DerbyMaster Notes


Pack 95 has two software packages associated with the Pinewood Derby.

The setup files for this software, along with a necessary password file, are saved in the DerbyMaster section of Google Docs (accessible only by leaders).

Install the DerbyMaster 7.0 software. Please note the location DerbyMaster installs itself. It will install itself in C:\Program Files\Enterprising Ideas\DerbyMaster by default – not a very intuitive location.


In order to eliminate the need to type in all the registrants’ names on Derby day, it’s possible to pre-register the Cubs. The goal of the pre-registration step is to create a tab-delimited text file with each line containing information for each registrant in a format that looks like this:

68 John Doe Tiger Den 2

Note that the information fields are car number, name, rank, and den with each field separated by a single tab character. The text file will be created by beginning with a report generated by PackMaster and then manipulating the data using both MS Word and Excel. To easily get a list of all Cub names, generate a ‘Custom Report of Scouts’ from PackMaster. The specific data format is:

Save the file in either *.rtf or *.txt format. The report needs to be generated for all the Cubs in the Pack. Therefore, this report must be generated by the Adult having PackMaster pack-wide permission (i.e. the Awards Coordinator).

DerbyMaster Setup

Derbys are organized by ‘projects’ in DerbyMaster. A project is nothing more that a saved set of setting and Racer names, stored in a text file. You have two choices for creating a project file:

Assuming you’ve chosen the first option, then open Derbymaster. You will see command buttons, which generally open configuration windows, and tabs. It’s very important to realize that the settings in both the configuration windows and tabs are stored in a Project. (Note: DerbyMaster requires the ENTER key after every data input – it will not accept a TAB).

a. Derby Options.  Configure these values:

·        Organization –> Cub Scouts

·        Ranks –> Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos I, Webelos II (it’s OK if there are unneeded ranks listed)

·        Print Header Line 1 –> PACK 95

·        Print Header Line 2 – 2004 PINEWOOD DERBY (use the current calendar year)

·        Display Format for Driver Information -> Car Number Last Name (this choice controls the information shown on the Full Screen Display mode projected on the wall)

b. Finish Line.  Configure these values:

·        Computer Connection –> Fast Track by Micro Wizard

·        Communication Port –> whichever you are using on your computer. (Error messages may result from Palm Pilot software; just shut down the Hot SyncManager).

·        Auto Reset Time –> 45 sec (experience showed this was about the right amount of time to display the results before the next run, though you might want to shorten it when testing)

·        Maximum Race Time –> 20 sec.  This allows enough time to manually push cars across the track which don’t make it to the Finish Line (or to manually trigger dummy lanes).

3. This is a good time to Save the File. Give it a meaningful name like “2009 Pinewood Derby Project” and remember which directory you store it in.

4. Tab Settings

a. Registration Tab.  Add a placeholder driver name of “Zzzz”, using car number 1 and entering a “Den/Patrol” value of 1. This is just placeholder data that will be deleted after the actual names are imported later.  Save the file.

b. Track Tab.

                                                              i.      Number of Lanes –> 6.  Remember to press the ENTER key after putting in the number. 

                                                            ii.      Time per Race – 2.  When racing by Rank, experience has shown that 2 minutes, while seeming like much too long is actually a good estimate to cover the Pledged of Allegiance and racing; including mistakes, tie breakers, protests, software reboots, etc.

                                                          iii.      Number of Rounds –> 2 (assuming the standard scheduling method is to be selected below).   This input obviously has a huge impact on the length of racing time.

                                                           iv.      Included Cars. This provides a way to subset the data and just run one or two ranks at a time. If you have a separate project for each rank (or subset of ranks) then you can just use the default, in which case of all ranks are included.

                                                             v.      Derby Summary.  The most significant data here is the projection of the Time per Round and Time per Derby.  Use it in conjunction with the Schedule Tab and the Included Cars option to estimate the length of each race and establish a Race Schedule.

c. Schedule Tab.

                                                              i.      Choose the scheduling method, which we usually set to Standard.  Note that after selecting a scheduling method, returning to the Track Tab will project the Time per Round and Time per Derby. 

d. Race Tab.

                                                              i.      Displays the standings for the current race only (there is nothing to configure here as part of the setup). We didn’t use this screen at all. It is intended for use in displaying the final results for awards, but we found it better to have the MC announce the awards.

e. Standings Tab.

                                                              i.      This is the cumulative results table, which should not be displayed to the public (no scout wants to see his name at the bottom of the standings list).  The standings are sorted by the column with the *, be sure you have chosen the correct column to sort against!! Generally speaking, the column to sort against is “Avg”, which is the average race time for each car.

                                                            ii.      See the DerbyMaster Help screen for a poor description of this critically important screen.  Depending on which column you sort on, the race results will change.

5. Add a placeholder driver name of “Zzzz”, using car number 1 and entering a “Den/Patrol” value of 1. This is just placeholder data that will be deleted after the actual names are imported later. Save the file.

