
/** ---------------------------------------------   * RandomNumberExample.java  *   *     Show how the random number generator works in Java.  *   * System: Java 6, using Eclipse, on Windows 7  * Class: CS 102, Spring 2012  *   * @version January 19, 2012  * @author Dale Reed  *   * Running program gives:   Random number example program. 12 2 7 7 4 1 6 11 16 12 Done with program.  */  import java.util.Random;    // library for random number generation  public class RandomNumberExample {  Random randomNumberGenerator;  // declare the random number generator // Don't write code in main, rather chain off to another // method to avoid static errors.  This will make more // sense later in the semester. public static void main(String[] args) { RandomNumberExample instance = new RandomNumberExample(); instance.doIt(); }//end main() // Write your code in the method below void doIt() {         // Seed the random number generator using a fixed value of 1. // This way the random numbers created are the same each time program runs. // If you wanted it to be different each time, remove the 1 from the parenthesis.                 randomNumberGenerator = new Random(1);            // display identifying information System.out.println("Random number example program."); // generate and display 10 random numbers for( int i=0; i<10; i++) { // generate a random number in range 0..15, + 1 to put it in range 1..16 int randomNumber = randomNumberGenerator.nextInt(16) + 1;    System.out.println( randomNumber); System.out.println("Done with program."); }//end doIt() }//end class RandomNumberExample