nairn curling club

Scroll Down This Season's NEWS

30th June 2024


Nairn Curling Club can be proud that one of its own has been inaugurated as President of the governing body for Scottish Curling at its Annual General Meeting on Saturday 29th June.    

North curlers  will know that Ali is a good choice.  He has all the qualities which make up the complete Curler.  Firstly, the blood-line stretches back four generations - his Great-grandfather curled for Auldearn before Nairn CC was founded some 117 years ago, and his Grandfather and Father were Nairn members.  He is mostly a skilful curler (he skipped the RCCC Rinks Champion Rink in 2002), but whatever the circumstances he doesn't let  the fun go out of the game.  His enthusiasm has resulted in the organisation of many 'curling tours' to Europe including Spain,  and notably the Club's  memorable Centenary Tour to British Columbia.  In 2008 he was Vice-captain of the RCCC Touring Team to Switzerland.

Very few of us can be blessed with the skills of an elite curler, and  Ali is an example of how to enjoy the game to the max.  Nairn curlers made him an Honorary Member in 2022.

One can't help feeling that if all curlers approached the game like Ali, then Curling would be in a better place.   He has all our Very Best Wishes for a successful Presidential Year!

Photo:  Paul Macdonald

29 June 2024

25th March 2024

David C Brown  1957 - 2024

The Club has received the sad news of the passing of former member David Campbell Brown, at the age of 66.  David was the son of Sheena and Nairn curling legend Eric F Brown. 

The family home in his early years was Chattan Lodge, directly opposite the Club's outdoor rink at that time.  At the age of 13 he played in the Hughie Robertson rink that won the 1969 Junior Opening Bonspiel at Aviemore.  David was a member of Nairn Curling Club from 1975 to 1990, and from 1994 until 2010, when arthritis forced him to give up the game.  In the 1998-99 season he won the David Brown Shield, presented in his birth year 1957, by his grandfather to mark the Club's Jubilee.  As a skilful curler his services were much in demand in the Moray Province West Leagues.

David was also a member of Nairn Golf Club, and a low handicap golfer from a young age.  He was a keen sportsman with a pleasant relaxed attitude that made him a pleasure to play with or against .

The Club's thoughts and condolences are with his family and his sister Carol at this sad time.

20th March 2024

Exciting MILLENNIUM Final

The semi-final ties were played on early evening ice.   SGL winner Murray Urquhart eliminated John Bochel 8-3, and Alan Bulcraig did likewise to Angus Forbes 4-2.

Murray's good form continued in the first end of the final which followed, with a score of 4.  Alan fought back with a 2, and Murray replied with a single.   Alan took advantage of the 'hammer' to score a 3,  then took a single without last stone  advantage to ease ahead 6-5.  Murray then took a single, squaring the game but giving up last stone advantage going into the final end.  "Commeth the hour, commeth the man", and Alan played a 'hit and sit' through a port to take a match-deciding single.

President Paul Macdonald congratulates skip  Alan Bulcraig, with (L to R) Alan Scott (3rd), Alex Bochel (2nd) and Ian Hutcheson (lead)

3rd March 2024

NEWS Round-up

 SGL -The 2023-24 Sandy Gunn League has been won by Murray Urquhart's team with a game to spare.  However, there was exciting competition between six other teams for the final three Millenium Trophy places!.  The outcome can be found here.  The Club President managed his first SGL win with one game to spare!

The Tamnavulin - The trophy played for annually between the Blue Blazeratti and Area 13 was won by Area 13 with Nairn supplying nearly 50% of the team.  This is the last year it will be played as The Tamnavulin, as the competition has new sponsors - Gordon & McPhail's new Cairn Distillery at Grantown-on-Spey.  The event will be known as The Cairn Trophy.

Picture (Courtesy of Brenda McIntyre and Scottish Curling) shows RCCC President & Vice-president,  curlers and new sponsors with the trophy.

The Dalcross Needle - Bragging rights over our neighbours returned to Nairn on the 22nd February .   The result was a +15 shot victory.         The evening was rounded off with s sit-down meal in the best traditions of curling, with a not so traditional curry at Cinnamon Indian Restaurant.

