
Games List


The Games view lists all of the games you have scored on this device. Each game name is listed. Games where you did not enter a name are presented with the date and time the game was created as the game name.


You can organize games in folders. Folder names can be anything you like. Group games by season, event, pool play vs. playoffs, etc. Games can be moved from one folder to another easily.


Menu items appear at the top of the Games List screen.

  • Move up to a parent folder

  • Add a new game

  • Add a new folder

  • Import shared games

Details menu

Open the details menu for a game or folder, then you can choose to:

  • Move

  • Rename

  • Recap

  • Delete

  • Share

You can recap or share a single game or a group of games. This allows you to recap or share an entire season or event. Sharing allows you to distribute the game (or group of games) with another user.

Game details

The first step to scoring a game is to fill in the game details.

Enter a name to help you remember which game this is - if you decide to leave this blank it will be filled in with the current date and time.

You can also enter the location, opponent, date and time for the game.

Each game can be included in multiple groups. For example, you can set up a group for playoff games, morning games, or games against a particular opponent. You can then recap these groups independently of their original group.

Check the Doubles box to indicate that this is a Mixed Doubles game.

Choose how many ends your team is playing, and who has hammer in the first end.

You can choose to score both teams, or only your team. Once this option has been set, you cannot change it for this game.

You can choose to chart every shot throughout the game, or not. If you decide not to chart every shot you can still diagram a scenario as it happens. These scenarios appear in the Scenarios list. Scenarios that are charted shot-by-shot do not appear in the Scenarios list. Once this option has been set, you cannot change it for this game.

Set the rock colours, enter ice conditions and any other game notes.

player details

Enter the player names for both teams, the rock numbers they're throwing, and if a player is left-handed.

For a mixed doubles game, only two players will appear.

Using the menu items at the top of the screen you can save a team as your favourite, or delete the favourite team.

scoring a game

Each end is scored shot-by-shot. The end details tab starts with the first shot of the game, and you can progress through the shots of the game using the next and previous shot buttons. You can progress end-by-end using the next and previous end buttons.

Mixed Doubles

For a Mixed Doubles game, at the beginning of each end you can choose the initial placement of the rocks, and who is throwing first for each team.

To move the placement of the rocks, use the buttons to move left or right to indicate a power play, or up or down to adjust the guard distance. You can also swap the guard and rock in the house.

For more information, check out the World Curling Federation's Mixed Doubles rules:

Shot Details

The current end, player and shot are displayed at the top of the screen. Players appear with the names you entered in the Player Details tab. If you didn't enter names, the players appear as "Our first", "Our second", etc. and if you are scoring both teams, the opposition players appear as "Their first", "Their second", "Their third" and "Their fourth".

To score a shot, select the turn and call. You can enter a called weight and actual weight for either a draw or hit. Use the "weight zone" numbers for draws (0 - 10) or choose a hit weight from the list - Back line, Hack, Board, Control, Normal, Peel or Throw through. If you choose Throw through, the shot is not counted towards the shooting percentage for the player (as long as the called weight was also Throw through).

You can specify a shot type for each of Guard, Draw and Hit.

Enter the score for the shot, out of four. You can choose to score a bonus point for an outstanding shot.

If you want to track a team's performance after a timeout, check the "Timeout called on this shot" box.

If you don't want to count a shot, check the "Don't count this shot" box. This is useful for an intentional throw-through, or if you don't want to penalize a player for a pick or a burned rock. You can also use this for the case when the skip doesn't throw their last rock but you still count points for an end.

Enter any notes for the shot, then move on to the next shot of the end. If you are scoring both teams, the next shot will be for the opposite team.

Recording the End Score

When you reach the last shot of the end the score fields appear. Enter the score for your team or the other team, as appropriate, then move on to the next end. If this is the last end you can go right to the game recap. If the score is tied in the last end, moving on to the next end will create an extra end automatically. For a blank end, leave the scores at zero for both teams.

real-time stats

You can view the up-to-the-minute stats for a player using the [%] button. On any shot, touch the button to open a popup window that shows the current percentages. The current shot is not included in the stats.

rock positions

You can associate a scenario with the current shot by touching the Scenario tab. When you are finished editing the scenario, touch the End tab to return to scoring the game.

A (*) indicates a scenario has been associated with this shot.

If you are charting every shot, these scenarios are only visible when moving shot by shot through a game.

If you are not charting every shot, these scenarios are visible in the Scenarios List, available from the main app screen.

game recap

The game recap function displays the score and summaries for each player and the entire team. Shooting percentages are listed for draws and hits, in-turns and out-turns, and overall totals. A line score and efficiencies are also listed.

You can choose to display the game recap at any point in the game; for example, if you are curious how things are going after two ends, you can simply touch the Game recap tab, then go back to scoring the game.

You can view more details using the spreadsheet button, and share via email or any other app on your device. An Excel-compatible spreadsheet is attached to the share information. The spreadsheet contains the raw shot-by-shot data that was scored.

If you have scored both teams, each team will be presented in a separate tab. You can switch between teams by touching the "Our team" and "Their team" tab headers.

game recap - efficiencies

Scoring Efficiencies

Hammer efficiency is calculated as the percentage of ends that your team scored two points or more when you had the hammer.

Force efficiency is calculated as the percentage of ends that your team forced the other team to a score of less than two when they had the hammer.

Steal efficiency is calculated as the percentage of ends that your team stole when the other team had the hammer.

Steal defence is calculated as the percentage of ends that your team prevented a steal when you had the hammer.

Make After Miss

Our make after our miss counts the number of shots made (scored 3 or more) after our team missed (scored 2 or less).

Our make after their miss counts the number of shots made (scored 3 or more) after their team missed (scored 2 or less).

Note: the "makes" and "misses" start over each end.