Military Service

The men and women of Cuyahoga Heights answered the call to arms. During World War I, many of the men volunteered and responded to the draft to serve. Many who were immigrants were given citizenship upon entering the service. In 1947, the first veterans organization, the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post No. 6566 was organized and given quarters at the village-owned facility at 4646 E. 71st St., which was the old Willow House, which is now gone and but a memory.

The marble memorial at the Village Hall was dedicated in 1948 in tribute to all village men and women who served in the military. It is the scene of the annual Memorial Day services.

Those who served were:

Elmer Accorsini - WWII

Cleri M. Adorni - WWII

Geremia Iacopo Algimiro Adorni - WWI

Umero Adorni - WWII

Albert J. Aguzzi - WWII

Raymond Amari - WWII

Joseph F. Anderson

Joseph F. Andrews - WWII

Iacopo Angiocchi - WWI

Lydio Angiocchi - Korea

Robert Angiocchi - Peacetime

Lucian Anielski - WWII

Raymo Antognozzi - WWI

Wayne Arndt - Vietnam

George Attewell - WWII

Louis Bacci - WWII

Vincenzo Gemignano Bacci - WWI

Brian Baciak - Peacetime

Albert Baracz - WWII

Henry Baracz - WWII

Raymond Baracz - WWII

Steve J. Baracz - WWII

Aloysius. Bartczak - WWII

Florence Bartczak - WWII

Leonard Bartczak - WWII - Died in the line of duty

Simon Bartczak - WWII

John Bartkiewicz - WWII

Joseph Bartkiewicz - WWII

Anna Mae Bass - WWII

William Baur Sr. - WWII

William Richard Baur Jr. - Korea

Peter Beak - WWI

Leo N. Billi - WWII

Lee Billi - Vietnam

Ottavio Billi - WWI

James Bloam - WWII

Ralph H. Bloom Jr. - WWII

Bruce Blue - Vietnam

John F. Bohdan - WWII

Nick Bohdan - WWII

Joseph E. Boing - WWI

Jeff Borowy - Desert Shield, Iraqi Freedom

John Borowy - WWII

Harry G. Bricker - WWII

James William Bricker - Vietnam

Frank Brom - WWI

Stewart Brown

Frances Byrne - WWII

Richard Carse - WWII

Carl Casavecchia Sr. - Korea

Dominic Casavecchia - WWI

Ferdinand Casavecchia - WWII

Tony Casavecchia - WWII

Andy Cash - Iraq

Howard Cash - WWII

Neil Cash - Vietnam

Edward Cejka - WWII

Norman Cerha - Peacetime

Norbert Chase - WWII

Robert Chase - WWII

Stanley B. Chase - WWI

Thomas Chase - Vietnam

William Christy - WWII

Richard Cockrell - Vietnam

Andrew Coffee - WWII

Joseph Peter Coffee - WWII

Howard Combs Jr.

