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March 2012 Competition Round-up

A busy four weeks saw the destiny of four club trophies decided.

In the Singles competition, there was, for the first time, fewer than 16 entrants. After keen comjpetition, the final was between Alan Stanfield and Neil Pottie. With his last stone of the game, Alan snatched defeat from the jaws of victory with a classic 'silent strike' so the honours went to Neil Pottie

The Sandy Gunn League final games saw the title go to the rink of Michael Green, Hamish Clark, Frank Milne and Ron Cameron, who managed to edge out Donald McInnes on Shot difference.

The Top Four SGL Teams met in the play off for the Millennium Trophy. In the 1 v 4 game, Jim Clark beat Michael Green, and in the 2 v 3 game Donald McInnes beat Dave Wickenden.In the Clark v McInnes final, the Clark rink started well, winning the first two ends. However, the McInnes rink with Ali Asher, Dan Torok and Andy Orlinski dug in and put up a spirited fightback, eventually emerging as comfortable winners.

The last trophy to be competed for in the 2011-12 season was the David Brown Jubilee Shield.

This competition gives those who have not skipped before a taste of being alone in the 'house' - totally responsible for the success or failure of the team !

The brave man skipping the winning rink, which included Dean Clark, Jim Clark and Ian Fraser was Alan Paul.

Outing to Prague

Of the three Nairn teams who entered the 'Flying Stones Bonspiel', one team (skipped by Ewan MacDonald) played their way into the final round of games. Unfortunately they came up against a local Czech rink skipped by the internationally experienced Czech champion, Jiri Snitil, and succumbed 6 shots to 4, thereby missing out on the big prize money. They did, however win enough to (quote Ali Asher) "..stand everybody a good feed!"

Those who wish to study the results (and brush up on their Czech) can find them at

Park Cup Decided

Congratulations to Dean Clark and his rink of Alex Scott, Nichol Bathgate and Paul McIvor in winning the 2011-12 Park Cup. In what appears to have been a slaughter of the lambs, commiserations to Donald McInnes in his first year as a club skip, David Torrance, Alan Main and Fraser Fotheringham .

Many thanks to George Pirie for this photo of the winners:


Nairn Dinner & Court

Cameraman: George Pirie Director: Gregor Munro

January 2012 Nairn Skip wins Inverness CC Bonspiel

Congratulations to Bob Pottie who skipped a winning rink in the invitational Inverness CC bonspiel recently.

Remarkably, Bob's rink included an 89 year-old lady wheelchair curler ! Followers of form are asking what's holding back the Pottie province rink then?

January 2012 Nairn CC at Bookless Trophy

Nairn CC was represented at the Area 10 Bookless Bonspiel by a rink skipped by John Anderson, with Ryan Asher at 3rd, Donnie McLeod at 2nd and vice-president Hamish Clark at lead.

Their first game against an Inverness rink skipped by Ormond Smith resulted in a three shot victory. In the second game, Elgin CC were beaten by five shots, to give Nairn a shots up total for the competition of 8 shots.

Alas, this was not enough to win the bonsiel, as Ballindalloch managed a total of 15 shots up - their first game opponents going down by 12 shots.

The result was Nairn were runners-up - a creditable performance for a competition open to all clubs in the Royal Caledonian Curling Club's Area 10 - an area covering all the Provinces in the North of Scotland.

Jan2 2012 - McGonnagall Report & Tour Update

Ali Asher reports that the MCGonnagall Dinner went well, with 60 attending and just over £400 raised for the 2012 Tour. The speakers performed well, and the 'Trip to Kingsmills' got an airing - although not composed by McGonnagall.

The 2012 Tour to the 'Flying Stones' Bonspiel is still going to plan. The party has been made up to 12 with the inclusion of Ewan MacDonald. Ewan is well known for his easy smile, good nature, sense of humour and, along with his brothers, a great capacity for enjoying life. The fact that he has curled before is an added bonus. The formalities to make him fully eligible as a member of Nairn CC will be concluded before the party leave on March 1st.

The Flying Stones Trophy can be followed at

Mcgonnagall Dinner - Book Now!

Michael Green states that tickets have gone well, and there are less than 20 places left for what promises to be a fun-packed evening.

While much of this evening will be "in reverse", do not be like Bob Pottie and think you can make your reservation after the event has taken place!

December 2011 The POINTS

The annual "points" competition for the Club's oldest trophy, the kettle donated by it's first president, William Whitelaw, took place at the Inverness Ice Centre on Friday 16th December.

Last year's winner, Dean Clark, was successful in retaining the trophy, but with a reduced total.


Points Winnner: Dean Clark (38)

Runners-up : Bob Pottie & Alex Scott (33)

Handicap : Greg Christie

Draw to the Bottle: Mike McInnes

Points Winner 2011-12 - Dean Clark

Points Handicap Winner 2011-12 - Greg Christie

26 Nov 2011 Eric Brown Bonspiel

Alex Scott, Past Match Secretary and Master Bonspiel Organiser, was responsible for the arrangements for this year's Eric Brown Bonspiel.

The format was Nairn, aided by Nairn Ladies and the might of Ardclach, versus Inverness Hospitals, Highland, Dalcross, Loch Ard, Loch Ness, Kingsmills, Tain, Elgin, Ross-shire Ladies and Ballindalloch, in the first session, then highest-up played highest up in the second session, with consolation prizes for those who only managed one victory.

The 'twist' for this year's event was that all competitors had to be fully acquainted with the Rules of The Game, otherwise a financial penalty was incurred. RCCC Umpires Alan Stanfield and Harold Forrester imposed fines on transgressors, and £41 was raised and donated to Highland & Moray Junior Curlers.This serious slant did not prevent a good time being had with friends old and new.

Snapshots of the day can be seen in the album under 'Photo Galleries'.

Particularly happy was the rink from Loch Ness Curling Club skipped by Neil Gallacher who some how managed to amass enough shots to be winners on the day.

3 Oct 2011 - Nairn - Area 10 Champions

Moray Province East, Grampian Province and Sutherland Province to carry off the North of Scotland Area 10 Championship. Ali was assisted by Robbie Cope(1), James Clark(2) and Colin MacGregor(3). That makes three in a row, and a five times winners since 2004.

Congratulations Guys!

2 Sep 2011 Prague - Here we come !

With ten committed individuals already, plans are well in hand now for the Club outing to the Flying Stones Bonspiel in Prague, from March 1 - 5. Only two places remain - so if you are still thinking about it - contact Ali Asher on 01667 456044.

To help with the costs of exporting mementos etc to the Czec Republic, a McGonagall Dinner will be held in the Nairn Golf Club on 29th December. More details to follow.

2 Sep 2011 - Autumn General Meeting

There was a lower than normal attendance at the Club's Autumn General Meeting, held at The Nairn Golf Club on 30th August.

Highlights were as follows:

      • Five new membership applications were approved
      • This season's Dinner & Court will be on Feb 4th 2012
      • There will be eight teams in this season's SGL, and ten in the Park Cup
      • The first SGL game is on Sept 21st
      • In the event of a club competition being tied, all competitions will be decided firstly on shots scored, then on ends, and if still tied - a shoot-out to 'the bottle'.
      • Hamish Clark and Mike McInnes will be running a coaching session for club members towards the end of September.
      • It was agreed to investigate the use of 'teamer' ( ) as an aid for the Match Secretary.
      • Due to changes within the Royal Club, other options for the Club's website are being looked at.
    • It was agreed to donate £200 to the Lees Painting Restoration appeal.