California State University Northridge


Teacher Scholarship Program

The CSUN Noyce Program is supported by the National Science Foundation to support future math and science teachers working in high-need schools.

Noyce Applications are closed

Check out these other opportunities:

Noyce in the News! - 

Noyce Scholar Emily Pinto wins an Oustanding Student Teacher/Intern (OSTI) Award

Noyce Mentor Teacher Stefnie Evans is named the California League of Educators Region 8 Educator of 2024

CSUN Noyce Program to host GeoGebra Summer workshop

Noyce Alum Keiri Ramirez in LA Times

CSUN Presentations at the Western Regional Noyce Network Conference in Portland, Feb 2024.

CSUN Receives $1.2M NSF Noyce Grant 

Noyce Scholar Eligibility

Noyce Intern Eligibility 

The NSF Noyce Program is a national effort to encourage and support STEM scholars to join the teaching profession. CSUN Noyce scholars are part of this larger group. 

(look for CSUN Noyce alum Bryant Cooper in the video about Noyce)

CSUN Noyce

CSUN has been funded by the National Science Foundation Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program to encourage talented science, technology, engineering, and mathematics majors and professionals to become K-12 mathematics and science teachers.  

The CSUN Noyce Program Provides:

Eligibility Criteria & Application Process

Scholarships will be awarded to the most qualified applicants on the basis of academic merit. Consideration will also be given to financial need, persons with disabilities, and the need to increase the numbers of women and minorities in mathematics and science careers. Applicants must be willing to sign a detailed, legally appropriate payback agreement in the event that they do not complete their teaching obligation. 

Noyce Scholar & Intern Application Form 

"I view teaching as a means of giving back to my community by guiding students towards the path of higher education. Coming from the underrepresented community of Oxnard CA, I’ve witnessed the high demand for teachers who are looking to make an impact. For those reasons I hope to move back to my hometown and teaching the next generations to come. I hope to steer them towards higher education, and make a lasting impact in my community." Noyce Scholar

Why teach science or math?