Activities for Scholars

Noyce Scholars are required to attend three Noyce meetings and at least one conference or workshop each semester they are supported. Noyce Scholars will complete a feedback form after each event attended.

Fall 2020

  • Oct 2 Noyce meeting Introductions and Growth Mindset Survey
    • Oct 17-18th CASE meeting Survey
    • Nov 6-7th CSMP south meeting Survey
    • Nov 13 Noyce meeting -Survey
    • Dec 4 Noyce meeting





    • Knowles Teacher Initiative -The Knowles Teaching Fellows Program, the Foundation’s signature program, awards exceptional young men and women with five-year, early-career Fellowships, empowering them to become primary agents of educational improvement.
    • STAR program - STAR is a nine-week paid summer research experience program for aspiring K-12 STEM teachers
    • NASA MUREP Program - NASA Minority University Research and Education Project (MUREP) provides the opportunity to participate in a 5-day MUREP Educator Institutes at Jet


Dear Spring 2017 Noyce Scholars,

Please use the links next to the activities above to provide feedback for each Noyce event you participate in during the Spring 2017 semester. You should submit one form for each event. Thank you!

Dear Fall 2016 Noyce Scholars,

Please use the following link to provide feedback for each Noyce event you participated in during the Fall 2016 semester. You should submit one form for each event. Thank you!

Noyce Scholar Activity Survey - Fall 2016


Dear Spring 2016 Noyce Scholars,

Please use the following link to provide feedback for each Noyce event you participated in during the Spring 2016 semester. You should submit one form for each event. Thank you!

Noyce Scholar Activity Survey - Spring 2016


More to come!

Other Opportunities