New Scottish Curling Development Manager - Congratulations to Club member Faye McInnes on her appointment as Curling Development Manager for the North-east of Scotland.  Like her father Mike, Faye is a Level 2 SC Coach and an enthusiastic supporter of the game.  In 2018 SC nominated  her as one of 8 young people to take part in their Future Leaders programme.  She is also a Scottish Field Archery Champion, and has competed internationally at archery.

Inverness Ice Centre has lacked the services of a development manager in recent years, so we look forward to Faye making a difference!

Seniors and Masters Leagues - These are well supported by Nairn "oldies" with some success.   The 2023/24 Masters (over 60's) was won by Alan Stanfield, Harold Forrester, Nichol Bathgate and Bob Robertson (Carrbridge).   Third place was a team skipped by Peter Duncan.   In the 2023/24 Seniors League  (over 50's)  Seamus McArdle's team finished third.  An enjoyable closing bonspiel of "Pot Lid Curling" was held where teams were picked from players of both leagues and the winning team was skipped by Harold Forrester.

10th February 2024

Nairn Bags a Double at Area 10 Bonspiels

The Number 13 Area of the RCCC, which includes Clubs from as far North as Sutherland, and as far east as Moray, held its two Annual Bonspiels last Saturday, and rinks from Nairn Curling Club lifted both trophies.

Pictured opposite is Jamie Cattell  and his rink on the left, with the Bookless Quaich.  Gus Forbes with the MacGregor Kettle, and his rink on the right.

Congratulations Boys.  .........and Cheers!

27th January 2024

A Historic Dinner & Court

Nairn Curling Club's first Dinner & Court was a joint event with Auldearn CC, held in the Royal Hotel in March 1909.  The event was biennial, then later run by the Nairnshire Curling Association, and none were held during the two World Wars.

The Club has held a Dinner & Court every year since 1956, making this year the 68th consecutive event, and it was surely one of the best.  There was a record breaking attendance of 115, and the Stoup was rouped for a record four figure sum.  

The organising committee deserve all credit for ensuring the historic traditions of the ancient curling societies continue to be maintained to a high standard,  supported by curlers from wide areas of Scotland.

2024 Top Table & Speakers

Alex Scott (Match Sec), Michael Green (Jack Frost), Danny Grey (Sec.,Treas.), Gus Forbes (Vice-pres.), Paul Macdonald (Pres,), Jimmy Raeburn (Pres.RCCC), Stephen Laurie (Neighbouring Clubs), Neil MacArthur (Moray Prov.Pres.), Gavin Wreath ( Reply NC), and Jim Mackenzie (Piper to the Court).

24th January 2024

The Match Cup -  "Granpa grannies Granpa"

Beaten finalist, Ali Asher' provided this snappy headline as he came off the ice after a 5 - 0 defeat to Alan Stanfield !

So ended this season's Nairn CC's annual singles competition.  In a well organised and enjoyable competition, sixteen Club members battled through four mini leagues to provide four semi-finalists.  Ali Asher beat Dean Clark, and Alan Stanfield beat Neil Pottie.

Many congratulations to the Winner, and a gold star to Steven Laurie who acted as Match Secretary for the event.

President Paul Macdonald presents the Cup to Alan.

Photo: Harold Forrester

19th December 2023

David Brown Jubilee Shield

Entries were low and call-offs high for this year's competition.  The Match Secretary took these difficulties in his stride and the rules were modified to allow the 18 entries to play 3 matches.  Three close games were played,and the result was a 3 shot victory for the rink of Stephen Laurie, Eric Behrendt and Stewart Morrison. The winning rink is pictured with President Paul Macdonald.

Photo: Neil  Watson

7th December 2023

Park Cup Final - A Change of Fortunes !

Subscribers to the Club's "WhatsApp" group had the benefit of up-to-date coverage of this year's exciting final.  Paul Macdonald posted a stirring introduction to the combatants, then posted texts describing the state of play throughout the game.   These texts were interspersed with video shots of the highlights, (home end only - his phone doesn't have a telephoto lens!), accompanied by some background commentary and punditry.   All added to the entertainment of the event.

The game began with Gus Forbes's rink making a solid start.  They won three of the first four ends and were leading 4 - 2, when Alex Bochel's rink woke up and stole a six at the fifth end to take an 8 - 4 lead going into the sixth and final end.  Gus had an outside chance to square the match with his last stone, but could only manage to salvage a single.