Charles Connors - WWI

Joseph Conte - Korea

Elia Contipelli - WWI

Ralph Contipelli - Peacetime

Edward Crombine - WWII

Eugene Crombine - WWII

Frank J. Crooks - WWII

James Crooks - Vietnam

Joseph L. Crooks - WWII

Joseph Allen Cye - WWII

Stefan Czekalski - WWII

Egidio Danti - WWII

Alonzo Darling - WWI

Hubert Darling - WWI

Lester G. Davis - WWII

Ralph L. Davis - WWII

Ryan Dawes

Ralph DeSantis - WWII

Joseph Dolezal - WWII

David Domzalski - Vietnam

Edmund Stephen Domzalski - WWII

Edward I. Domzalski - WWII

Frank Joseph Domzalski Sr. - WWII

James Domzalski - Vietnam

Ronald Dorris - Vietnam

Donald Benjamin Doskey - WWII

Victor H, Duber - Korea

Casimir Dunajski - WWII

Harold F. Dunham

Martin Dzuro - WWII

Joseph Evans - WWII

Walter Evans - WWII

Albert Ezzo - WWII

Ralph Faragone - Vietnam

Howard L. Farrar - WWII

Kenneth L. Farrar - WWII

Rudolph Fess - WWII

Guido J. Fontana - WWII

Edward Gaida - WWI

Albert Gallitz - Peacetime

Frank Gallitz - WWI

George A. Gallitz - WWII

Jacob Gallitz - WWI

William R. Gerdon - WWII

Edward Golembiewski - WWII

Henry Golembiewski - WWII

Charles Gorney - WWI

Chester Grzelecki - WWII

Bruno Guidotti - WWII

Vincent Guidotti - WWII

Edmund D. Guilfoyle - WWII

Edward C. Guilfoyle - Vietnam

Chester Stanley Gutkowski - WWII

John Francis Hanousek - WWI

John Leroy Hanousek - WWII

Robert Harris - WWII

Robert F. Heinz - WWII - died in the line of duty

Ronald Louis Heinz - Korea

Russell Curt Heinz - WWII

Eugene J. Henry - Korea

Robert Austin Hine - WWII

Henry P. Humphrey - WWII

Renato Iacopucci - WWII

Robert John Jackson - Vietnam

Dean Thomas James - Korea

Donald Arthur James - Korea

Noreen James

Richard Walter James - Peacetime

Bernard Kaczmarek - WWII

Raymond Kalfas - WWII

Donald Kaminski - Korea

Theodore Kaminski - WWI

Ronald Kimmel - Vietnam

Ernest Klaas - WWI

Ignatius Klanchnik - WWII

Joseph Klir - Vietnam

Richard Michael Kloss - WWII

Ernest Knaack - WWI

Robert Bruce Knowlton -

Theodore Koren - WWII

Henry Kosicki - WWII

Tim Krenisky - Vietnam

Hunter Krenisky - Afghanistan

Donald Krusinski

Harry Robert Kruzel - WWII

Kenneth J. Kruzel - WWII - died in the line of duty

Robert Kruzel - WWII

Joseph Langa - WWI

Robert Larkin - WWII

John Laseke - Vietnam

Joe Laskowsky - WWI

Anthony Gerald Leciejewski - WWII

Joseph Lipiec - WWII

Albert Lucarelli - WWII

John Lynch - WWII

Florian Mack - Vietnam

Lawrence Walerian Mack - Korea

Joseph Mantell - WWII

James Masek - WWII

Gerald L. McCandless - WWII

Jeffrey McCandless - Vietnam

Edmund Milczewski - WWII - died in the line of duty

Joe Miller - WWI

John Miller - WWI

Ralph Mayer Miner

Guy Mitchell - Vietnam

Thomas Hunt Morrill - Vietnam

Daniel Movens - WWII

William Mycoski - WWII

Joseph Nagy - WWII

Elmer J. Newness - WWII

Emilio Nobili - WWI

Henry Nobili - WWII

Michael C. Nowak - WWII

Michael R. Nowak - Vietnam

Ralph Nowak - WWII

Stanley Owens - WWII

Casimiro Pallini - WWI

Christopher Pavlik - Vietnam

Michael Pavlik - WWII

Alio Pellini - WWII

Harry Pellini - WWII

Larry N. Pellini - Peacetime

Arthur Perry - WWI

F.E. Peterson - WWI

Frank Anthony Piasecki

Joseph Piasecki - WWII

Charles Podolski - WWII

Edward Pritchard - Peacetime

Frank Przyborski - WWI

John Pytl - WWI

Edward (Joe) Robert Ranch - WWII

Peter Reali - WWI

Reno Reali - WWII

