


The Scenarios view lists all of the scenarios from games you have scored on this device, as well as standalone scenarios you have diagrammed. Each scenario is listed by name. Scenarios where you did not enter a name are presented with the date and time the scenario was created.


You can organize scenarios in folders. Folder names can be anything you like. The Scenarios view lists the same folders as the Games list view.

scenarios list menu

Menu items appear at the top of the Scenarios List screen.

  • Move up to a parent folder

  • Add a new scenario

  • Add a new folder

creating a scenario

To place rocks when creating a new scenario, touch and hold a rock of the desired colour. Drag it to the place you want, and let go. Once positioned, rocks can be moved to a new position in the same manner.

A toolbar at the bottom of the screen provides options to:

  • Name the scenario

  • Enter details about the scenario

  • Flip the orientation of the sheet (useful when diagramming a scenario at the away end)

  • Change the colours of the house and rocks

  • Remove markup, in the reverse order it was added

  • Add markup

  • Share the scenario, using any sharing app your device supports

adding a note

When adding a note, you can specify:

  • Who has hammer this end

  • Whose shot it is (and which shot it is)

  • Our colour

  • Which end it is

  • The score

  • A note indicating the reason for the scenario, i.e., the "learning opportunity"

Setting colours

You can choose to set the colours of each team's rocks, as well as the colours of the four foot and twelve foot.

You can also select the line colour for any markup drawn on the scenario.

drawing markup

You can draw as many lines as you like using the markup tool.

To remove markup, use the remove tool to erase the markup lines in the reverse order they were added.