Congratulations, not only to the winners but to all who took part in an event worthy of a Nairn CC Park Cup Final !

Thw Winners (pictured) are :  Alan Morton (3), Neil Mapes (L), Alex Scott )Skip), and Neil Pottie (2).

Photo: Paul Macdonald

21st November 2023

"The Points"  Results

This year's winner of the Club's oldest trophy, The Whitelaw Kettle is Peter Duncan, a previous winnwe from the 2009-10 season.  Peter was clear of the field with 41 points, followed by Gus Forbes with 32, and Dean Clark in third place with 31 points.      The Handicap section was won by Erich Behrendt, and Hamish Clark won the "Draw tothe Bottle".  Congratulations to the winners, well done to all who competed and many thanks to the Match Secretary for making the arrangements!

Gus Forbes presents the Points Trophies to ( L to R ) :      Peter Duncan,   Erich Behrendt,  and Hamish Clark

Photos:  Dean Clark

18th November 2023

Annual Eric Brown Nairn Curling Club Bonspiel

Nairn Curling Club spent a very enjoyable Saturday entertaining  fellow curlers from around the North at this event, held in memory of one of its famous members, the late Eric F Brown.  As well as stalwarts from as far afield as Loch Ard and Newtonmore, this year saw the apperance of a rink from Auldearn.   Alas, the original Auldearn Club, founded in 1885 and the mother club of Nairn "townies" back in the day, folded around 1947, so it was good to see a rink guided by Neil Campbell competing under its banner.

This year a further trophy, in addition to the Eric Brown Cup was competed for.    The Macarthur Cup, donated to the now defunct Nairnshire Curling Association by the late David A Macrthur of Ardclach in 1963 , was awarded to the highest up Nairnshire rink in the competition, thereby evoking memories of another great curler from days gone by.

The day's arrangements were capably carried out by  Match Secretary Gus Forbes and the Club's committee.  Amazingly, Gus and his rink managed to lift both pots!   ( - and no word of a Steward's Inquiry!).

Other prize-winners were:

"Neeps":       Ernest Nicolson

Low Road Winners:   Dougie Telfer, Loch Ard

Runners-up:     G Warburton, Loch Ness 

Winners.  Eric Brown Trophy and Macarthur Cup:  Gus Forbes.

Winners All The Way:   NCC President with L to R:  Gus Forbes, John Bochel, Alex Bochel and Stephen Laurie

Pictures by Paul, Eck and Ally

27th October 2023

2023-23 Season Underway

The Sport is facing hard times at the moment.  Membership of the National Body is falling and ice rinks are facing a tsunami of rising costs, but Nairn Curling Club and Inverness Ice Centre are showing resilience.

President Paul Macdonald has instigated a drive for new members.  Four have already been signed up - a big welcome to Craig Smith, Andrew Gow, Andrew Burgess and Pierre Bonnin - and there are three more in the pipeline!

To help save costs, the Ice Centre has shortened the curling season, which will now finish in early March. This means the Club's normal fixture list has to be squeezed into a shorter time-frame.  This makes the match secretary's job no easier, and members who postpone games should try to re-arrange them as soon as possible.

Further Diary Dates are:

Dennis Ice Bowl  -  Saturday 16 December 2023  -  Inverness Ice Centre

Macgregor Kettle  -  Saturday 10 February 2024  -  Inverness Ice Centre

Nairn CC David Brown Shield - now Tuesday 19 December 6.45pm.

5th September 2023

Autumn General Meeting

This was held in the Bulmer Room at Nairn Golf Club, and despite a large number of apologies, was just quorate.   The proposed amendments to the  Club's constitution were passed, and Angus Forbes appointment as Match Secretary for one year was approved.    Alan Bulcraig and Alex Bochel become Club skips for the Sandy Gunn League and the Park Cup respectively.   The Annual Subscription is increased to £35, in line with the RCCC subscription, and members are reminded that subscriptions are payable payable by October 7th.

Dates for the diary are:

Eric Brown Bonspiel. -  Saturday 18th November 2023. -  Inverness Ice Centre

NCC Annual Dinner & Court - Saturday 27th January 2024 - Muthu Newton Hotel

After the meeting, skips met to select rinks for the Park Cup and Sandy Gunn League competitions.