Characterization of the aggregation dynamics and the viscosity of blood in inflammatory diseases.

Aggregation is a characteristic of red blood cells (RBCs), which consists in the tendency of red blood cells to form organized stacked structures named rouleaux. The formation of these structures is related to macromolecules present in plasma (i.e. fibrinogen and dextran) which increase in concentration in certain inflammatory diseases, such as, allergies and rheumatic diseases. In the case of inflammatory diseases, the presence of an increase concentration of plasma proteins change the aggregation conditions of blood, therefore erythrocytes tend to sediment (settle) at a higher rate. The rate of sedimentation of erythrocytes is measured through a method called Erythrocytes Sedimentation Rate Test, which consist of measure the red blood cells descent in a standardized tube over a period of one hour. This method is still nowadays the most common diagnostic test to measure inflammation in hematology, however, it is indirect, long (1 hour) and it requires a high amount of sample. In this project we propose the development of an alternative analysis of inflammatory diseases, in a shorter time and using a small amount of sample by means of microfluidics technology.

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