Interpreter Strips

Around the world Cub Scouts are known by many names, Wolves, Beavers & Joeys are just a few of them.  Customs and traditions may be very different but we have a lot in common with our scouting friends.  One of the ways of learning respect for different cultures is to earn an Interpreter strip.  A scout can also earn a strip for learning American Sign Language

The requirements for these awards are as follows:

1. Carry on a 5-minute conversation in this language. 2. Translate a 2-minute speech or address. 3. Write a letter in the language (Does not apply for sign language) 4. Translate 200 words or more from the written word. Youth and Adult members (Cub and Webelos Scouts, plus registered Adult Leaders) may wear this strip centered above “The Boy Scouts of America” on the uniform.  More than one strip can be earned and worn.

* The strips shown are examples there are many more available.