
R Packages

ezsim (CRAN, GitHub, Vignettes)

ezsim provides a handy function to run simulation and examine its result.

Jmisc (CRAN, GitHub)

Some handy functions in R

SESHK - (GitHub, SESHK2011_0.3.3.tar.gz)

A package to load the SESHK2011 dataset.

simmen - Social Interaction Model with Multiple Endogenous Networks (GitHub, simmen_0.1.3.tar.gz)

Estimation code for "Type of Peers Matters: A Study of Peer Effects of Friends, Studymates and Seatmates on Academic Performance"

SocIntModel (GitHub, SocIntModel_0.1.1.tar.gz)

Estimates the Social Interaction Model with QMLE (method proposed by Lee, Liu and Lin(2010))