


National Poetry Writing Month

Here I will write a poem for each day in April. They may be in English, Spanish, Japanese, or one of my many made up languages. Whatever strikes my fancy. Anything not in English will be translated by May 1.  

April 1

 Writing alone, hiding the light

A muse that must stay hidden

Silent scuffing of a pen across paper

Secret, silent, shadowed

Waiting for tomorrow's light

Others sleep, I create 

Moonlit poem

April 2


Snow into rivers

Rivers into roots

Roots into blossoms

Blossoms into fruit.


An early glimmer

Warm sun

 A cool breeze

Time passing

Death into life


Summer's fire does not yet burn

Autumn's strength is not yet heard

Winter's chill is now long past

The hope of time is here revealed


Cooling waters embrace us

Warming sun inspires

Blooming life awakens

This time when all begins


Here we see Creation

It happens daily now

The changes change us 

The new life creates us

We see time most clearly now


This time that is as time once was

Back when time began 

April 3

A parody of "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" based on someone misreading "twinkle" as "twinkie" 


Twinkie, twinkie, from snack bar

How unhealthy as you are

Filled with cream so warm and fresh

In a cake of heav'nly dough

Twinkie, twinkie, from snack bar

How unhealthy as you are

April 4 (my birthday)

Silent Meeting

"...and one is coming up behind you"

Last-spoken words 

A greeting

Trading names


In a flick of the wrist

No need of assistance

For language exchange

I have class, and she to a play

A first day's work,

Or a long one ending

Both are at ease

Interpreter watching 

This silent meeting

In which nothing was said

But all was understood


Wall of Shame 

I have here a little site

Designed to fit me just right

Full of thoughts and words  

To fight these battles I use no swords 

I play here in letters

I don't bother to emulate my betters

Instead I compose

Corny rhymes and prose

For what do you ask?

To make writing my primary task!

April 1, 2007 

Wall of Fame

(did you really expect anything here?)