Software Engineering For Everyone!

What should EVERYONE know about software engineering?

This workshop panel will identify a set of concepts about Software Engineering that we believe everyone should know, along with ways to publicly introduce those concepts. We will brainstorm, collect, and organize the concepts we think the public needs to know. We will also brainstorm stories, analogies, models, and learning approaches to use to publicize and spread these concepts. This workshop panel will develop a list of the top fifteen software engineering concepts the public needs to understand, along with a set of basic learning approaches (e.g., stories, analogies, simple models) to help them with that understanding, and the best ways to publicize and spread these concepts to the public.

Or, as the abstract from the proceedings puts it...

Abstract—This panel focuses on what topics and methods are needed to teach software engineering to the rest of the world, since software technology now touches everyone's lives. What does Joe Public need to know about software engineering, what are the best ways to expose them to those concepts and skills, and how do we plan to spread these basics beyond our boundaries, beyond our community of software engineering educators and trainers? The main results of this panel will be an identified list of the top concepts that need to be publicized, a set of approaches to making those concepts easy to learn for everyone, and a marketing or publicity plan to start that process.

Tuesday, Nov. 10, 10-12 (CET!)

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