

Lab Activity

Lab 14: Drawing Data Structures Pictures for Step 1,2 and Finish the Programing of the Step 3

Complete the program attached.  

1. The first two steps to draw a picture on paper to show what the list looks like (2pt).  (Drawing Only)

2. The third step to insert a node after a node   (1pt) (Coding)

Note: For example:

          Original Linked List:  'A' -> 'B' -> 'C' -> 'D' -> 'E'

          After insert X after C:    'A' -> 'B' -> 'C' -> 'X' -> 'D' -> 'E'

          In this programming, we only ask to insert a new node with 'X' after a node with 'C'.

          Student can loop in the main to find the Node with character 'C', and create a new node with character 'X' , then call the function and display it