John Reiger - Peacetime

Peter J. Rhome - Vietnam

Robert T. Ryan

Thomas Sample - Vietnam

Steve Sandusky - WWII

Reno A. Santini - WWII

Julius Schmidt - WWI

Harry J. Schuman Sr. - WWI

Harry Melvin Schuman Jr. - WWII

Ray D. Schuman - WWII

Frank P. Schuschu - WWI

Robert D. Schuschu Sr. - WWII

Robert Schuschu Jr. - Vietnam

Victor Seskes - WWII

Roy Kingsbury Shatto - WWI

Otto William Shimerka - WWII

William Simer - WWII

Frank Slipota - WWII

Stanley Smith - WWII

Henry S. Smodich - WWII

Stanley Smolira - WWII

Anthony Smosarski - Korea

Raymond Smosarski Jr. - Cold War

Stanley Smosarski - WWII

Toji Sonoda - WWII

Mike Sroczynski - WWI

William Edward Stahlnecker - WWII

Clarence J. Stalzkowski - WWII

Joseph Stankiewicz - WWII

Edward F. Stawicki - WWII

Allen Paul Steiger - WWII

Arthur Steiger - WWI

Lewis C. Steiger - WWII

Chester Suchocki - WWII

Dennis Suhy - Vietnam

George A. Suhy - WWII

George M. Suhy - Vietnam

Charles D. Sweeney - WWI

Emigio Talani - WWI

Frank C. Talani - Vietnam

Frank P. Talani - Korea

Arthur Tallon - WWII

Jerome Traffis - WWII

John Harold Traverse - WWI

Luigi Trevisani - WWI

Victor P. Trevisani - WWII

Frank Trusso Sr. - Korea

Frank Trusso Jr. - Iraq

Vincent Trusso

Terrance M. Tyna - Vietnam

Brad Unger - Desert Strike

Robert Uridel - WWII

Ludi Vaccher - WWII

Marco Jerry Vaccher - WWII

Attilio Vincenti -

William Vokac - Vietnam

Eric R. Waldemarson - Vietnam

Richard Wallace - Vietnam

Raymond Wasky - Vietnam

Max Wawrzyniak - WWI

Theodore Wawrzyniak - WWI

Harvey Weidner - WWI

Royal E. Weidner - WWI

Tony S. Wencke - WWII

Melvin Westhoven - WWII

Robert Wey - Vietnam

Terry Lee White - Vietnam

Charles F. Williams - WWII

Tony Wiskoff - WWI

William Wiskoff - WWII

Carl Wlotzko - WWI

Joseph Woltman - WWII

Fred Fritz Woodrick - WWII

Louis V. Woodrick - Korea

Joseph Zgrabik - WWI

Veterans of Foreign Wars

of the

United States

By the Authority of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States:

Be it Known, that Comrades (see below)

Having served honorably in the Army, Navy or Marine Corps of the United States of America in foreign wars

of the United States of America, are hereby authorized to organize and are constituted a Post in the

City of Cuyahoga Heights in the State of Ohio to be known as

Cuyahoga Heights Post NO. 6566 Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States.

In Witness Whereof, we have hereto set our hands and official seal of

the association this 26th day of April 1946

R M Haudy Jr. - Adjutant General Joseph M. Stack - Commander in Chief

Cleri M. Adorni

Albert J. Aguzzi

Raymo Antognozzi

Steve J. Baracz

Charles P. Berka

Leo N. Billi

James G. Bloam

John F. Bohdan

Joseph F. Boing

Harry G. Bricker

Ferdinand L. Casavecchia

Eugene R. Crombine

Frank J. Crooks

Joseph L. Crooks

Lester G. Davis

Ralph L. Davis

Edward I. Domzalski

Harold F. Dunham

Howard L. Farrar

Kenneth L. Farrar

Guido J. Fontana

George A. Gallitz

Bruno Guidotti

Chester L. Gutkowski

John L. Hanousek

Harold H. Heckman

Ernest Knaack

Gerald L. McCandless

Elmer J. Newness

Steve N. Lesiak

Henry Nobili

Reno A. Santini

Ray D. Schuman

Harry J. Schuman Sr.

Harry M. Schuman Jr.

Frank P. Schuschu

Robert D. Schuschu

Roy K. Shatto

Charles D. Sweeney

Victor P. Trevisani

Tony L. Wencke

(Click on Images below to enlarge)