Tracking with my latest blog post from last week)

The activity that occurred on your PDF Files will be within the Event Tracking section, which is a sub-section of the Content section of reports, instead of in the Top Content report.

Is there a difference between tracking PDF files as Pageviews or as Events?

Other than the obvious fact that one way will count them as a pageview, while the other way will count them as an event, the biggest difference between the two is the ability to track Goals. As of today, Google Analytics does not have the ability to track Events as Goals, so if you were planning to track all PDF downloads as Goals, you will need to track them as Pageviews, and not as Events. Advanced Segments are now available for Events, but they are not the same as Goals.

So what are you waiting for? Grab your webmaster and start tracking your PDF files with Google Analytics!

Posted in Google Analytics, Web Analytics

Computational Thinking

Computational Thinking, by Jeannette M. Wings