6. Creating Additional Projects (Part 1)

We found it useful to create a separate DerbyMaster project for each set of races (a qualifier and a final for each rank). This is done by making multiple copies of the project already created and later (in the next step) adding the pre-registration information to each one.

a. Save the file (note that by default the file is located in C:\Program Files\Enterprising Ideas\DerbyMaster).

b. Close the DerbyMaster application.

c. Create a set of subdirectories for storing the projects, with these names:

d. Put multiple copies of the project file into the “original” directory, with names indicating the ranks to be raced such as this (keep in mind that none of the pre-registration information has yet to be entered into the projects):

e. Repeat the next step (Adding Pre-Registration Data) for each of the ranks or sets of ranks that are to be raced against each other.

7. Adding Pre-Registration Data

The pre-registration steps are to be done once for each of the ranks or set of ranks that are to be raced against each other. Once for the tigers, once for the Webelos I and Webelos II (assuming they are racing each other), etc.

a. Save the file (note that by default the file is located in C:\Program Files\Enterprising Ideas\DerbyMaster).

b. Open the saved project file (e.g. “2009 Pinewood Derby Project Tiger”) with notepad or some other text editor (the file is in C:\Program Files\Enterprising Ideas\DerbyMaster by default).

c. Scroll down the file looking for the line representing the placeholder information you entered earlier:

1 Zzzz Wolf Den 1

d. Open the text file saved in the Pre-Registration section above (the file with all the names, car numbers, and ranks). Copy the portion of the Pre-Registration file that contains the rank(s) of interest (e.g., all the Tigers) and paste it immediately before the “Zzzz” name entry in the DerbyMaster project file. Make sure there are no blank lines between the “DerbyMaster_Registration” line and the first registrant pasted in.

e. Delete the placeholder name line (1 Zzzz Wolf Den 1). There must be one blank line after the last registrant and before the “DerbyMaster_Track” line.

f. Save the file.

g. Repeat for each of the ranks.

Note that after this you should be able to open each of the projects from within the DerbyMaster application and you should now see all the Pre-Registration data: Car number, Name, Rank, and Den Number. If the file failed to open, there is a data format error in the DerbyMaster Project file. Unfortunately, there are no helpful error messages. Go back to the steps above and check carefully, paying close attention to the number and location of blank lines.

7. Open the file in DerbyMaster, select the Track tab and then check the car ranks to include. In other words, check the Tiger option for the Tiger file, check the Webelos I and II options for the Webelos, etc

8. Creating Additional Projects (Part 2)

Now we will add project files to the “qualifiers” and “finals” directories previously created.

a. Copy all the project files in the “original” directory (e.g. “2009 Pinewood Derby Project Tiger”) into the “qualifiers” directory.

b. Copy all the project files in the “original” directory (e.g. “2009 Pinewood Derby Project Tiger”) into the “finals” directory.

The Big Day

On the day of the derby, here are some things to remember to bring:

Here is the sequence of events, which is duplicated for each rank or set of ranks (like the Webelos) run as a separate competition:

Prepare for the Qualifiers

Run the Qualifiers

Re-Run Race - If a problem occurs and a race needs to be re-run, click “Re-Run Last Race” on the full screen display. This button is discretely located in yellow near the bottom on the right side of the window. Note that this button will be grayed out during the “Auto Reset Time” period (45 seconds). Simply wait for the race “light” on the top of the screen to turn green, click on the yellow button, and run the race as before.

Ties - If there is a tie, DerbyMaster will tell you which cars and which lanes were tied. You must click OK and then rerun the race with only those cars and only in those lanes. DerbyMaster uses this as a tiebreaker, but the original times are used in the cumulative results (in other words, this does not give the tied cars another chance to get an even faster time).

Get the Results

Prepare for the Finals

Run the Finals

DerbyMaster Project Template

To use the template (an old DerbyMaster project) to create a new one follow these steps:


Copyright (C) 1998-2007 Enterprising Ideas

All Rights Reserved

DerbyMaster (TM) is a trademark of Enterprising Ideas









Webelos I

Webelos II












Let It Be Known That<CR><DRIVER><CR>Driving Car <#><CR>Has Been Awarded<CR><AWARD>















1          Zzzz     Wolf    Den 1





2 min
























0          Largest Car  

0          Smallest Car 

0          1st Place       

0          Most Colorful Car     

0          2nd Place      

0          Best Workmanship  

0          3rd Place      

0          Best Vehicle Not a Car       

0          Judge's Favorite Car           

0          Slowest Car  

0          Most Humorous Car

0          Most Unusual Car    

0          Best Detail    

0          Most Realistic Looking Car

0          Best Use of Imagination      
















C:\Program Files\Enterprising Ideas\DerbyMaster
















Paper Lane Sheets


Round 1




Round 2